Saturday, December 10, 2011


This time of year can be so full of hurried days and stress.  I tend to worry more and more about all the things that are not getting done on my list.  So it was nice to sit quietly and watch this video.

 I am so grateful for the birth of my Savior Jesus Christ and for his gospel which gives my life so much meaning.

It is good to be reminded that the greatest gift has already been given.


Friday, July 29, 2011

And She's Off!

Alli took off on a "pioneer trek" yesterday.  I had to take a picture of her all decked out before she left.

She said "Oh yipee!  Mom I just love having my picture taken in pioneer clothes-- on the front porch while people are driving by!"

I was glad to oblige

4th of July - part 2

Here is the rest of our 4th...

First the park with the Chis Canning's

Dylan just LOVES to have his picture taken!

I got some anyway!

Trevor again loves his "cap"

Chris and Cord played some soccer and since it was like 95 degrees and 60% humidity Chris was a little on the sweaty side! :) These pictures seriously crack me up!

Good times for Kim and Chris! Especially Kim.

And here are some of the soccer and baseball pictures...

Alli and cole spent some quality time counting mosquito bites

Here the girls are playing in the flowers

that hid the bee

that stung my toe

that made me cry (I didn't really cry, just yelped)

Later that night Brig and Shayla came over for fireworks.  Our neighbors set off some pretty crazy including on e that deployed a dozen parachutes.  About 5 of them landed on our roof and one caught on fire and then landed on Brig & Shayla's van.  It was pretty exciting to say the least.

Then it started to rain.

But that didn't stop us!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4th of July Part 1

We had a blast on the 4th of July.  We were lucky enough to have Kim & Chris (and kidos) visiting from California.  The kids had such a great time with their cousins.  We started the fireworks on the 3rd and didn't stop until last weekend!

Here are some pics of all our fun:

We headed to the parade with all the masses.  We met Brig and Shayla (and kidos) there.

Shayla, Cole and Brig - Oh and a little giving me a dirty look

Chris and Dylan
Alli & Kim

Max, Avalon, Barry & Cord

These Star Wars dudes were a huge hit with Will and Barry.  I think they are the only thing they remember from the parade! ha ha!

Kim loves having her picture taken!

Ok now I know you are going to love the next pics.  Especially you Grandma Mary & Grandpa Norm...

I gave Chris these head things to wear -- you know he can wear them when he is hangin' in the hood.  But Trevor and Barry wore them instead.  So here are our Boys 'n the hood and the holding hands robbers.

More 4th pics to come!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Teasdale - Day 2

Saturday we headed into Capitol Reef National Park.  It was a rainy day but that didn't detour the older boys from going on a long hike.

So while they were gone the younger set and I had fun running all over the park and going on scavenger hunts and hiked a bit.  Here are the photos from our day:

When we got back from the hike we hung out...

Friday night we had a birthday party for Lily.  

Lily got lots of treats and spending money from her grandparents -- she has been begging to do some shopping!

She had a great time and her big wish came true. What was the wish? 


Yep, we dimmed the lights and cranked the music and all of us rocked out. Cord unfortunately has some video but I am not going to post it.  But let me tell you there were some sweet moves (Finn).  We played a ton of 80's music and Cord, Brady & I sung them at the top of our lungs. Kate we REALLY missed you!

Saturday night we set off fireworks and had the 4th of July allover again...

Our kids love going to Teasdale and hanging out with their cousins.  We can't wait for next year to do it all over again!

Thanks Brady for hosting us!