
Showing posts from 2013

As of late... December style!

December was a whirlwind... so I'll get through this quick! Lucy got her Pre-school pictures back. I'm still in denial she will be 5 next month! Tear... The first couple weeks of December were COOOLLLDDD to say the least! But we bundled up, and life went on! We had a fun day swimming for Julia and Georgia's birthdays! I'm sure we'll be there a bunch this winter!  Yup that's -42 you see. Brrrr! And the inside of all the doors and windows look like this!  Lucy had pajama day at school! And our elf brought the girls some badly needed PJ's! That night we got to stay up late and make our gingerbread house!   There were many a dance parties in our Kitchen...  more yoga of course. Trying to get back in the swing of things!  We sure love these girls!  Clara's taken up the extremely meticulous task of folding all of the dish towels! We had a fabulous girls night at Jaymie's. Heidi made us all of her ama