
Showing posts from July, 2013

Home again....

We drove home from Bear Lake through Teton & Yellowstone National Park. I was SO excited to drive through the parks, but in hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea... because we literally drove through them! It made our drive a couple hours longer, but it sure was a pretty one! I think we finally (knock on wood...) figured out the trick with Clara and kept her on Dramamine ever 6 hrs-- given in a starburst none the less, and we made it home in the wee hours of the morning, puke free! Yipee!  We made a pit stop at Yellowstone Lake and it was killing me not to go see Old Faithful... but we'll be back again sometime! Hopefully sooner rather than later!  and this is what I woke up to the next morning-- around 11am I might add. My kids slept in until at least 10am for like the next week and a half! Haha! Tyler always has the house spotless for when I get home, but all of this crap int he entryway kind of put a damper on it! Haha...  While home we worked rea

Brock Grandkids 2013

My mom wanted to get a couple of shots of the Grandkids- luckily my dad is a much better photographer than I am. And this is pretty much how happy Clara was about getting her picture taken... Ah, she's just so sweet and calm all the time..... Hah! Love my little firecracker!  Like I said... Super cooperative child. Not stubborn at all. I've seriously never met anyone as stubborn as she is! She can make me laugh so hard, and love her so so much, but then is such a handful all at the same time. It's amazing!  It was a nice try anyway! It quickly turned to this...   Have I mentioned that when Clara gets in trouble instead of getting sad, or feeling sorry, or heaven help me, scared... She just growls at you. Yep! Roars and Growls. Nothing phases this girl!

Bear-naked Lake

Brock Family Bear Lake: July 5-8, 2013  We've been going up to Bear Lake every year since I was a baby- it really is one of my favorite places! I wish we could have stayed longer, but we had an awesome weekend! We stopped on the way up to eat at one of my favorite places- Maddox. I think I could eat their Raspberry butter for days....  Grandma bought the kiddos some matching jammies- the cutest! Grandpa is the best story teller! Saturday we spent the day on the lake, and it was crazy to have my WHOLE immediate family on the boat at once! Whaatt!? I mean we were all together at Christmas, but it just seemed so much more intimate. It was so fun to sit on the bow of the boat with all four of my siblings in the middle of the lake and just talk and relax. I really do love my family more than anything in the world and it was so fun just to be together! No one brought any friends or anything either- it was just us this whole trip! So fun! The original B