Sunday, November 1, 2009


This year was just like all the others. We went to my parent's house so all the grandkids could go trick or treating together. Dave feels bad we do this every year, thinking we should be home to pass out candy in our own neighborhood. I don't feel bad. The one year we actually did stay home we had a total of 6 trick or treaters. Not worth it. I don't know if it's because we live in a culdesac or what.

My sisters and I decided we would each make a soup to share with everyone. Everyone seemed to like it, so I think we'll make it a tradition.

We all headed out to trick or treat at about 6:15. It took Dawson one house to catch the hang of things. He was running to every door and yelling "TICK a TEAT!" And, if you weren't careful he would just go ahead and run into people's houses. Dave even had to run into someone's family room to get him. Embarrassing. At about 7:30 some of the kids were ready to come home. Dave and I headed back with some, but when we were walking up to my parent's house, both Dawson and Landon decided they did NOT want to be done. So, we went for another hour. By then I was cold and tired, so I headed home with Dawson (who probably could have gone MUCH longer). Landon and Dave went out for another half hour or so.

Another successful Halloween!

All of the grandkids (and Joelie, Amy's niece, who may as well me one of us )

My Mummy and Frog

He loved wearing this costume, he kept saying "RIBBIT, RIBBIT!"

I told him to smile, he said Mummy's don't smile.

Rylund and Landon. Still, no smile.

Showing off his loot! (and a smile!)

So excited!

Kaemon and Landon- eating and trading the goods!