This week is "Art City Days" in our neck of the woods. It is usually a fun time. The art museum has a fantastic free art day for the kids, there is a rodeo, carnival, quilt show, craft fair...well you get the point. But the weather just had not cooperated this week. We have had a lot of rain. But we have managed to have a good time anyway.
Lily has been a cheerleader this week. For two weeks actually -- as part of a fund raiser the SHS cheerleaders teach a million wannabe cheerleaders a dance and a few cheers. Here is Lily before the "Cheer Spectacular".

The cheer spectacular is a local wonder. I really should have pushed my way to the bottom of the stands and taken a picture of all the camera/camcorder equipped parents and grandparents (some with mullets and teeth some without). It truly is a small town spectacle, I mean "spectacular".

Here is a shot I did take of all the little mini cheerleaders. I also wish could have gotten a shot of some of the make-up & hairdo's of some of the girls -- also a small town wonder.
Lily did great naturally -- and was the cutest one there -- naturally.

Cole has been playing baseball and doing great. He is having a winning season (thanks to a 100 mph pitcher) which is nice compared to the last two seasons. I just signed him up for tackle football which will start in August.
Oh & he arrived home save sound & happy (and very dirty) from camp. He had a great time.

This morning was the parade. Luckily it didn't rain and it wasn't too hot. Lily was in the parade which she loved -- you know because she is so quiet & shy.

This is the simultaneous the best and saddest picture from the parade. Barry waved and yelled "OLD MAC DONALD" for a long time at his beloved Ronald...but alas Ronald never did turn around.

"Hot rods" were another favorite at the parade. Barry & Will both turned around to me and started screaming "HOT RODS!! HOT RODS" and if you know there voices the sound was piercing. They especially loved it when they revved their engines.
(Alli, Jentry, Caitlin, Caroline)Alli & her friends enjoyed the sights. I was happy to get a shot of the ever elusive teenager.

Here are the nerds enjoying the candy. One great thing about living in a small town is that candy throwing has not been outlawed at parades yet. So we came home with a large sack full of bubble gum, salt water taffy & Tootsie Rolls. You gotta love it!
I hope you had a good weekend too!