

it's me! I'm back. I have missed writing, so here I am. writing. so very much has happened since I first began this blog back in 2008! ah! almost 10 years ago. Time has seriously flown. I feel like I am a completely different person, and yet still exactly the same. Maybe just a little more perspective? That's a good thing right!? our family is still living the dream up here in North Dakota. We thought we were maybe coming up here for a year, and five and a half years later..... here we are! our kids have truly grown up here. Lucy is eight. Yes, eight! She has gotten to tall and gangly. She is wild and free, full of light, and joyful. Clara is six. She is full of FIRE, spice, and quite a bit of sass. She is fiercely loyal, tender, and a snuggler. Rex is a year and a half of craziness. He is so sweet, all over the place, and such a cute kid. He has his mama wrapped around his little chubby sticky finger! Tyler is the most incredible father, the world's best husband, and k

Fall 2016

I still can't believe my little Clara-bear-a is old enough to be in Kindergarten! She has absolutely loved it. These two are pretty adorable walking to school every morning together! Another great soccer season! Tyler was roped into coaching Clara's team again and wins at the best dad and coach ever! He even took Rex with him to a bunch of games and coached while Rexy was strapped to him in the baby carrier! Dad of the year! (I was at piano lessons with Lucy!) Baby Rex kept getting bigger and bigger! Dad would put Rex in his only football outfit every Saturday to watch the Utes play! Haha. Teaching him young! Rex turned 10 months old in September! Lucy's biggest fan! Lucy has bee doing SO great at soccer! Soccer camp from this summer really helped the girls a ton! She was so aggressive and even scored a few goals! Goooo Lucy! Color week for Kindergarten! Purple, Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, and Pink! While the mom's wash tables El