Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Family Pictures

Done by the beautiful Brienne Poole, go here to see her work! Oh I love these so much. My kids were actually cooperative and loved little Ms. Brienne. I do have to say I like being on the other end of this much better. My whole day I was stressed about making sure my kids got rest so they wouldn't lose it by the end of the night. And making sure we were all ready to go and be out the door on time. So this helped give me a little compassion on my clients, you have it much harder than me. Anyways enjoy just a few of my favorites!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Olivia's first day of Preschool..

To say she was even excited would be an understatement. Liv couldn't wait to get out of my car and go to school. I was lucky to even get these pictures because she was hurrying so fast to get inside. I think I was just as excited as her, because for me I had a whole two and a half hours to myself. I hate to see my kids grow up, but man it is kind of nice to have this freedom while they are gone!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First day of Kindergarten..

The day has finely come! Owen has been on the countdown now for weeks. Yesterday his nerves were a little strong and the poor guy hardly ate a thing. But this morning he was up and ready and couldn't wait to go. I gave in and let him pick his outfit, does he look sporty or what? First day was a success! I asked him if he had fun or was it a little boring, he replied kind of both.