Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunset Cruise!

Sunset with the women, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

About ready to leave the sand..

Here's GABE!

Putting up the sails!

Just chillaxin. Ya know, chillaxin.
(Chillaxin = Chill'n & relaxing in one. You have to be from Grenada to say that.)

Looking out on the beaches of Grand Anse, Grenada!


Yesterday was a good day. We were able to go on our first sunset cruise with a bunch of our good friends! It was so relaxing and nice to just sit on a boat and watch Grenada in the distance. My favorite part, were the nets that let you look into the water as you sail along. Just Chillaxin.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How I wish...

Two Mega Yachts at Port Louie.

Gabe & I on the dock in front of St. George's

So, this week I have been taking over a job, of another girl who is off the island. Let me just say, it rocks. (I actually did this job back in Dec too, when she was back in the states.) Pretty much, I buy and deliver provisions for the mega yatchs and sailing yachts that visit Grenada. And, some of these boats need A LOT of provisions, let me tell ya. I will be hauling two large grocery carts full of food, through the store sometimes.
The best part, is actually getting to see these beautiful boats up close. They are AMAZING.. I got to walk on one the other day and was in awe (although, it had bad art on the walls, which made me really sad. ha!) What would it be like, to have your own yacht? Crazy!! Oh yeah, and this last picture I had to put, because who might just have to make a quick get away on your private helicopter.
P.S. If you look under the helicopter, you will see the ski boat garage that can retract the boat in & out. That is pretty sweet-diggity-dog.

They're READY!! almost.

The Proud Poppa!

The time has come...and boy are we going banana's! ha! We decided it was time to cut off Ren's banana pod and get those babies ripe! There is a special process, which I don't really understand, for getting your banana's to ripen and not go rotten. Let's hope we do it right, cause then we will be having some major banana split parties!!
Gabe of course had to help and thought the best way to do that, would be tearing all the leaves into little pieces. Very fun.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Broken Nose?

Yesterday, we went to the playground like usual, and came home with a little souvenir! Gabe tripped while she was running and hit the side of her nose and under her eye pretty good. It is hard to see it very good in the video, but the side of her nose was really purple and red for a while. Some of the Mom's thought she might have broken her nose, but after a more thorough examination, by the upcoming Dr. McDaniel, we decided she was going to be fine. Here is a little video I shot of her yesterday. My favorite part is the very end, when she gives me the pirate eye. ha!
P.S. Snowy balls is what Gabe calls Kuulei's hamster. (real name, Snowball.)