Things have been so busy the last few weeks that blogging has just fallen to the bottom of the list. I thought I'd share a few of the things we have been up to -- but not all -- I wouldn't want to put you to sleep.
But first let me just bug Cord a little more by posting a picture of the MVP watch he received from work -- he is just
so happy that I posted about it at all. He just loves it when random people come up to him at church an congratulate him (thanks Anya!!) But it is a nice watch don't you think?

Britney, Rebecca, Robyn, me, Shauna, BrendaThe "girls" and I snuck away from all the hustle and bustle to celebrate the birth of Britney & Rebecca. They are two of my very favorite people. Along with the other women here. We had a great time eating and shopping.

For our RS Christmas dinner we had an "angel" theme. The tables were decorated with white tulle and white lights down the center and angles were placed along the tables as well. These pictures don't do it justice. The room was beautiful. Here's my friend Heidi P. filling cups with ice.
I loved that the dinner was catered and no one had to bring a thing. We played a fun version of Bingo. Each woman in attendance wrote her name on a piece of paper as she arrived (and put it in a box) then they received a blank bingo card. Each woman then had other women sign their names on the bingo card to fill up the 16 squares. Later during dinner we passed the box of names around and everyone pulled a name out of the box and wrote a reason why that sister is an angle. Then when we played bingo -- if your name was called out you had to stand and a nice thing was said about you. People said such nice and sweet things about each other!
We also watched Elder Jeffery Holland's talk he gave last conference
"The Ministry of Angels"(Saturday afternoon session) and watched a video of pictures of the women in our ward. It was a great night.

We have had a great time watching Alli play basketball. My camera isn't the best for action shots but here she is # 24 in white. I really am proud of her! Now I just need to get a shot of her making a basket -- I keeping missing!

Cord's brother Brig who has been in Iraq since spring is on leave for 18 days. We have had such a great time visiting with him and watching him with his super cute wife & son. We even got to have Max overnight so Brig & Shayla could have some time. I have to say that if all my kids were as good as Max we might have had 10 -- well maybe not -- but he was great. Aren't they such a cute family!?

I still am sick -- I'm not sure I will ever get rid of this sinus congestion -- what a joy. But I do need to ask why they make medicine so difficult to open! Supposedly you just need to tear off the backing and then pop out the pills. It never works!

Finally, I drank
far too much Diet Coke in December & found Barry sneaking a little too.
I know I said I wouldn't put you to sleep but I am sure some of you are snoring. I will post more holiday happenings tomorrow. We did have a merry Christmas an hope your holidays have been wonderful too!