Sorry about the lack of updates recently. We both have been having a few health challenges which have taken all our time and energy. While we were in the waning days of the Crabfest, Elaine woke up one day feeling like she had "thrown her back out". She lessened her physical activity and upped her intake of over-the-counter pain medications, and waited for some improvement. The Crabfest ended on Oct. 2 and we left Winchester Bay on Oct. 4, making stops in Canyonville, at the 7 Feathers Casino to see friends, Pat & Tom Bryant, who live near there. Coincidentally, we also had a nice visit in the parking lot with Diane & Jim Fisher-Baker, Boomer friends whom we camped with on the AZ deserts last year. Continuing south, we got a call from Laura & Gordon Bornkamp, who were staying with Chuck & Betty Goehring at their place in Lake Shastina, and we spent an enjoyable evening with all of them. They had all been at the Crabfest but there is always so much activity during those days, that we hadn't really had a chance to visit in depth with them and we welcomed this opportunity. Chuck and Betty had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Congrats, Chuck & Betty!!
Reno was our next stop so that I could have a visit with my daughter, Laura, and her daughters Adrianna and Michaela. (see photo above) Laura's 33rd birthday was Oct. 11 and we celebrated that early by having a nice seafood dinner at the Peppermill, where we were staying in the parking lot in our RV. Bruce and Maria Roberts, a couple who was on our Panama trip with us in 2004, were parked next to us and we had great visits with them. Elaine also spent time with them in the casino while I was with Laura, mostly talking and watching my granddaughters at swim practice. They swim on the Reno Swim Team and are both excellent swimmers.
Heading back into California, we stopped in Fremont to see Tarra, Elaine's daughter, and her new partner, Alonzo. We parked in front of their place and they made us feel very welcome. Unfortunately, I became ill with a gastrointestinal virus and was sick almost the whole time we were there. Elaine had some good bonding time with them, however.
On Oct. 11 we arrived back at our lot at the SKP park near Coarsegold, CA called Park Sierra. It felt good to be back again, although we mostly seem to use this place to store some stuff in our shed, and as a staging area twice a year to get ready for our travels. The people here are very friendly and supportive and we enjoy the many social events. Wednesday I was feeling much better and drove Elaine to our doctor. He put her on muscle relaxants and pain medication for her back. However, by now she had caught the virus I had previously and couldn’t keep anything in her stomach for the next few days. She spent the next 3 days sleeping off and on. Today she is feeling much better, with regard to both the gastroenteritis and her back pain, although she is still very limited in her movement.
We had intended to be here several weeks, cleaning up our car and rig and packing it for a winter in the AZ deserts. Now however, our departure will be delayed until we are feeling 100% ready physically, and we have had a few more doctor visits for some other tests and procedures, such as mammograms.
The weather here has been very warm and dry until today, when some light rain showers have been occurring. As soon as we have another sunny day, I will get out there with my camera and take some pictures so you can see this lovely park where we have our lot.