1. Tyler. Duh. I think I'm the luckiest person ever to have found such a sweet and caring man that I can trust. I know his family (aka sisters) wondered if he would ever find a girl to marry, and let me assure you, that despite his somewhat goofy (understatement, yes I know) side, he is so genuinely good that nothing else matters. I know he will take care of me and love me exactly how I should and need to be. He is also pretty handy to have around, he gives me good foot massages, fixes the cars, mows the lawn, loves the same entertainments I do, will eat anything I cook, tells me he'll wash the dishes while I relax....sorry ladies, he's taken!
Plus, look how cute he is!
2. Yes my Savior. I served a mission in Chile and it was quite an experience to say the least, but one of my favorite parts was watching La Restauracion with investigators. (we watched it I swear like 5 million times) Every time I heard "vi una columna de luz..." and saw Joseph Smith converse with God and Jesus Christ, I would cry, every single time. I think I finally learned what a desolate world it was and would be if there was no hope for redemption, no idea of an eternal plan of salvation and happiness. That thought alone that we can be saved and live eternally joyful is joy enough.
3. A clean house. There's something so peaceful and rewarding about walking on a freshly vacuumed floor, lying on a just made bed, or using a fabulous smelling shower with no dirt marks!
1. losing any one of my limbs. You know that story where that guy went hiking and he got his arm pinned under a rock and he had to hack it off in order to save his life cause no one rescued him? scares the heck out of me, sawing off your own limb? ew.
2. Is it ok to say this? not being able to have kids? I think of all the things on this earth, the pain, tribulation and suffering that comes with children makes them one of the sweetest joys of the earth. Since I am not a mother yet, I cannot imagine all the possible joys and pains of motherhood; however, I have been well acquainted with my seven younger siblings and I have seen a glimpse of what lies ahead...
3. Tripping up stairs. it's one thing to fall down the stairs, but to fall up them?
1. Finish my marriage prep class BEFORE i get married. it might not happen seeing as I'm not even half way through the class and I get married in 4 weeks.
2. Upholster my kitchen chairs, by my self, with an air compressed staple gun. I'm doing it as soon as i find fabric I like
3. Go to the temple at least once a month. I know how easy it is to get tied up in school and work and all the responsibilities that go with running a household, but in the two times i've gone, I quickly realized how nice it is to shut that all behind and just sit and enjoy.
1. Ice Cream. I think I'm a little lactose intolerant because if I eat ice cream too late or too much, my stomach is VERY angry. but you know what, I don't care because it is SOO good. I just went to this great place this week called Tomasso's, which serves italian ice mixed with custard. I had the Horchata and Mixed Berry. I LOVED IT. oh and thanks to Elyse and Andrew who are always keeping us updated and the newest and best ice cream places. (I really am paying attention:))
2. Shoes. Holy Cow I love shoes. Cute flats, sexy high heels, awesome running shoes. I will wear a different pair every day of the year if I could. The worst part is I get so attached to each one that I can never let them go. For example, my favorite pair of flip flops that I can basically feel the road beneath my heels because I've worn them through...I have to keep them though, can't find another pair like them!
3. Babies. I was going to say Exaggerating, but that's more of a horrible habit, but I confess, I exaggerate sometimes. and it's really predictable because I am not a creative exaggerator. the trick is if I say the number 5...it's the only one I use when exaggerating, so if you hear me say it, I'm probably exaggerating. (I think I used the word exaggerating like 5 times)
Ok, but seriously, babies. I love them. I love Ashlyn and baby Harry, and Isaac and oh my goodness. They are so precious. Look how cute:

That was possibly THE longest blog ever. Since tomorrow is my blog day, I probably won't. Oh, and I tag Jenna Dewey, Jessi, and Val:))