Thursday, July 28, 2011

Date night

Tonight for our date night we went to Wonderland Fun Center where I beat Shawn at mini-golf, air hockey, and skee-ball. It was so weird - I normally never beat him at any of these games! I guess being a mom has changed me!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Yesterday Declan sat in his new Bumbo chair! He looks like such a big kid in it. I've been on the fence about buying the chair because some people tell me that they are a 'must', while others tell us that they aren't very useful. I think I'm gonna really like having it!

We found a super cheap one on Craigslist this weekend, so I figured it was worth it to give it a try. Declan liked it pretty well, and I can already see that it will be good at building his strength. Before we know it, I'm sure he'll be sitting all on his own!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Playtime with Daddy

Declan looooooves his daddy. Every time dad is in the room, Declan is staring at him and watching every move he makes. Maybe its because he's trying to figure out who this big person is that looks just like him?

I caught this cute pic of them chatting today. I love my two men!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Ok so I know this photo is a bit crazy, but with tiny little kids you have you take what you get. :)
Declan has gotten SO good at holding his head up on his own! He's still kinda wobbly with it, but he can hold it for a little bit all by himself. He still is totally bored with tummy time and does nothing with his head there, but I think he's doing great so far without much tummy time success.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grandma and Grandkids

Shawn's niece Jessica got married, so at her wedding reception we got the chance to snap a photo of Shawn's mom Joan with all four of her grandkids!

Starting left to right we have Samantha, Grandma Joan, Declan, Ellie, and in the back is Jessica.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mommy and Me

Today is mine and Declan's last day home together before I go back to work. It's bittersweet - I've had so much fun with him but I know I need to be at work. I don't have any big plans for our last day, just maybe a little clothes shopping!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day Hike

Declan got to go on his first day hike on Saturday morning! All four Murphys got to enjoy a three mile hike along the Little Spokane River. Declan's eyes were as big as saucers for the first half of the hike taking in all of the sights, and he slept for the second half. It was a beautiful morning, and it was so nice to enjoy some time together in the awesome outdoors.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Three Months Old!

My little man is three months old!  How exciting!
He is such a joy - his personality is really coming out.  He loves Daddy and just laughs and laughs and everything he does.  He's started blowing a lot of spit bubbles, and lately he loves grabbing his toes when he is lying on his back.  We just love having our little guy around!

Fourth of July

We spent the Fourth at Deer Lake like we have so many other Independence Days.  It was a fun time, and Declan did really good!  He napped better than he does at home, he went for his first boat ride, and he slept right through the huge firework show!  I tell him almost every day that he is such a model baby.  Anyway...

Here are some photos from the day at the lake.  Here is Declan and his little BFF Ben.

Here is Big D in his even bigger life vest. 

Here is a photo of the three of us on the boat! 

Can you tell Declan is having fun?  I mean... look at that face!  Ha ha!

Movie Date

Here is a photo of us as Shawn and I got the rare opportunity for a date last Saturday.  It was so wonderful!  We went to see an afternoon showing of "X-Men: First Class" while Shawn's mom watched Declan for us. 

I love spending all day with my little son, and I didn't really realize how much I truly miss hanging out with my husband until our date.  It's amazing that only a few short months ago we spent all of our free time together just the two of us, because now it's a bonus if we actually get to eat dinner together!  After our date we promised to make our relationship and dating each other a priority, and I'm excited for more dates coming up.