Sunday, September 22

Key West

With Tia Nana
 This weekend the kids and I took a trip down to Key West with Tia Nana and Uncle Ron. Sadly he was never around for photo sessions. We saw the Hemingway House among many things. I can't show you the "many things" though, because my camera barely managed to take these shots before silently sputtering its last breath. It was left on apparently for a very long time. So sad. In case you wanted to know, Yes we ate Key Lime Pie. No I didn't get a shot at the Buoy at the end of the Key.

NRA is our friend.

When I was going thru the camera I found these little gems. Since it's been a while since the last post... well, here you go. 
I make this look good.
Yes, we support the NRA.


My "friends" playfully showing Love. Ahhh, tender moment.


Thursday, July 4

Fourth of July

Had fun with Picasa editing.

Summer School

Favorite class for the kids. Me? No comment.

What Johnson's do for fun...

She looks a little too happy to be "saving the day". Gotta make Training tougher, I guess.

That's Better!

Sunday, June 2

Girls room

It took me almost a year to the day but i finally finished the quilt for the top bunk of the girl's room. Now they make a matching set! Phew! I kept waiting for Trev to be gone so i could work on it while he was away. You know, something to keep me busy. But the nights he was gone i'd just be too exhausted to even think about it. Or other things would be more pressing. Then he had this awesome 6 months worth of rotations - what bliss! This sad little quilt kept getting benched.
I was growing tired of the project pile, so this past Saturday i sucked it up. I took ALL day (7:30-4pm) and cranked it out. What a relief it no longer sits unquilted and unbound . And the girl's room is getting closer and closer to the "done" picture i have in my mind. Avry, not to mention, was pretty excited.

It's all in the details. Wish you could have heard the squeal when Avry saw the little flowers. Hilarious.

Matchy Matchy!

Marshmellow bear.


Can you see a piece of his scarf in her teeth? She just couldn't wait to take a bite!

Poor little bear... he didn't last long. This is all that was left - 30 minutes later.
Carter and Avry left for a play date so Keely jumped on it and asked if i would make this marshmellow bear with her. So hilarious. I'm not sure if it was my culinary skills, bad recipe or just plain to hot here, but that poor bear would not stay solid! Keely was singing "Once there was a Snowman" but changing the words to fit her bear situation. I quickly mushed him together so we could take a victory photo. Not 2 minutes later he was a pile of cheerios and candy on a wax paper grave. Delicious. Cheerio mound. But delicious.



 Lately our family mantra is "Duties First". Carter has been working really hard to be a good example of this. His duties are dishes every other day, doing his school work, laundry, keeping up the garden and keeping his room clean. Seems like a lot. That's in addition to helping his little sisters plus whatever devious thing his Mother decides needs to be done. He does a great job. It's funny to hear him chant it to himself when i have to remind of it. "Come on Carter, you know: Duties first! Uggh". Cracks me up. At least he's listening.

Friday, May 24

Super cute Sunday.

its fun to see how big my "friends" are getting.

they dress themselves and everything.