I have a ton of Halloween related pictures to post but I haven't download them off the camera yet, so I thought I'd mention this study I heard last week on the news. Maybe some of you saw it too.
One thing I have never been accused of is being too clean -- I have however had a picture of pig taped to my bedroom door while growing up -- thanks mom! Now, I am not dirty either. I like to think I have found a happy medium, at least that's what I tell myself.
Cord for years (probably due to his line of work) has been telling me that anti-bacterial soap isn't such a good idea because good bacteria are being killed as well. So when I recently heard of a new study encouraging kids to have pets and play in the dirt my ears perked up.
According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the prevalence of allergies and asthma has risen steadily. Some believe that hyper-cleanliness only makes it harder for kids to develop a good immunity system. Exposing children to dust and dirt could help fight off allergies and asthma.
I went looking for the news story I heard but couldn't find the exact one. But I did find several great articles like this one . I really liked how it says that "dirt is making a comeback -- good news for little boys" and this one talks about "gritty rats and mice living in sewers and farms seem to have healthier immune systems than their squeaky clean cousins that frolic in cushy antiseptic labs". That could be a whole new country mouse story.
I guess I was glad to hear that we should encourage our kids to get out and play. I think too many kids stay inside and play video games or are so over scheduled they don't have an opportunity to dig or play in the leaves or even the sandbox! So read the articles and tell me what you think. After all "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt". Right?