Monday, January 26, 2009

Meet Owen's new friends...

Snake the tood (Chris's old tie), and diarrhea dog. How do kids come up with this stuff?

Last night Owen was trying to negotiate with us if he could stay up late. He told us if he points to his right eye he gets to stay up and if he points to his left eye he'll go to bed. Well he pointed to his right eye so he got to stay up. Owen you are quite the character.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can I vent...

Where has all the good customer service gone? Seriously I have been on the phone for over an hour. Every person I talk to I can't understand. I'm transferred to the wrong department and then retransferred. Ahhh I'm pulling my hair out. Maybe I should just open up my own business and just specialize in making things simple for people. Why is everything so complicated? I think I should have them pay for my phone bill.

Anyways that felt good, well just a little.

This last weekend Chris and I went to St. George, and we had a lot more work than we thought. but I'm sure glad I had his help. He took more good pictures than I expected. Here are some pictures of the trip.

If anyone is in the market for a multi-million $$$ home. I think this is the one for you.

Loved eating sunday dinner with this guy.
Big sis Aislee helping Easton open up his birthday presents.
I love this picture that Chris took. They are dinosaur footprints in the bottom of the pool.
Isn't he cute?

This is what I did all weekend.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First words...

I have neglected to write some of Livs first words. So here they are in order that she has said them.

Get it

She is quite demanding.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

I am now a believer in....

I bought MAC eyeshadow for my first time, and love it! I'm interested to know what your favorite MAC product is? Let me know because I want to buy some more.

I HAVE TO GIVE CREDIT TO MY BIG SIS, JAMIE, THANK YOU! That was fun, just going shopping me and you. Lets do that way more often.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I finally figured out how to get Liv to smile. Feed her some yummy fruit and make loud obnoxious noises.