Monday, October 18, 2010

My fall projects!

I wanted to make these but every time I went to the hardware store my brother Beau wasn't there and he said that there were "landscaping timber" scraps I could have. So I decided one day that I just couldn't wait to craft any longer!! So I went outside to my wood scrap pile and found a 2 inch dowel thingy and had an idea pop into my head!
The kids wanted to help and so I decided to be patient and a good mom and let them paint too!

They had a ton of fun painting!
This is their finished project, with some help from mom! ;)
Ali wanted to make a scare crow one day while I was doing coupons, so I let her stuff a pair of pants and a shirt with all of the excess newspaper and this is her scarecrow!
I made the tall pumpkin, the short one is the one the kids did.
The blocks on the left of the pumpkins (pictured ABOVE) will say "BOO!" But I had to send my cricut off to get fixed and still haven't gotten it back yet!! The other side (pictured BELOW) will say "FALL"
How I did my pumpkins: I cut six 3 1/2 inch pieces for the orange part and one 4 inch piece for the middle (the stem), then painted them. I did the same thing for the bigger ones but I don't remember the sizes . . . I used gorilla glue and the raffia/ribbon to hold it all together. I then hot glued the leaves on the top. Pretty easy, but I still want to do the other ones too!!

How I did my blocks: I Cut a scrap 2x6 board into four 4 inch pieces. I then painted them black. I cut scrapbook paper to fit inside then mod-podged the paper onto the wood pieces.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My 3 Favorite People!

September FLEW by for me! I'm sure it would have dragged by if Camron wouldn't have come home! But he has been here with me and has made my life easier and a lot more exciting! He has spent most of his time outside! In the mornings he spent his time extracting weeds, putting in a sprinkler system, planting grass, planting bushes, getting wood for the winter, and watching his grass grow! And then the afternoons knocking doors in Holbrook, Showlow, and Snowflake. And although our date nights have consisted of watching football games, that I didn't really care to watch (Mayer vs JoCity) I am glad to have him home to do all of my honey do's and more!

BEFORE: September 16th
(I will eventually post an AFTER)
Ali has been so funny lately! She's a 4 year old going on 30!
*The other day I said "Ali have you seen my black flip flops?" She quickly replied, "Mom, did I wear your flip flops last? I don't think so! So why should I know where they are?"
*Another day this week Me: Ali have you seen mom's purse? Ali: Mom, maybe if you put it up where it goes, you would be able to find it. That's what you always say to me!
*Ali was getting into the tub and got all undressed and I said "Wait don't get in yet, let me brush the rats out so its easier to comb when you get out." After brushing her hair she said "Whoa! Mom you turned me into a bush!"
* Ali and Keagan have been inseperable lately. They have become quite good friends! After School one day they were playing and then Keagan wanted to come to my house. While we were in the car I could hear their imaginations running wild! Ali exclaimed, "Mom! We are going to build a real rocket ship!" I said "REALLY! How are you going to do that!?" She said "we prayed for all of the parts to make a rocket ship!" and then Keagan piped in and said "Yeah! and then after he gives us all the parts we are going to build a rocket that goes way up to space" and then Ali butted in and said "and me and Keagan are going to disappear forever!"
Ali's personality has really started to come out. . . Grammy's dog had 4 puppies a few weeks ago, and this last week one of them died . . . and I told Ali, expecting that she would just be devastated. She got a frown on her face at first, but then smiled and she said "It's a good thing only one of them died huh? I'm so happy that all the other one's are still alive!" I love that her dad's optimism is rubbing off on her!

My active Cooper?
What can I say more! He's potty trained now but I can't take any credit for that! Ali was potty trained at 20 months so I though I should do the same with Cooper. I worked with him and worked with him! UGH! and then one day after I had pretty much given up, he says I gotta go potty mom and took off his diaper and went in and went potty! He is talking so much now too! I was so worried with him because Ali talked so much sooner but he has really come around and all at once too! He tells some pretty good stories!
*Cooper comes into my room every morning and wakes me up with a squeeze, a kiss and a smile! He lays by me for about 10 seconds and then says "Time to eat! Ine hungry!"
*He actually has pretty good manners too! Tonight he told Ali after the grapes were all gone "there's no more grapes, Sorry! I sorry Ali!" and that's just one that's fresh on my mind!
*The other day we went to the park for a family picnic and he broke his string cheese in half then started circling the table singing, "I got two pickles, I got two pickles, Hey hey hey!" Little Rascles: It's a new favorite movie at our house!
*My Favorite thing about my little boy lately is his desire to be obedient but his inability to do so!! After the big rain a week or two ago the "Porter Pond" appeared again! I told Cooper as he went out to play, "Don't get wet ok?" Cooper's Reply was a sweet "OK mommy! I won't" Minutes later I look out and he has gotten his shoes ALL wet and muddy so I change his shoes and socks and put him in flip flops and shorts and say "Cooper don't get in the water again! Stay all dry ok?" Again his sweet reply, "OK mommy. I stay dry!" About that same time Camron was leaving for work and said "Stay out of the water Cooper! OK?" "OK Daddy! Bye!" Ten minutes later I look outside and he has stripped every bit of clothing off, and is butt naked in the pond! His Shirt was on one end of the "pond", pants on the other end, flip flops floating on the top of the water and the underwear have yet to be found!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sleepover with the Girls!

I am so glad that I got to have these little yea-hoos over to my house to stay the night! We did manicures, pedicures, facials and watched a chick flick! All in all we had a great time. I wanted to have Olivia come over with Torin before School ever started but it didn't happen so we decided to do it when Brindi was here on a weekend! And Desmon moved to Heber too! It worked out Perfect! We had a blast! (Well I did at least!) I hope they had as much fun as me!

This is a video of them scaring Cooper. . . He's not so sure about the Masque! Livi really gets him going at the end! I love how she tries to go and kiss him but she can't even pucker up her lips because to masque is dry . . .

Last few days with Daddy!

We went to a Hyatt Resort and spent an entire day floating a Lazy River. We contemplated whether or not we should go to a water park but decided we didn't want to wait in lines all day with kids . . . and we would probably end up floating in the lazy river all day anyway! So we chose to do this instead which ended up being cheaper too!! It was a good choice!

The day just would not have been complete without a PEPSI!

Or two?

Coopers idea of swimming!
Brody diving to Trace.
Ali was jumping without floaties! She's finally getting the whole swimming thing!
Spending time with dad at the pool and at the lazy river couldn't have been any better! We are so glad that we got to come and visit you in San Antonio! Those 3 weeks flew by! We could have stayed longer but I had to go to my ultrasound appointment! We Miss you DAD!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Children's Museum!

When I was in San Anitonio we all got to go to the Children's museum. We all got in to this museum for 7 bucks and it was worth it! The kids had a blast! And I had fun watching them have a good time!! There was so much for them them to do there!
The bossy Pilot!
My Little Co-Pilot!

What manly poses by these boys!

"All Aboard"

Captain Brody!

If you look close there is a giant bubble around him! I don't think he has ever stood so still!
Giant Bright-Lite. Ali put her name on it!

Ali milking a cow! Liquid really came out! Cows milking cows?

Cows eating Hay!

Shopping! This had to be one of their favorite parts! They LOVED Getting to shop and check out all on their own! Problem is now they thing shopping should be THAT easy!
It even had a real check out counter!
The Ball Cage! The kids loved this! They would gather the balls and then put them in these suction tubes that took the balls back to a gathering location, where they would then be dropped on top of the kids heads!
The Brodster floating a ball!
Sailing off to wherever their imaginations took them!

After the Museum we decided to get ice cream at Baskin Robbins. The kids enjoyed the ice cream but I think the trip to baskin Robbins was more for the moms! :) The kids loved the whole day and were worn out when we were all done playing! These are some pictures Ali had me take on a tree outside BR.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Surprise! I'm In Texas!

I was sad the whole week of our anniversary so I decided that I was going to fly us (me and the kids) out to see Camron! I have a friend that hooked me up with some round trip tickets to San Antonio! I got all 3 tickets for the price of 1! I was flying standby so I didn't get there on my anniversary but 2 days after! It was so fun to surprise Camron!
I had the help from a few pinnacle guys to make everything PERFECT! Camron's manager actually surprised ME when I got there by telling me that he was getting us a hotel room at a Marriott in downtown San Antonio! Doug told Camron he was staying there and needed to meet with him there . . . and then when Camron knocked at the door I opened it! He was truly surprised! It was so fun! Thank you everyone who helped out!

I'm not sure why they like boxing with TP rolls but they do!
Trip to Sea world with the family! It was SO HOT! But we survived!
Ali loved them! She got to touch one and thought that was really cool!

Thanks Dad for being such a TROOPER and helping so much with the kids! You are an awesome dad! They love you so much! and I do too! :)

Poor little Cooper was so hot! His face was Bright red! It's a good thing they were having fun!!
Silly faces!
Shamu! We were way up so my camera didn't very good pictures! But the show was awesome!

San antonio Riverwalk!

I don't know WHAT happened to this picture but I am mad that it turned out that way!

ONE MORE DAY-Tribute to loved ones who have passed on -by three2u- {We all Love and Miss you AZURE}

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