Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary Cam!

Well Wonderboy, it has been 5 years!! I know to you it seems like 10, but its only been 5! =o) It's been the best 5 years of my life, and Im sure the next 5 will be even better! Thank You so much for sweeping me off my feet 6 years ago and after only ONE date! When Kelli and Lani set us up on the blind date my Mom said, "He's a return missionary Lonna!! One date. I mean it! ONE DATE!" It only took you "ONE date" to sweep my off my feet and set me on cloud nine! And then you made my mom love you, and now here we are!
I remember the night you told me you loved me like it was last night! And even though I didn't say it back to you, I was so excited, relieved, and happy that you felt the same way I did! I don't think I slept that night!! I told you later that I was FALLING in love with you and I hope you know that I am STILL falling!

Ten things I LOVE about you!

10) You love ME and treat me like a queen!
9) Your positive attitude! ALL of the time. I'm so pessimistic that I've complained about how optimistic you are! But REALLY I love you optimism! Its starting to rub off on me!
8) You've never let us miss a night of prayers, in 5 years! (except the nights we've spent away from each other) President Baldwin challenged us to say prayer every night together and though there were times you came to bed after me you always woke me to have prayer! 
7) You never let me fight with you! There is always a simple solution to whatever I decide to throw a fit about! If I would have married someone who liked to argue as much as I do I'd be divorced by now!! Thank You for being a Peacemaker. Keep reminding me what my dad always said, "it's not WHO'S right its WHAT'S right!"
6) You give 100% to whatever you are doing at any given time whether its eating dinner or spending time with your family!
5) You are such an example to the youth . . . keep that up. They look up to you SO much!
4) You built me a beautiful home!
3) You work so hard to provide for your family.
2) You are such an awesome Dad. Our kids adore you!
1) And YOU are MINE for Eternity!! Thank you for making me laugh... Every Day... as you promised! =D
Thank You for making me a better person! I'm so glad I get to spend the rest of my life and eternity with you! I look forward to our journey of ups and downs. . . Mostly ups because you don't ever have any downs. You always find the GOOD in everything that comes our way! I LoVe YoU! I'm so glad you picked me to be your Bride, the Mother of your children, and your Best Friend for Eternity! 

xoxoxoxo~I LOVE YOU~xoxoxoxo
5 years down Eternity to go!

Another Ali story. 

The other day Ali was sitting on the floor and she said, "I have this many shoes mom!" and I looked down at her and she has her fingers spread out next to her toes . . . SO I guess she has 20 shoes. HaHa. Today we were playing the match game and I said, "Lets count how many matches you have." And she said " I have a lot of matches though, mom. I don't think have that many enough fingers" I love my little smarty pants!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I need opinions! This kid always looks totally Connolly to me but I think he looks like Nolan in this picture. What do you think??

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ZOO with dad

We decided to take Dad to the zoo for his Father's Day present. . . Dads got in Free! I know its on a Sunday. . . Sunday is the only day the kids get to see Camron, and so we broke the sabbath and spent the day together at the Zoo.
The Best Dad at the zoo with 
the Best Kids at the zoo=)
My Dad is is the Best dad out of the ZOO! 
(haha that makes it sound like he escaped from the zoo)
Happy Belated Father's Day DAD!

What is it about the Zoo? I love going there. 
I think the animals are so cool!

Family Photo with the elephants.

It was Fathers day for the elephants too! So we took a family photo of them too! 
That HUGE little baby elephant was soooo CUTE!

There was an indoor elephant "display?" where you could get real close to the elephants. Cooper didn't like them but we made him sit there anyway!

Look at those BLUE EYES!
"That's what I do best!"

He came right over to us. He would have come closer except that there was a 20ft cliff! I think he was trying to tell us something. He started signing to me and said "What makes some of you people think we evolved? And why are we not evolving still?" 

The Pittsburgh Penguins (hockey team) won the Stanley Cup this year. You can see the team flag on the wall. The penguins were really cool! they would dive in and then when they got out they would just increase speed in the water and shoot out of the water onto their feet. I don't know how I expected them to get out?? I guess they can't "climb" out. . . they don't have a opposable thumbs! Heck their wings (or whatever) don't even come up very high! But now I know how they do it.

Slowly but Surely

I have  some catching up to do! I found a website that will print my blog in book form, and I want to print it off for my Grandma Bowers to read. So I want to be all caught up. Been having a little more trouble w that . . . Any Suggestions???
I opened the fridge and this is what he reached for! TWICE! (cuz I had to go get the camera) When I did go get my camera he was so mad! and he was even more mad when I didn't let him have it. He is 100% Connolly. . .

Alionna decided to make Chicken Alfredo. Its her favorite. 
The noodles are Twisler pull and peels, and the chicken is fruit 
snacks! The sauce is on her left in the measuring cup. (its pretend sauce)

Nike wanted to cook too. He was content with pretzels.
MOM- Here is the red head you always wanted!! it an "ariel" wig from build a bear that she loves! Thought you would be happy to know that you finally have a RED head!! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pittsburgh Fun!!

I watched Jake and Rachel's little (big) boy Reed one night, and Cooper just loved on him and kissed him. It was pretty much his first time being around a baby and he was soo good with him. Now don't go thinkin I'm baby hungry. . . Cooper will just have to keep liking babies until I'm good and ready!

Ali loves to help her mom with the laundry. She actually does a pretty good job 
. . . depending on the job=o) She can hang shirts, fold socks and fold rags.

Pretty good at "rolling" her panties too. . . I don't know why she rolls things but she does! 
She rolls bath mats, rugs, towels. . .  and apparently panties.

I told her to turn around so I could get a picture of her smiling face 
and this is the pose she gave me!!

I was just sure he would fall . . .
But he's a Connolly . . . much too coordinated to fall!

Ali loves the "bumbrella" even when its not raining!! Quick story about the rain. . . One night Ali and I were waiting up for Camron to come home and a big thunder storm hit. So of course Ali wanted to go out and use her bumbrella. So I let her go outside and since I LOVE lightning and thunder storms I decided I would grab a blanket and a few pillows and go lay with her out on our deck. We grabbed a few books and turned on the porch light. She fell asleep while I was reading to her. We had a lot of fun, Just Ali and ME!  Those are the moments. . . 

Ali LOVES to have PIC-A-NICS out on our deck. She always makes sure that she has a pink plate and Cooper has a blue plate. 

I tried to get a few pictures with the timer on the camera they didn't really get it. SO I got a few funny ones but a few good ones too!!!!

These are my two angels!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I have one more story! There is a new guy that just came out here this last week. He just got back from his mission a week ago, his name is Moroni. We were getting ready to go down to Point State Park for the Fireworks and Alionna exclaimed from the back seat, "Wait, Wait, Don't leave MAC-A-RONE-EYE" and we were confused. "Who is MAC-A-RONE-EYE ? ? ?" We have since figured out that MARONI is MAC-A-RONE-EYE! We haven't corrected her because we just think it is SO DARN CUTE!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Alionna loves all of the guys out here but has taken a liking to one in paticular, His name is  Ryan Deleon and we just call him Deleon. Deleon went home for the 4th and Ali wanted to see him and I told her he went home. She said, "HOME? but Mmmom!" 

ME: "It's ok Ali he is coming back on Tuesday!"
ALI: "Mom, How about he just comes back on ONESday!" while holding 1 finger in the air!
I thought it was pretty cute! Thanks DeLeon for being Ali's best friend!!

The next story- Ali, Cooper, and I went to KOHLS. Ali had to go potty, and of course its on the second floor and I have to go upstairs w/ 2 kids. (sidenote: I hate going to the bathrooms in a public place with 2 kids. Its the worst for several reasons. . .) Anyway, I walk over to the escalator and of course I can't take a stroller on it, so I find the Elevators and get there just in time. . . or at least Ali got there just in time! She gets on, and I start to get on, and the door starts to close, so I push the button, and push it again. . . and again and it just CLOSES! I hear Ali scream "MOM!" OOOOPS!!! So I'm thinking "I've Cooper down here, Ali up there and who knows what she will do when she gets off !" so I ask this complete stranger who has 2 kids herself to keep an eye on Cooper while I run upstairs. I sprint up the elevator squeezing past people w/ no time to explain why I'm in a panic get to the elevator and Ali is crying and talking to this lady telling her I put her on the elevator alone! Anyway I got her back and went down and got Cooper. I asked Ali was that fun? and she said "NO, Don't ever do that to me again!"

ONE MORE DAY-Tribute to loved ones who have passed on -by three2u- {We all Love and Miss you AZURE}

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