Friday, April 23, 2010

Arts and Crafts!

What else should Hannah and I do while Dad and Lauren are sleeping? Paint some rocks of course! It was a lot of fun! Hannah was thrilled to be painting. I had to show her that if she insisted on painting her pallet plate, her paint would dry and she couldn't use it. I had to wash off her plate 3 times before it sunk in. Seriously! I gave her some blue and then went to the bathroom. When I came back, she had a beautiful blue paint and a naked rock. *sigh*
I love the concentration here. She was narrating through the whole process. She talked to her rock and was kind enough to ask it if it liked the color she was smearing on it. Needless to say she didn't get to use any of my nice brushes...

Do you think we should send her to town in the summer for the benefit of the masters???

So...Hannah made a purple peanut and a gloriously layered colored rock. I asked her what her blue rock was and she said it was just colors. Very abstract! I wonder if it could be a new genre! Maybe it means something deep. Hannah wanted a green turtle out of my rock. She said it was supposed to be a girl so I added the red flower. Hmmm...a bit much maybe?

Happy days! It was a great few hours for Mom and Daughter to play! Thanks Hannah!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How did Lauren end up in the pet bed?

Santa brought Brock a Bumblebee helmet and blaster! Go Santa!

Hannah helped me make rocky road. She got to clean the pot and loved getting all the spare bits of "chocolate road". Wow. Free plug for Veggie Tales in the background! :)

It was a great Christmas full of family, sledding (sorry 'bout the sled to the face Sidney) and food. Happy daze!

I had some fun little videos to post, but after waiting 20 min+ for the ____ thing to work, it gave an error message and wouldn't post. SO...this is all there is! :) And this should also explain why I don't update often.

Christmas Morning

Nana and Papa Gubser got Hannah a huge Piglet that talks. She is obviously happy with it.

Looks a little apprehensive right?

Hannah is there to help...whether you want it or not!

Hannah opens a princess doll. She was SO happy!

Hello...a bit of sticking plaster...

Another doll.

We had a small Christmas as Brock was not home and Brian had to work. We got up together and the girl were opening a few presents. This was Lauren's first run-in with unwrapping. She was thrilled to have free rein to shred and shriek! The girls enjoyed themselves. Hannah was particularly happy to hear that Santa would be coming back to our house for the following weekend's Christmas with Auntie Erica and Uncle Sid!

The Night Before Christmas

Santa came to visit Dori's Christmas pageant. Lauren wasn't interested in making eye contact with him. She was more focused on the Mom that was walking away. :)

Hannah (who kicked off her cute shoes by this point...) was brave enough to get her stocking from Santa. Not quite ready to sit on his knee and whisper her wish list. Maybe next year?

Singing Jingle Bells. Love the hats!

Hannah was supposed to be Vixen from the reindeer team. Her antlers went the way of the Dodo at some point. Ah well. Can't win them all right?

Lauren's part in the Night Before Christmas was the mouse that was not stirring.

That is until she found her ears to be tasty...

Another great performance headed by the most amazing mother, teacher, home-maker, hero etc Dori! How that lady manages is beyond me! We are so happy to have our girls in her care! Thank you Dori!

Mommy and Me Princess Tea

The Balloon Man at the Roadhouse is GREAT! He made each girl a balloon tiara and corsage! They had a great time.

The girls at the Roadhouse.

Hannah is dressed as Cinderalla. Her Aunt Julie and Uncle Scott sent an entire Disney Cinderalla outfit! Thank you!!! She LOVES it!

Having to take off the tiara to order and eat? What gives Mom?

Princess Lauren...hmm...looks kinda bored by the whole thing.

Food! Hannah is not the least bit shy when it comes to grub! EAT EAT EAT!

Hannah's dance class and preschool were invited to a Mommy and Me Princess Tea. We went to see the Princess and the Frog, then went to the Roadhouse for dinner. It just happened to fall on the day that the Balloon Man was there! Awesome! It also coincided with the Roadhouse's Kids Eat Free deal. Heh heh heh...Mommy wants to save some green! Anywho, the girls were all dressed up like princesses and the waiters/waitresses made such a fuss over them. It was great fun!

Christmas with Pack 480

The Rowan family has been kind enough to let us borrow their awesome shop for the pack meetings. For Christmas, we had several craft tables set up for the scouts to make ornaments and share in decorating the Pack tree. Ms. Tina is helping Hannah with the paper chains. Brock loved being able to wear his new red sash with all of his patches!

Akela's goodbye pledge. It is so cute to see the serious looks on those boys' faces as they chant. So fun!

Pack 480 posing with their leaders and their newly decorated tree!

Brock sporting his new patch sash. The white patch behind his hand is hit shooting patch. That boy is a natural! No mother could be prouder. Sniff!

Brian helps with hole-punching the cardboard star ornaments. That was the least desired table to work! Harley is such a ham for the camera! :)

The Christmas part was a lot of fun. The boys made several crafts, played some games and had some well-earned snacks. There were a lot of young siblings there to add some spice to the evening. Lauren was very entranced by all the racket and motion.

We're almost done with our official Pack 480 website! I will post the link when it's finished so you can check out all the latest on Brock's adventure in Scouting!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Happy H-Day all!

We had a tough Ninja
a pretty Tinkerbell (shown here as needing a nap...)
and a Sweet Pea this year

Hannah carved a silly face pumpkin and Brian cut outlines of Lauren's hands and feet into the smallest pumpkin. Brock's pumpkin was a silly face but he did his earlier enough in the month that we didn't want to move it. They mold so fast!

Our Halloween day started at 11 when Hannah and I went to Fred Meyer for their cake walk. She decorated a small cake which we took to the jail for the officers to enjoy. I am sure they scraped off the mountain of sprinkles and sugar decorations! Hannah had a great time decorating! We also scored some discount Disney dolls for $5.00 each! Yahoo!

We dropped off the cake and took a Very Cranky Tinkerbell home for a well earned nap. She was SO miserable! After a very short nap, Brock come home with Brian and we got costumed up for our Halloween. We went around downtown Ellensburg. It was STUPID COLD! The wind was going and all the kids were in their winter coats. Except our Ninja. He insisted he was fine without it and didn't want to be bothered with a coat. A few blocks later he hastily changed his mind. :) We went into the museum to warm up and get pictures of the kids without their coats on. After that, Brock went t o stay with his other mother while Brian, the girls and I went to CWU's BooFest.

It was so nice to be indoors! YAY! Hannah made all sorts of crafts, learned that people can rope cows,

fished for treats and had her picture taken with Sleeping Beauty! It was so much fun!

After BooFest we went to a friend's house for trick or treat. Hannah and I went along the street where people gave her way too much candy! That kid made out like a bandit. We got home about 9 where Hannah promptly passed out.

It was a good night!