Monday, February 17, 2014

Yellow Cab Pizza; The Pizza That Never Sleeps

Yellow Cab Pizza 24/7 Delivery 
The Pizza That Never Sleeps

The only pizza restaurant in Naga City  that never
sleeps is the Yellow Cab Pizza in Magsaysay Ave.,

….which dishes out the best pizza,

…and the best tasting pasta 24/7,

…and delivers the goodies
right at your doorsteps 24/7,

...because craving for the best tasting pizza and pasta
in this part of the world never really sleeps. 

Read Here for related posts:


Friday, February 14, 2014

Holy & Heavenly Miracle Turon; The Most Delicious Turon in the Philippines

Holy and Heavenly Miracle Turon 
The Most Delicious Turon in the Philippines

I know Naguenos would be disappointed as 
the most delicious Banana Turon in this part
of the world is not commercially available.

I am fortunate, that I get to taste this yummy
dish courtesy of the kindly and good hearted 
nuns  of the Carmelite  Monastery in Naga City.

I got a visit again from one of the Carmelite Sisters 
who brought me an “bilao” full of Banana Turon.

I was profusely thanking her for the precious gift
and she gamely posed for a photo when I told her
that I would do a blog of their glorious tasting snacks.

The Carmelite Turon comes smaller than
the commercially available counterparts,


…as it uses only half of the ripe banana
wrapped in the traditional lumpia wrapper,
topped with tangy caramelized sugar.


While ripe “Langka” (or Nagka) is most common  flavor
of most Banana Turons, the Carmelite Turon  had a tangy 
and citrus aftertaste  that comes from  their convent’s
secret formula- the right concoction of ripe oranges.

Unlike langka that does nothing but to increase
the turon’s  level of sweetness, the orange only 
enhances the flavor and does not overwhelm.

What you savor is still the real taste of ripe banana 
 with a sharp, savory after taste. Unlike Langka where
you see the fruit sandwiched in between  the bananas   
and feel the fibers in you mouth while you eat,

… you do not see any bits and pieces
of the oranges in the turon, but just like
a miracle- you can taste it and fills your
senses with its tangerine goodness.


 ”Faith is a belief in something that you do not see.”
according to a Bible verse (Hebrews 11:1), 
and that’s exactly what you feel  when you sink
your  teeth into the perfectly fried Carmelite Turon…

- it gives you the taste of heaven. It's a Miracle! 
For being one of the privileged few to have
tasted this heavenly turon, all I can say is
indeed, God is good and I am blessed.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Caby’s Cabana; Tasty or Salty? That is the Question.

Caby’s Cabana
Tasty or Salty? That is the Question

It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at  Caby's Cabana 
 as we were invited for my mother- in- law's birthday.

We have been  to Caby’s Cabana several times, as it is where
we annually watch the Translacion  Procession during the
Penafrancia Festival and we never really got to fully dine there,
but we have already tried their late afternoon snacks then.

This is the first  time to have a complete dinner here
and try some of their best selling and popular dishes. 

Caby’s Cabana used to be one of Naga City’s
most beautiful restaurant in the past having
been designed by the talented Biboy Belleza,

…inspired by the quaint seaside cottage design, but  years
 of wear and tear, the place seems to be screaming
and yearning for a much needed renovation.

The restaurant was crowded during our visit 
and there was an ongoing buffet at the second 
floor, but we decided to dine a’la carte.

My family was seated on one table while our other relatives 
were also seated with their own families on separate tables 
but we were served exactly the same pre- ordered dishes.

Our dinner started with Sinigang na Baboy
which my wife and daughter found delicious.
I found the sinigang to be too sour for comfort,


...and I personally never, never liked sinigang
that makes you wrinkle your face in consternation
of putting too much tamarind on the soup base.

The Buttered Chicken was just too salty
and that made us suspect the chef may have
accidentally poured too much salt while cooking.

When the Breaded Fish Fillet was served, it also tasted too salty,
and least this time I knew the the the Breaded Chicken's saltiness
was not accidental. Something is wrong with the Chef's taste buds.

The fish and the chicken were served with  
disgusting  Banana Ketchup that is intolerably sweet
I still do not  understand until now, why there are restaurants 
that fail to realize that there are better tasting 
tomato ketchup preparations in the market,

The Beef with Ampalaya, was not spared
by the chef’s penchant on putting too much
salt on the dishes that he prepares,

… and so was the Chop Suey.

The Laing  they serve, I believe is saltiest version 
that I have ever tasted in my lifetime.

The naturally salty Bicol Express came as a life saver 
for this briny dinner, but having so much of the salty dishes
that were served earlier left our tongues brackishly numb
and unable to enjoy the otherwise delicious Bicol Express.

My family's side of  dinner table  ended filled with
half- eaten food and tons of leftover food,

...barely touched and waiting to be
wrapped in doggy bags to be taken
home to become pet food.

Caby’s Cabana needed not only a major
renovation but it is about time for them to advise
the chef to go easy with the salt when cooking,

Interestingly, except for my family, not one of our dinner companions
 complained about the food being salty and everyone seemed
 to have enjoyed everything that was served to the hilt.

While we barely touched the food served on our table, 
ironically, most of them found the food tasty and delicious.

For Related Posts Read Here:

Penafrancia Translacion 2013  @ Caby’s Cabana, Naga City

Friday, February 7, 2014

Gouda’s Gilde Originele Stroopwafel

Gouda’s Gilde Originele Stroopwafel 
 Heavenly Sweet Treat of Goodness

My addiction for Gouda’s Gilde Stroopwafel 
began in 1995 during a stopover  in Schipol 
in Amsterdam on my way to Helsinki.

I was still young, single and there was a free
taste  test in one of the shops in the airport 
 for this waffle and it was love at first bite.

I grabbed two boxes that I took with me
 to Finland and sustained my cravings for
this new found delicious pastry for a week.

In 2002, I returned to Europe, this time as a
married  man  with a five year old daughter.
We were on a three country tour which
began in Amsterdam where I introduced
my family to this sweet tasty treat.

And just like myself half a decade ago, 
it was love at first bite for my family
that we bought  several boxes that we
 took  all the way to Brussels, Belguim,

…and on to Paris, France.

Gouda’s Gilde  Stroopwafel also sustained
our sweet tooth when we grabbed several
boxes during our  stopover in Amsterdam
on our way to Athens Greece nine years ago.

We finally introduced our son to the waffle 
on his first European trip in 2012 where
we grabbed several boxes during our
Amsterdam stopover on our way to Berlin,

… that we took all the way to Prague,

…and  we again replenished our stocks
on our return to Amsterdam weeks later.

Unfortunately, the precious pastry is not available in the
 Philippines, so sometimes we had to satisfy our cravings 
with similar waffle versions from most 7 Eleven Stores,

…and Starbucks Naga,

....but nothing really comes 
close to the original.

Last December, my brother in-law working
in South Africa  texted us that he was on a
stopover in Schipol, Amsterdam . My whole
family looked at each other in a  collective
agreement  and only one thing mind: 
Gouda’s Gilde Originele Stroopwafel!

He returned to the Philippines and brought us
six boxes  of Gouda’s Gilde in a huge promo pack.

We savored tje creamy goodness of the
waffle that is best eaten when heated
fresh from a microwave oven, or placed
on top of a hot cup of coffee.

The perfectly baked dense waffle has
a very firm consistency on a bite
but melts in the mouth when eaten,

…while the caramel like filling was velvety
and had the exact sweetness the does not
overwhelm  the soft  but compact milky pastry.

The glorious taste of this heavenly sweet treat  will linger  in
 your subconscious  for so long that you would be desiring for
 more and it would captivate your craving as long as you live.