Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Confessions of a bad mom

 Have you heard of "middle child syndrome"?
"The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things."
 Blah, blah, blah.

Lily is our middle child.  Smack dab in the middle of our 5 kids.

This year we took a some photos to put in our Christmas cards.  They turned out great.  But things have gotten a little crazy for me so I decided not to make the Christmas cards I had planned on (and bought all the supplies for).  Instead I thought I'd just order some photo cards. Easy right?

Here is the picture we chose..

Just look at cute Lily in the middle of all things.

So I typed up the message for the cards.  

"We send our love to you this holiday season. - Cord, Heidi, Alli, Cole, Will & Barry."

Do you notice anything wrong with the message?

Anyone's name missing?

The middle child perhaps?


Real nice mom!

This is some of the rest of  the description of a middle child...

"Being a middle child would mean they are loners...Not liking to take the limelight for anything, they are not over achievers and just simply work enough work to get by, and typically that goes with school as well as a career." 
I guess Lily isn't a typical middle child because when I sheepishly showed Lily my error on our newly printed cards, I explained that I would write her name in and she exclaimed, "Ha, my name will be bigger than everyone else!" 

Here are a few of the other pictures from our photo shoot...

Monday, December 14, 2009

One week until my parents arrive and I have so much to do!!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Decorate tree... check

O Tannenbaum! 

After church on Sunday we decorated our tree.

I love listening to the kids reminisce as they pull out ornaments they have made or ornaments people have given us. There is usually and argument about who gets to hang the glass icicle Grandma Mary gave us several years ago. I have no idea how they remember who hung it last year (they can't seem to remember to brush their teeth).  Apparently Cole hung it last year and so Lily did this year.

 This is a new favorite.  I bought it at the Beehive Bazaar a few years ago.  It's a santa painted on a dried gourd and I keep meaning to try and make some myself.

 Sisterly love -- I had to take a picture of that!

We love the tree! It smells amazing and now it really feels like Christmas around here!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Get tree... check

Saturday we scoured the tree lot...

And picked out the perfect tree.

And we brought it home.

Monday, December 7, 2009


This weekend we picked out our tree and decorated it and I'll post about that soon, but first I need to post abut Thanksgiving.

We really had a great time. It was super relaxed and super good.

Our preparations began on Wednesday with the making of the pies.  Lily had been begging to help so when it was time to make the crust she and her friends helped me out.

I showed them how to roll out the dough and not work it too much -- you want a flaky crust after all. Then we cut out leaves to put in the center of our pies.  It really was fun to have my three little helpers (Lily, Gabi & Rylee) with me in the kitchen.

Then Alli & I made a blueberry pie (Cord's request).  Alli made the crust.  Isn't it beautiful!

I really love the Thanksgiving meal!  I mean I REALLY love it.  

Here is the turkey.  We put some sage from our garden under the skin of the turkey before we cooked it (an idea from Martha of course). I love the way it looks.

The stuffing was gone in a flash.  It is such a good recipe with sage, sausage, apples and cranberries. 

Alli loves the stuffing as much as I do. 

 Cord's sister Lindy came over for dinner which was great.  My kids always look forward to a visit from the Funaki's!




Aki, the lover of turkey wings.


And then I have to end with one more picture of cute little Tevi.  This is him enjoying a grape.

Oh don't you just love those curls!! 

 I hope you have a great holiday.  Now on the the Christmas posts!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Where I'll be

This is where I am going to be tonight.  I can't wait!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making a list and checking it twice

My head has been spinning with all the things I have to do this month.  I can't seem to sleep because "to do" tasks keep popping in my head.  Mornings have been a little stressful because I don't know where to start and once I begin something I suddenly remember something else that needs to get done.  I am having mild panic attacks all day and drinking enormous amounts of Diet Coke.

So this morning I finally sat down and made myself a list.  Actually I had to make myself several lists.  I have my shopping list, my household chore list, the kids activity/homework list, my church duty list, my Christmas activities to do with the kids list, my sewing projects list, and then the misc. list.  I know, I know that is a lot of lists but I don't feel as overwhelmed once I put everything down on paper. I can look at what needs to be done and cross them off. Oh how I love to cross things off.

I don't think I could function without a list.  And I won't tell you how many times I rewrote my list so that it looked nice and orderly.

Okay, now I can cross off "don't be such a lame blogger" off my list.

Have a great day -- hopefully you can accomplish something on your list today!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving and the list of things I am thankful for is much too long to list here.  I love Thanksgiving because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on all I have. It also gives me a renewed resolve to care more for the people around me than the things around me.  

"The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief.  Opportunities come, and then they are gone.  I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.  I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now."
  -- Thomas S. Monson
The most important things in my life are the six beautiful people I share my home with.  The most important thing I can spend my time doing is being with them.  I am so grateful for each of them and the love they show me.


I hope you are surrounded by those you love and have a wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Festivities

Yesterday was a busy but fun day.  Part of the busy was that I somehow ended up helping in three, yes three class parties yesterday.  I helped make super cute turkey cards -- they also had a cookie decorating station, pictionary and a game station. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures!! Then I headed down to the kindergarten to help with Will's feast.

They had turkey, rolls, carrots, popcorn, applesauce & corn chips plus some apple juice.  I love the kindergarteners!

This is Will's BFF Regan.

I was suppose to head over to Cole's 6th grade class in the middle of Will's party but luckily Cord was able to come over instead.  I was in charge of the game (bowling using soda bottles for pins and a soccer ball) Cord said he had the time of his life.

After school I loaded up the van with our carpool and went to get Barry at "Farm School".  Since it was Thanksgiving we got to go in with the turkeys and say hi.

I love the turkeys.  Their gobbles just crack me up!  They were so loud running around terrified of me and my pack of wild children.

I wish I looked that good from behind.


Then we tried to pet them.  Jordan was a little timid... Lily was a little nervous... but Barry...

no fear.

I laugh so hard when I look at this picture.  Barry chased those turkeys while making gobble sounds of his own.

I had to take a picture of the cute chickens

And this bad boy.  There is a picture of him in our favorite calendar "Extraordinary Chickens"

Cole & Lily finally got to pet the turkeys and our day was complete.

My grandma had a salt shaker that looked just like this one.

I took far too many pictures of the turkeys but they were so much fun!

Now I'm off to make some pies...