Welcome to Boxwood Cottage!

So glad that you found me! My blog is about everything I love like gardening, decorating my home & garden and crafting. Although I'm from Germany I write my blog in English so that hopefully every visitor can read it. Hope you'll stay a while and will leave me a comment so that I know that you were here! xoxo Carola

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Finally back with an Easter inspired post!

Hello, somebody out there? 
Just trying today if I still know how to blog after almost a year long break *phew*
It's not so easy to come back after such a long time, but I figured I best just start with pictures, right?

And since once again Easter is on it's way, well......

of course I'd like to share with you some pics of this years Easter crafts and decorations. I still love nests and eggs, German paper maché eggs especially and I still love silver German glass glitter and German Dresden foils, it's just so fun to use these for my creations and authentic too, cause I can't deny being German.

I cut some pussy willow branches from the tree in the very back of my garden for the vignette above.

The 3 eggs in the picture above that are not paper maché are goose eggs from my sisters 4 geese, the lucky once that have a long free life and no fear of being eaten, by other then maybe a fox. They are rooming around in my sisters garden and in her neighbors gardens and on their fields too, but in the evening they always come back to their stable in my sisters garden.

I glittered lots of plastic eggs lately and some bunnies and a paper maché basket and small fimo eggs that I made. 

I often change my Easter vignettes, put things first here, than the next day there, until I finally really like what I see.

 These are too of the nests I created recently. The Easter basket nests above contains all the things I like from paper maché to fine silver glass glitter, to Dresden foil borders and silver bunny and that grey moss, which is called Dschungelgras around here, but doesn't grow in our climate. 

Above is a mini nest in vintage tea cup with glittered fimo eggs and a glittered wooden bunny.  Below a large nest with glittered plastic eggs in a terrarium which I soldered some years ago

 I found the left, yellow(ish) paper maché egg with the German Dresden foil saying "Fröhliche Ostern" at the antique market last month and it is really old whereas the white paper maché egg I painted myself and put the Dresdens on last year. I think they look as if the belong together :)

 Just some more vignettes. Below I used wax candle eggs and a wire egg to put in unsual egg holders, like the beautiful bed springs, that my dear friend Julia of Vintage with laces sent me in a friendship swap some time ago and  the old tin funnel, another antique market find from last month:

And here comes a Dresden bunny Easter egg boat :) 

Spring has not really sprung around here with temps still only around 7-11 degrees celsius, but I can feel it lurking just around the corner and since frosty nights have come to a minimum already I dared to start planting spring flowers into the pots on top of my patio tables and they are such a welcome sight after 4 months without flowers :)

And yesterday I got a new garden/planting table for my patio since the old one I had there was breaking already after many winters in the wet and cold and of course I had to put some Spring bulbs and Easter decorations on top.

I'm officially prepared now for Easter and Spring to come :)
It's my first, no I'm lying it's my second vacation/time off work since I started my knew job in my old company last September, but somehow the Christmas vacation doesn't count, because I spent it inside houses, but it's the first time off work where I can go outside and putter in my garden again and that just feels wonderful!

So how have y'all been doing lately?



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