Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Cord!!

Cord is the coolest guy I know (sorry Dad). He is as we like to say "too coo for schoo." If fact every time I have a memory lapse and say to him "I was just going to tell you something" his reply is always "that I'm cool" Yes, yes Cord, you're cool.

Today Cordy boy was showered with presents and love from his kidos. He got breakfast in bed, candy (new coconut m&m's) a tie and a giant pack of his favorite gum. The kids made cards, sung to him at church and we made his favorite Thai lettuce wraps for dinner. Then Cord was showered with crying, fighting and a naked Barry who refused to go to bed.

Such is the life of a dad and such is the life of Cord. But Cord rarely complains and often has more patience than I do. He is such a great father who loves our rug rats through all the good times and the messy ones. He always keeps us in stitches with his great sense of humor -- he makes me laugh several times each day and you should see the dance parties and Power Ranger battles we have here.

Cord is truly a wonderful husband and father. There have been countless times I have had to lean on him for support that not many would be capable of giving. His strength of character and love for his family are invaluable. I marvel at his work ethic and so glad that he is teaching our children through his example how to be good, righteous and forgiving people. Plus BONUS he does all our grocery shopping!

I love you Cord!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Dad!!

My dad is the coolest guy I know (sorry Cord).

Just look at him.

I guess that's why I am sooo cool and so darn funny -- because he is also the funniest person I know (and we all know those things are genetic right?)

Most fathers teach their kids how to be kind, ride a bike & how to work hard. While my dad did teach me those things, he also taught me how to tell a good story, love the San Francisco Giants and mock others.

Growing up I loved watching movies with my dad for two reasons. The first is that he always knew what was going to happen next. I would sit next to him awe struck as he predicted the plot of various movies and t.v. shows. I thought this was the most amazing thing. Silently I began to guess before he did who "dun it" or how a story line would play out. I have to say I got pretty good and now I enjoy the looks of awe from my children as I predict the ending of movies.

The other reason I loved to watch movies with my dad -- particularly movies with chase scenes in them -- is because he has the uncanny ability to distinguish when the sounds coming from a speeding car were not the right sounds that particular engine should make. Really. He would always point out when the wrong sound effects were being used and I loved it. My dad knows more about cars that anyone I have met.

My dad loves old cars and Hot Rod magazine. Someday when I am rich and famous I am going to buy him an old Chevy and give him the money to restore it how he wants. Now Dad, should I never be rich and famous just remember it's the thought that counts.

When I was a girl my dad had a '57 Chevy Nomad that he kept at his sign shop. Now this may be a figment of a young girls imagination but I remember his co-workers painting "Stormin' Norman" of the side in small letters. I heard some of them say it should be "Stormin' Norman the Mormon" and that's the other thing my dad taught me. How to be a Mormon. By example he taught me how to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have never questioned my dad's testimony and that has given my great strength and comfort. He is the rock of our family.

I love my dad so much and am grateful for the many sacrifices he made to provide for his family. I know that at any time I can call my dad he would drop what he is doing and help me. He would even drive 800 miles across that awful Nevada to do it. Do you remember our drive to Rexburg Dad?

I love you Dad.

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Art City Days

This week is "Art City Days" in our neck of the woods. It is usually a fun time. The art museum has a fantastic free art day for the kids, there is a rodeo, carnival, quilt show, craft fair...well you get the point. But the weather just had not cooperated this week. We have had a lot of rain. But we have managed to have a good time anyway.

Lily has been a cheerleader this week. For two weeks actually -- as part of a fund raiser the SHS cheerleaders teach a million wannabe cheerleaders a dance and a few cheers. Here is Lily before the "Cheer Spectacular".

The cheer spectacular is a local wonder. I really should have pushed my way to the bottom of the stands and taken a picture of all the camera/camcorder equipped parents and grandparents (some with mullets and teeth some without). It truly is a small town spectacle, I mean "spectacular".

Here is a shot I did take of all the little mini cheerleaders. I also wish could have gotten a shot of some of the make-up & hairdo's of some of the girls -- also a small town wonder.

Lily did great naturally -- and was the cutest one there -- naturally.

Cole has been playing baseball and doing great. He is having a winning season (thanks to a 100 mph pitcher) which is nice compared to the last two seasons. I just signed him up for tackle football which will start in August.

Oh & he arrived home save sound & happy (and very dirty) from camp. He had a great time.

This morning was the parade. Luckily it didn't rain and it wasn't too hot. Lily was in the parade which she loved -- you know because she is so quiet & shy.

This is the simultaneous the best and saddest picture from the parade. Barry waved and yelled "OLD MAC DONALD" for a long time at his beloved Ronald...but alas Ronald never did turn around.

"Hot rods" were another favorite at the parade. Barry & Will both turned around to me and started screaming "HOT RODS!! HOT RODS" and if you know there voices the sound was piercing. They especially loved it when they revved their engines.

(Alli, Jentry, Caitlin, Caroline)
Alli & her friends enjoyed the sights. I was happy to get a shot of the ever elusive teenager.

Here are the nerds enjoying the candy. One great thing about living in a small town is that candy throwing has not been outlawed at parades yet. So we came home with a large sack full of bubble gum, salt water taffy & Tootsie Rolls. You gotta love it!

I hope you had a good weekend too!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

And he's off

Today Cole left to go to Shadow Mountain a 5th grade camp -- all the fifth graders in the city get to go (if they want to) the summer after 5th grade. Cole has been so excited about this. He has a lot of friends going this week so he should have a great time.

Here he is with our neighbor Jordan getting on the bus. Let me tell you he was really happy about mom taking pictures in front of everyone. I had to point out that I wasn't the only one.

I tired to get one of him on the bus but there was a glare right on his window. Of course I can see the kids in front of him and behind him but not him. He and Jordan were sitting in the "emergency exit" row so let's hope there is no emergency!

A few years ago Cole tended to worry a lot and I worried that he wouldn't grow out of it. I am so glad that he feels comfortable being away from us for a few days. I will miss him and it will be great to hear about all his adventures when we pick him up Saturday afternoon.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Now that school is out and Cole has a job mowing lawns he has money burning a hole in his pocket. So he and his friend Harrison seem to find themselves riding their bikes down to 7-11 every couple days.

The boys really like this sense of freedom as they cruise downtown wind blowing in their hair as they get their Transformers collector cups full of 5-6 flavors of slurpee at once and they always grab a Slim Jim to go with... Yum!

Well, after once such trip to the store Cole & Harrison came into the kitchen and had a concerned look on their faces.

They sheepishly asked "Does 7-11 sells tobacco?"

They had my full attention.

"Yes, they sell tobacco why?" (I'm thinking of course they do! And how the heck did you get your hands on some?!?! I mean Cole is a big boy but I would think the freckles and his height were a dead giveaway that he is a minor)

"Well..." they continued...

"We bought a Slim Jim that has tobacco in it and we both had some before we realized what it was."


"Let me see the package." They showed me the package (they had ripped of the top with their teeth of course)

Apparently in the week we have been out of school the boys have already forgotten how to spell.

Monday, June 1, 2009

When does school start up again?








And a few other words I won't quote here...

This is what the little boys did today for fun.

Alli took these pictures for me while I was counting to ten in the other room. I really thought we were over this stage. They haven't written on the walls in years. So why start today?!

"Because we found a red marker"

Of course

I wish I had a picture with them in it so you could get the scale. These pictures they drew are HUGE. They took all the sheets of Barry 's bed then stood on it and wrote on the wall (the entire length of the twin bed.)

Good times!