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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est comedy. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 7 septembre 2012

Black Botton

Frédéric Botton - Attention à la grosse boule qui descend l'escalier

Frédéric Botton - Pi 12 3,14116 

Quite an underrated symbol of a certain parisian elegance, Frédérick Botton remains too often missing in the celebrations, as many others whose songrwiting was discreetely camouflaged by the personality of people they were writing for. Botton had a singer carreer by himself, though. His frank voice, delicate, is often praised by people who happen to know song like "Le voyage abandonné" Viens faire dodo sur mes dollars, or Le Black Botton. In case of his craziest singles (La grosse boule, Pi 12 3, 14116), arrangements by Alain Goraguer decidedly bring the incongruity to the next level of bewilderment.

Amarande - Le Pétrole

H comme hippies for Dani (see below), Pêche abricot for Zizi Jeanmaire, Les hommes sont des poupées for Alice Sapritch... Botton wrote for many. A bourgeois part of me doesn't mind to fantasize about his acquointance with Françoise Sagan, his Hausmann apartment, his brands of whiskey and nights in cabarets. In case of Amarande, we have an actress who worked a lot for theater + a few movies, and sang a bunch of singles. Apart from Le Pétrole, composed by our man, you might briefly check her other single attempts A quoi bon se presser, or L'Amour et le rugby.

Alix - Asphalte

During the 80's, Botton seems to write more and more scores for the parisian cabaret Le Paradis Latin. You can find a few excerpts of Champagne on Youtube, and a LP was released of Le Rayon bleu that's not really worth being uploaded. An unexpected yet successful incursion in the field of synth-wave may be noticed with that song for Nathalie Reims, whose singer carreer was partly made under the alias Alix. Sister of Bettina Rheims, in a jet-set love relationship with Leo Scheer, then Claude Berri, she also commited another single, Ca tourne à l'envers.

Eugène Eugène Eugène

In the field of commercial works, that good-looking 7" was used as promo gift by hairdresser Eugène, that sadly doesn't exist anymore in rue d'Athènes à Paris.

mercredi 1 février 2012

These gross stripping youngsters

Zin-say - Karan Koron no uta

Zin-say - All night long

Zin-say - Maboroshi no homerun ou

Zin-say - Venezuela no akai hoshi

Comparing to the big names who got recently rediscovered by westerners interested in japanese new wave titillating archives (think Uchôten, P-model, Plastics, or Hikashu), Jinsei remains so far outrageously confidential outside of its own country.

Also spelled Zin-say or 人生, this former project involving future members of techno unit Denki Groove started circa 1985 while its protagonists were still young male students. Thanks to its wild homemade first recordings, it quickly caught the attention of Uchôten leader Kera and his label Nagomu. A catalytic connexion, propeling the band who managed to build a substential aura with its blend of sonic insanity, cracked up electronics, gross stage costumes and occasionally poetical lyrics like "there is something rotten in the asshole".

Each one of these fellow bands from the 80's experienced a different destiny: some like Uchôten ended up signing on major labels, others like, Picky Picnic, managed to release some of their records in Europe ... Despite a reissue as part of the Nagomu collection, a decent thread on Mutant Sounds, and the efforts of a few hardcore fans like femaletrouble, Zin-say's mutation into Denki Groove might partly explain why its cult got less maintained outside of Japan than others. Like Karate Bakabon, its irrecoverable amount of oddness maybe did hold off the most conservative listeners. Scared pussies ...

Support Nagomu !! ---> Be a man, get your collection

mercredi 24 août 2011

FINNSHITS - comedy songs

In a country where comedy artists & satyrical bands seems more inclinded for popular success than any others; comes a selection for what sound best to my hears. I've never been actually to Finland and once again came across for those via various cd's friends brought me back & forums.


Jope Ruonansuu - Re-Te-Rik

Finnish superstar and top selling artist, Jope Ruonansuu deserved to be first to be introduced there. He began early in the 80's as a stand-up actor, then go on relasing records. I've only managed to get few of his albums blended with phone jokes and cheap parody songs. Giorgio Moroder meets Harry Merry meets Russian Army Choir (more or less).



Hullujussi - Rope Ja Kake

Claiming to be hugely influenced by the whole US pop, Hullujussi (fronted by the excentric Viktor Kalborrekin) gained notoriety with running shows on finnish pirate radios back in the early 70's. The "Rope Ja Kake" song comes from a 7inch single as released in 1975 & also appears on their very first eponym LP...



A second part to come soooooooooon.

samedi 11 juin 2011

Musica, El Musical


Hollywood blockbuster style video from Internet2, the new PENELOPE CRUZ!

Internet2 - Música, El musical (eng subs)


"I'm working now on a video for an exhibition in a museum, it's gonna be vernisaged next 10th, so I'm crazy busy since a month ago. It's like a movie trailer of my musical project (Musica, el musical) So I decided just making this trailer and forget about finishing the whole thing cose it's infinite job and I like to change my mind about my projects very quickly. But it's cool cose They supported for producción so I recorded the musical score with 5 orchestra players and made a hollywood-like video. Now I'm making special effects with hardcore timing..."

samedi 4 juin 2011

Musik til din reklamefilm

Sygnok - På_Røverman'er_MAVEE

Sygnok- Min'e_Egenskabur_Sjom_Robot_FEJL!

Let's simply forward the historical yet always too confidential announcement: Goodiepal is speading the word about a free download new album release under the alias Sygnok here:

Those who might have fail in tracking down his recent numerous activities, now either slightly more scarce or dematerialized than the well-covered 2003 Nag Nag Bacon release, might refer to the impressively complete biography here detailing his projects through the years. Including the mechanical bird construction, the bunch of Mort aux vaches music objects distribution plan, as well as the various kinds of lectures he gave completed by the Radical computer music book, it constantly highlights the striking and singular care of an anti-authority craftsman for both concepts and objects.

Such a detailed wikipedia overview, as well as his talkative nature and specific taste for classy theory quickly pull the rug from under our feet in these fanbase attempts to add a few words to the character depiction: both intellectual and wild, possibly fluxus if not terrorist in a V/Vm way, he's modestly in charge of an ambitious anti-ideology danish gentleman's life project that encompasses way more than the music shapes produced, and should not be simply reduced to it.

This is why we highly recommend that you, the most attentive of you readers, take a bit of time to refer directly to the Radical computer music theory elements avalaible in english here or there, waiting for the day when some french institution might luckily find the balls to invite him for one of those smart lectures with the appropriate hi-tech translation system he deserves.

mardi 8 mars 2011

Gérard Calvi

Born in 1922, Gerard Calvi completed his studies at the Conservatoire de Paris with a presitigous Prix de Rome in composition.
He also composed many symphonic pieces, other ones for solists, chamber music alongside musical scores for theater and cinema.
In 1967, he started producing soundtracks for "Astérix le gaulois", then "Asterix & Cléopatra" animation movies: they will remain mythic.

In these tunes, bantering instruments dialog in the most garrulous and burlesque way: saxophones gossip while trombones chuckle. Calvi could be seen in some ways as the french Spike Jones: there is a health that solace you, an irrepressible joy for life, also with a slight touch of gaité à la Offenbach.

Un spectacle de Robert Dhéry (1974):

la ringarde - Roger Carel/Gérard Calvi/Françoise Dorin

biniou pop - Gérard Calvi

Un film de Jean Herman (1972):

thème et générique - Gérard Calvi

Un disque dur à trouver:

sur la plage - Gérard Calvi(196?)

Un spectacle de Robert Dhéry(1962):

dans mes godasses - Louis de Funès/Robert Dhéry/André Maheux/Gérard Calvi

Anda 1976 television report with two children asking questions to Mr. Calvi and Mr Uderzo (Asterix's dad):
>>> here


vendredi 25 février 2011

Roger Robert


Roger Robert - Donus

Latest release on the very nutty parisian record label Le Vilain Chien (a bit late). New project comprised of Maïa "ROGER" (Le Club Des Chats) & Solène "ROBERT" (Dudu Geva, Nouvelles Impressions D'Afrique).

En Francais: R.R. qui sera en concert ce Dimanche 27 Février au Bouillon Belge, nouveau spot de l'équipe du Tunnel (RIP) aux côtés de Charlene Darling, Massicots....

> Infos Pratiques
Bouillon Belge
6 rue Planchat
Paris 20éme
Métro Buzenval / Avron

PAF: 5€



Maïa ROGER toujours, dont vous pouvez voir les images et installations en ce moment à La Gallerie Du Jour Agnes B. dans le cadre de l'expo collective "Musique Plastique" (28 janvier / 02 avril), avec également Julien Langendorff, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Daniel Johnston, blablabla...


mardi 28 décembre 2010

Hong Kong Christmas syndikat

Wong Jim 黃霑 - Hong Kong Christmas 又到聖誕

Santa Claus comes on the 6th of December and Jesus was born in October. Historically there is no reason to celebrate Xmas on the 25th and spend 24 hours of family madness with a distended stomach unless you’re a miscreant enslaved to the Law of Capital or late Christendom. But if you’re a Hong Kong humorist like Wong Jim, then you can sing it all year long and it's never too soon in Toyland.

This parodic medley was first uploaded by Zoundcracker - Godtube bless him. The album was released in 1990. Hong Kong was still a British colony then and the toy industry was flourishing. However "Uncle Jim" chose the middle way, and decided to mock both his communist and liberal neighbours in a classic buffoonish style. Followed by a children choir and a saxophone, he swings all the way down to the mall, trashing drunken fathers, warning against the coming of Deng Xiaoping, and praying for Hongkongers’ independence. Zoundcracker was charitable enough to post the lyrics in Chinese, Google will translate them for you.

(Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
喂 又到聖誕 啦 又到聖誕
鄧小平is coming to town
趁又到聖誕 人就要嘆啦
阿鉅子誠都怕且就 yang
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩左阿燦
趁鄧小平未黎到自己嘆 哈
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩班阿燦
趁鄧小平未黎到自己嘆 哈

(Silent Night)
跳啦老豆 跳啦老豆 依家就跳夠喉
係話乜都會照舊 但係怕佢一轉左 tun 後
總之今晚跳先 聽朝事聽朝先抖
笑啦老豆 笑啦老豆 九七後怕應酬
儘量 long weekend 散多兩舊
總之依大個口 出年事出年追究
do . . do . . do . . do . .
醉啦老豆 醉啦老豆 酒精係你汽油
茅台 XO 都殺啦老豆 自便加冰水雪啦老豆
總之乜都係趁手 今晚未必有回頭

(Joy To The World)
乜鬼都買 好鬼高興
Christmas shopping shopping
一九九七一早注定 新衫新錶應早買定
莫待日後賣清 到時頭暈頭慶
今天不買 他朝盞慶 
Shouting 小平 小平
因此今天不必冷靜 沙堡罌撐一早買定
莫待日後買清 到時頭暈頭慶

(We Three Kings Of The Orient Are)
香港你長是我的家 風打雨淋係我聖地
我愛香港 萬年亦不變 點肯點忍你別離
啊 我會發狂抱住你 我要永恒照住你
我愛 Hong Kong We Love Hong Kong
香港你長是我的家 千千百年係我聖地
我愛香港 熱誠絕不變 點都不會別離
啊 我會有頭有尾 永遠永恒照住你
我愛 Hong Kong We Love Hong Kong

(Away In A Manger)
一想起中國 我發奮做人
一想起東西德 我發力做人
同胞一德一心 會將牆撞冧
一想起中國 我發奮做人
抬頭望埋架仔 就自然勇敢
歐洲加洲乜洲 我拍住做人
同保可愛香港 要佢將來莫冧
一想起中國 我發奮做人
一想起淺水灣 我搏命做人
同保可愛香港 再講明就 chum

(We Wish You A Merry X'mas)
從聖誕想到日後 若果他朝一切未舊
如果九七肯押後 人人未洗換竇
同志無曬事 任我地自由
我個陣既家財 銀行十間未夠
臨聖誕許個願望 望香江好到日後
唔洗九七押後 人人停止互鬥
同志你快樂 換我地自由
我祝福你身裁 同埋肥肥互鬥

(Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
喂 又到聖誕 又到聖誕
鄧小平 is coming to town
趁又到聖誕 人就要嘆啦
巨子誠都怕且就 咯
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩左阿燦

Wish I can post more often next year
Big bisoux to all comrades

lundi 5 juillet 2010

E Pak Sa / Ponchak Music

E Pak Sa - Hotaru No Hikari

Ok the space Fantasy video has already turned up on almost every asian pop related possible blog, but a holy internaut finally uploaded the Ponchak killer material that I was expecting to find since years, with no hope except maybe taking a flight to Korea, which Cartilage Consortium's economy still sadly can't afford so far.
The encyclopedia of pon-chak mp3 appears also here courtesy of Exp Etc, where you could have a look for more.

First time I heard about Ponchak was actually more than 15 years ago, scrutating a Tokyo guide of the Popo Color zine, mentionning Takeshi Nemoto's collection of this obscure korean music tapes intended mainly for truck drivers, kind of mad obsessive cheap techno megamixes built on a few repetitive synth patterns, sometimes all along the 30 minutes of a tape side.

Initially specialized into wedding music, with a very popular audience, E pak sa is historically seen as the king of the genre, who managed to become one of these shooting superstars in Japan circa 1996, for a time that belongs to the rules of japanese fashion turnover. At that time, Sony had the strange idea to organise a collaboration with other crazy popular figure Maywa Denki, which ended up in an improbable EP released in 1997.

E Pak Sa & Maywa Denki - Ore-wa Uchu-no Fantasy

Although the last years may have sometimes looked like a low tide after his japan conquest, the wind is now blowing again on european and us youtube users accounts: it's more than time for spontaneity, excentricity, and honesty at their highest level to strike back into the charts, and E Pak Sa to get the new crown he deserves.

mercredi 30 juin 2010

When they came to take him away #2

Story is, just after releasing the Ptose's tape material compilation, Loic from the Chocomix team came after me & submitted the idea for a whole record entirely dedicated to the Napoleon XIV song, asking contomporean artists to pay tribute.
Due to complications (lack of organisation, gigs to come, others projects etc) the idea went away...

Around 2005 and a bit earlier, I, can remember for a WFMU post compiling the 21 versions of the song, I'm not able to give you any link as it seems to be broken.
Consider those two following posts as some kind of re up!

Also spending crazy time digging for music from around the globe I've been long fantasming on arabic, cumbia related or soukous maybe etc "Take Me Away" covers. Has anybody heard for such exercise ?


Teddy & Darrel - They Took You Away, I'm Glad, I'm Glad

In 1966 Teddy & Darrel released a whole album (These Are the Hits, You Silly Savage!!!!) of limp-voiced, gay satiric novelties starring "Strangers In The Night" "These Boots Are Made For" & "They Are Coming To Take Me Away" music covers".

> The entirety of Teddy & Darrel music was rerelased some time ago on the "Here's Queer To The Core!" comp (Quick Nuts Rds)
> Some more Teddy & Parrel Music can be found on the "Queer Noises" compilation (Trikont record label)



Lard - They're Coming To Take Me Away

This is it: best "Take Me Away" cover ever !
Best apocalyptic party song ever too !

Jello Biaffra plus Ministry's members (including its brainchild Al Jourgensen) team up for insane & devastating music action.

> As taken from Lard's second record (The Last Tempatation of Reid) and released on Jello's very own label Alternative Tentacles (yes the one which gave us Wesley Willis)


lundi 28 juin 2010

When they came to take him away #1

When he released They're coming to take me away in 1966, I'm not sure Jerry Samuels necessarely knew it would turn into a massive hit. He probably could imagine even less that this track would be covered afterwards by a bunch of various french irresponsible dudes, among many others.

Napoleon XIV - They're coming to take me away

Apart from its direct content, I wonder how much the track's posterity may be due to the fact that the song is based on a beat / flow principle: striking, and easy to appropriate.
Besides, most of author rights society accepting only melodies and lyrics to register a track as an intellectual property, therefore it is highly possible that Jerry Samuels never heard about many of the the countless cover versions of his hit, neither received any specific royalties...

On the controversy attributing sometimes the track's paternity to Kim Fowley, this one replied in a Chronicart interview that Samuels was actually the author and composer. But also that he, Fowley, did a few live shows under the name and mask of Napoleon XIV, as Samuels decided he was too old to appear on stage anymore.

Basile - Engins bizarres et gens étranges

Many of us heard the song made by Jean-Pierre Massiera under the alias Basile in 1968, but its link to Napoleon XIV is often reduced to a small credit line.
In this version, the surface of the track remains intact, but the lyrics and content in itself have nothing to do with the original schyzophrenic monologue, as he transfers the song in the field of a farmer and his cow surprised by the arrival of UFOs.

Finders Keepers and Mucho Gusto Rds recently had a huge resonsability in bringing Massiera back to the lights of fame, and if you didn't get them already, their reissues are a must-have.

Au Bonheur des Dames - Je Bé-Bégaie Gaiement

Hugely frenchy big band (mock-heroic elements + wigs and makeup), in some ways close to the Orchestre du Splendid, Au Bonheur des dames did on its side a song on the topic of stuttering, actually also a pretext for various wordplays, in a close-to-cumbia version due to effects that sounds strangely modern for 1988 (avalaible on cd since a 2006 reissue).

C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, but Arc de Triomphe will continue the story with a second volume soon, à suivre...

mardi 8 juin 2010

Harvey Sid Fisher (Music & Astrology #2)


Two very first songs from the amazing magnum opus "Astrology Songs" LP.

Harvey Sid Fisher - Aries

Harvey Sid Fischer - Taurus

Harvey Sid Fisher (aka "the undisputed king of astrology songs") first began as a model and got into recordings in the early 80's. The material for Astrology Songs was written from 1986 to 1987 and released as LP and tape.
According to websites around, John Peel gradually worked his way through the record & played almost all the tracks on the radio in the early 90s.

"Zodiac video medley" with fantastic belly dancing, cowboy square dance & aerobic intense performances...



Harvey also recorded some more music and got a 2nd record entitled "Battle of the Sexes" (one track can be found on the 10th volume of Dr Demento comps).
There is even a third record "Golf Songs and Golf Jokes CD" (!?!) which i don't have. (HELP)

>>> Harvey Sid Fischer very offcial website HERE!

jeudi 27 mai 2010

Push the button bro

A lot of confirmed artists chanted their love for computers : Dani, France Gall, Xenakis, Bruce Haack, Doris Norton, Theorical girls, Zapp & Roger, Kraftwerk, Michel Polnareff (although he was dating on Minitel), Annie Cordy and many others. Then Major Tom Anderson created Myspace and everybody could share this passion with the world. And we, fellow citizens of the internet, are gratefull persons. Here is a florilège of songs dedicated to the websites that turned our lives into a cyberzoo. When inspiration meets finest technology.

The Kings of Myspace were maybe the first to kick social networking in 2006. That was the golden age of animated gif. Their vid has been watched 2 796 166 times, imagine every fan had sent them a dollar.

Myspace inspires a lot of dabster rappers. Those two ganstas are digging it from their bed, they must be over 18 now.

Above, another bedroom celebrity doing prevention. And there a cover of “Grease” by a comment addict.

I end the myspace chapter with a love/hate couple of songs about Tom Anderson. The first comes from a californian bard called Plinkaplink, he wrote an ode to his favorite CEO in 2007. Tom had already sold us to Murdoch, but he's still in his top 5. The one below was posted anonymously on a forum, and hits pretty hard.

Then a search engine starts to absorb every information on you. So if you were looking for your self, you could Google it. Teyana Taylor, for exemple, does it pretty well. This guy, Waka Flocka Flames, somewhat less. Check his mixtape “Salute me or Shoot me”, you’ll understand. A slam about Googlemap, anyone ?

And one day we got tagged in Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. Nothing really changed excepted that we spent even more time connected, and lost total control on privacy. For real.

Meanwhile another american website was channeling the overflow of internet exchanges. An auction database where you could sell your boyfriend and buy the socks of Juri Gagarin (a bargain). Indoor surfing begun to have concrete impacts in the cupboards. Here is the Weird Al Yankovic tribute to Ebay.

Of course, all this wouldn’t have been possible without personnal TV broadcasting. That’s the conclusion of Sandstorm88, who felt free to post 62 videos of him and his guitar on Youtube. “Every body needs to do what they do”, you said it bro.

Newcleus - Computer age (original club version)

Yes we’ve been warned, and that's my mp3 upload for the week, Newcleus' “Computer age”, released in 1984. How many orwellian songs were written that year ? That would make a good post. Now push the button.

vendredi 7 mai 2010

Yolanda Pérez featuring Don Cheto

Sorry for not compilating as much info as the rest of the dudes here, take it or leave it.

Yolanda perez rapping about family matters like a telenovela.

Yesterday I saw the Movie Spanglish and I cried MAAAAAN

mardi 20 avril 2010

Mais Quelle Idée


French version for this seminal italian comedy disco track !
Very special guests on the list: Sicilian gorillas, bad acting playboys, plastic surgerists and a lot more...

Pino D'Angio - Mais Quelle Idée (lache le collant)


Friends & promoters, you can even book a Pino D'Angio show HERE.


mercredi 7 avril 2010

Tony Marco

I like very much this HIT
with its humor "couscous" of Nigth Club
of province .

Lâche-moi les babouches - Tony Marco/Jean Claudric - 1979

Tony Marco is especially the star attraction
of most renowned dinners-shows of Paris.

>>> L'humour ensoleillé de Tony Marco

mardi 16 mars 2010

2 Horns


Parody of Salvador Dali's delirious speeches !

2 Horns - Reveil Trompette

Back when i was a child in the early 90's, it used to be given for free (as a mini single cd) with cereal boxes.

vendredi 12 mars 2010

Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой (Trolololo)

CLOSE YOUR EYES, imagine your sleeping in a pleasant night, suddenly you hear a voice from beyond, someone entering the room, open your eyes, and you see THIS!!

Then, you realise that your safe and sound, just a youtube video, but then you see THIS!