More could be overwhelming.
So Lydia saw this skirt at the other day.
It was love at first click

29.99 for a no way....
And yesterday I was at the mall, and it was itchy, and not at all twirly like she wanted......yea, yea that's it. I was doing a really good job of talking myself out of it.
So we went to Walmart...(no raised eyebrows please....yes Walmart)
And bought 9.00 worth of material
and last night...I had to get it done....until 1:37 AM, like I didn't have anything else I should have been doing. I even added pom pom fringe for good measure...because everything could use some pom poms.
and it looks like this
and today I downloaded the picture off of Gymboree for this blog post....and it went on sale last night for 14.00
Dumb...dumb dumb....