Monday, September 27, 2010

Do you need family pictures for the holiday's?

Hey everyone! I just wanted to get the word out that I am now offering "Mini Sessions" and am back on track for regular family or couple sessions! I can't think of a better time to take pictures, than during the fall, when all the leaves are so colorful! And what better place, than on the East coast?
My Mini sessions include, 5 digital images and are short and sweet, being only 20-30 minutes long! If you haven't started thinking about getting some holiday pictures done, now is the perfect time! Plus, I am offering a special of $50 off the Mini Session price, if you book your session before Oct 18th! For more info on pricing, visit my photoblog

Hurry and book today, before the holiday's get crazy-busy! Email me at today!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The season of change..

Full bloom, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

The other day I looked out my apartment window and noticed the leaves were starting to change colors on me. All of the bright green colors are slowly fading into scarlett red and it made me want to grab my camera and run outside. So I did! And this is what I got! I love the fall!! ( I posted a couple more on my photo blog!)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Apple Pickers!

(Can you find me?)

Today we went with some of our good friends, apple picking at a nearby farm. It was a lot of fun picking our own apples! They were pretty big and looked crisp and tasty! It got my mouth thinking of a yummy toffee dip recipe my sister recently gave me...
It was also nice walking through the cooler, fall air today. It is funny how quickly the weather can turn. I think just yesterday, it was more humid and very hot, and then BAM, it is fall. I am really excited about the fall time here, especially with all of the beautiful trees around and the leaves starting to change colors! Perfect time for pictures! If anyone out there wants some family pictures done soon, let me know! I would love to take some during this wonderful season!

Our home.

This is what our home pretty much looked like until about 6 days ago...

(This is our living room/dining room..we were literally getting flat bums from eating our meals on the floor every day. It was sad,...and hard.)

(Gabe and Piper's room!)
Last week, people would have thought we were crazy, as we spent every waking minute running around collecting furniture before Ren started his rotations on Monday (the 7th). I mean, it was literally nuts, how much we were out and about picking up furniture, and free X-mas tree's, and anything else that would help our bare little abode out.
My brain seriously hurt, from trying to read the GPS all day and concentrating so hard on all the tiny road signs and not turning right on a red light, yada, yada, yada...and now it is over. Whew! We have finally furnished our home. And, I am at peace with my findings. Craigslist is a beautiful thing & I have come to better understand the word haggle.
One of my favorite things we bought, which was actually one of the few, not purchased from craigslist, is our giant, living room rug. Since every room has wood floors, which is nice, but hard on my tired feet, I thought it was important to invest in a nice, soft, plush rug. I found this beautiful artifact, while shopping at was like a little ray of sunlight was shining on this particular rug, as it stood straight up in a large container. I ran my hand over it and knew this was the rug we would buy, no matter the cost. And, it was worth every penny. Feel free to come visit, just to walk on my rug; it is that sweet.