Friday, August 9, 2013

Thinking from the past...

I have just been going through some pictures I took a while back and remembering the emotions and efforts that went into creating the images and working on them afterwards. What a beautiful and wonderful journey.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A new step.

Ding, Dong, the wedding bells are ringing! Hey everyone! I am so excited to say that I am now shooting weddings on my own!! A long ways back I was asked to photograph a couple of weddings and in the past 2 years have worked through another wedding company, but now am branching out completely! Please feel free to contact me or pass the word along to anyone who may be looking for a wedding photographer! I am also offering a great wedding package deal for anyone who books right now until the end of July! Shoot me an email and let's make your pictures come to life!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

NY in December!

We went last Monday to see Santa and the Rockefeller tree in NY and it turned out to be a perfect day. Not too cold, the lines weren't too long and we were with good company. :) A perfect day to get our spirits in the Christmas mood!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Just Grateful..

Dad and his munchkins, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.
Grateful for these guys..

Sisters, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.
Grateful for big sisters..

Ham it up, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.
Grateful for goofballs..

Sweet or not, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.
Grateful for sassy, little girls..

Little Miss Piper, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

Grateful for hugs..

McDaniel Family, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.
Grateful for Family!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012