Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No more reflux!!
This morning I took Hayden to the hospital to have the VCUG done to see if he is still refluxing urine into his kidneys. He did so well during the test. They didn't even strap him down. The Radiologist said everything looked normal. We then went to his appointment with the urologist and he says he doesn't need to see him anymore and he doesn't have to take his antibiotics anymore either. Yeah!! I am so happy that he has outgrown it. He has 2 more appointments this month. His Geneticist and Endocrinologist. Hopefully the last time for the geneticist. Anyway, just wanted to share the news.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Stitches Hayden likes to help unload the dishwasher. I don't like him to help. Well, this morning, without me seeing him, he got a very sharp knife out of the dishwasher and walked into the family room with it. Elisabeth saw this and took it from him. She cut his fingers in the process of grabbing it. He was crying really bad and I didn't realize his fingers had been cut. I picked him up and I saw the blood. I just knew he would need stitches. I got dressed and got him dressed and ran over to the E-care place. Well, they don't open until 10. I wasn't about to wait over an hour and 1/2. I thought I would try PrimaCare and they were open. I waited 45 minutes and they finally called us back. The Dr looked at his fingers and said that I would need to take him to the emergency room. I was a little frustrated. So we drive to the hospital and I get him out of the car and realize that PrimaCare never gave me my insurance card and drivers license back. I was super ticked. I had to put him back into the car and drive back to get my cards and go back to the hospital. Anyway, he ended up getting 2 stitches on his middle finger. His other 2 fingers didn't need stitches. He is doing just fine. My mom told me that I should just hand wash the sharp knives and put them away. That's a great idea. Thanks Mom.

Reagan's other bed

The girls rarely take naps anymore. On Saturday, Reagan decided to sleep in the drawer that is full of blankets under her bed. Looks pretty comfy.

Baby doll

I gave Hayden a baby to play with when I put him to bed. I checked on him and this is what I found. He was asleep with the baby on his head . Too cute.

Working on the puter
Chris was working on the laptop so Reagan ran and got hers and sat right next to Daddy. Reagan said she was working on a project.

18 months old

My baby is now 18mo. old. I can't believe it. Time to have another one right? Mmm I don't think so. He is doing soo well. His head is now only in the 90%. At his 15mo checkup his head was in the 100%. He is finally growing into it. We went to see his cardiologist on Friday and we got great news. His heart murmur is almost non-existent. This wed. we are due to see his urologist for his urinary reflux. About 14mo ago he was diagnosed with grade 3 urinary reflux on both sides. Hopefully we will have more good news that it is gone. We shall see.

The letter R

Reagan doesn't know how to write her whole name yet. She does, however, know how to write the letter R. I pulled up the blinds and found this.