Saturday, May 30, 2009

Look Ma! I did it!!!

My grandma Walton makes the BEST German Chocolate cake. All throughout my younger years, she would make this cake for various birthday celebrations and family gatherings, and it very quickly became my favorite cake ever. My mother and both of her sisters have tried to make this cake numerous times, only to have it sink in the middle. It has never turned out for any of them. We all just figured that my grandma just had some special trick she did even though she kept telling everyone, "I don't do anything special, I just follow the recipe!"

Since I love the cake so much, I decided that I should try to make the ill fated cake. Today was my day. I followed the recipe exactly like it read, and was very nervous at the outcome. Well..... IT DIDN'T SINK IN THE MIDDLE!!! This thing is as high as could be!!! I was just beaming!!! I keep looking at it, admiring it, and smiling. I am so proud!!!

Yummm it's so good; I'm gonna eat the whole cake. Did I mention that I'm just beaming??? :)

Good Times

I don't know why I think this is so funny: A couple of weeks ago, Shawn and I went for a bike ride. It was warm out, and naturally we were sweating a little bit. When we got back to my apartment, Shawn was just DYING to wash his legs. I wish I could really explain how funny it was, but he just kept saying, "my legs feel sticky from sweating. I've got to wash them off!" It just seemed so high maintenance to me that it was such a big deal to him. He immediately said, "do you mind if I wash them in your tub RIGHT NOW???" I just started laughing, and said "help yourself."
He goes in the bathroom and proceeds to turn on the water, but leaves the door open. Of course, I had to sneak in with my camera. As I'm grabbing my camera in the other room, I hear him yell "YOU BETTER NOT BE GRABBING YOUR CAMERA!!!" That just made it even funnier that he knows me that well!!

Anyway, here's the photo. I don't know why I think it's so funny, but I do!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend we went up to our friend's lake cabin at Deer Lake. It was super fun, and I just couldn't get enough of their little boy, Ben! I swear, I was at his side the entire weekend. Here are some pics...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bad Blogger!!!

I know, I know, I've been a horrible blogger during the month of May! It's been such a busy month, and I guess I just let my blogging self go. Sorry about that. Here is one super long post to encompass all of the Mad Month of May.

Near the beginning of the month we had a Walker family reunion at the Oregon Coast. We all rented out a big beach house and stayed right on the water. The cousins all had so much fun together, and I had a great time seeing all of my family that lives so far away. Here's a photo of 6 of us all battling each other on MarioKart DS - what a blast!

It was pretty windy while we were there, but other than that the weather was so nice! It didn't rain one single day - which it pretty cool for the Oregon Coast!One day we visited some tide pools and explored all of the cool underwater sea life. There was a lot of neat stuff to look at and touch!

My wedding dress finally came in this month, so I promptly went down to the bridal store to try it on and make sure I still liked it! I actually loved it more this time than I did the first! Yay! Here's a little sneak peek of the dress. It still has to be altered, and we're adding some business to the top so that it's not strapless anymore, so this isn't exactly what the finished product will look like. I'm so excited!!!

Mid-May Ellie and I were lucky enough to go the the Taylor Swift concert. The tickets sold out here in like 20 minutes, so I'm not exaggerating when I say we were lucky. Ellie really likes Taylor Swift, and I'll take any opportunity I get to go to a concert (I just LOVE them) so I went with her. Here's a photo of Ellie and the teeny-tiny-Taylor. Cute photo.Here's a photo of us waiting for the show to start. Kellie Pickler opened for her, and she was pretty cute. I always liked her on American Idol, and she didn't disappoint here either! She still had that trademark Kellie personality.Here's a photo of Taylor I took while she sang her huge hit "Tim McGraw". So cool. And here I am after the show with the Taylor Swift bus behind me.

While we were in Oregon, my sister-in-law Katie took some photos of Shawn, Ellie, and I. I'm always raving about how I love her photographic style, so I begged her to do a little photo shoot of us since we're not doing formal engagement photos. She did a really good job! I don't have all the photos yet, but below are a few she sent me that turned out really well.