Lately I’ve been thinking about what defines a home. Not a house, but a home. You see my husband and I have just moved into a new (old) home. We purchased a single-level house we can grow old in and hopefully remain in our house for a long time. Surprisingly I’ve discovered a growing fondness for the grab bars in the bathrooms—who knew what joy a grab bar could give? Unfortunately, the house needs remodeling. The previous owners had a penchant for wallpaper on the ceilings. What is up with that? Here’s a picture of the garden growing on my new kitchen ceiling. Eeeeck. So my husband and I are currently surrounded by our “stuff” hidden in boxes and piled high in the dining room. Our furniture is packed into the living room, all to make room for remodeling. For some reason, this house does not yet feel like home. Why? Is it because I am surrounded by someone else’s taste in decorating? Is it because my beloved Danish Modern items are hidden away? Or is i