Monday, September 20, 2010

Spencer at 4 months old

Spencer is so active these days.  He is sitting up on his own, rolling around, grabbing everything in sight, chewing on anything that fits in his mouth, and giggling.  I'm really enjoying this stage of life with him.  Whenever work is stressful all I have to do is look at Spencer's smiling face and everything seems better.  We are so blessed to have him in our lives.

  Now when I take a photo of him he instantly reaches for the camera.  It's so much harder to get a good photo these days.

One morning after our shower he was rolling around in the sheets and giggling.  I tried to get a photo but once the camera came out he stopped.  He's got some fascination with blankets/sheets.  He loves them on his face.  In fact he has to have a blanket over his face to fall asleep.  Don't worry I always remove it once he's asleep!  

Spencer got his first bump/bruise (on his forehead) but not on mommy's watch.  The story is that Casey set the carrier too close to the car door so when he opened the door it hit Spencer.  He didn't realize it until Spencer started crying.  I wasn't there which was probably better for everyone involved.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Spencer does in a day

Spencer starts his day by logging onto work with mommy.

Then after going to Zumba he plays dress up

Some days he goes on a walk.  Side note.......I've been trying to find a hat that fits his head but they all seem to be too big.  This one said it was infant size but I don't believe it.  

In the afternoon he takes a nap.

And then when daddy gets home he takes another nap.  This picture was taken after Casey raced in the 1/2 Ironman and Spencer had a fever.  Both my boys weren't feeling well at that time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spencer sitting up

With a little bit of help from the Bumbo chair Spencer is sitting up better and better each day.

Relaxing in Libby

After camping we stopped by Libby for a few days.  My parents loved spending time with Spencer and we enjoyed relaxing.  One afternoon all of us went fly fishing deep in the woods.  We drove as far as we could and then we rode the four wheeler the rest of the way.  It started out as a fun activity but then quickly turned into a competition - I won!  It's probably the only thing I can beat Casey at.  We typically catch and release the fish but this time we kept a few and cooked them over the fire before heading home.  They were delicious. 

Spencer loved playing with Uncle Josh's beard.

Grand Dad took every opportunity to hold Spencer.