Friday, August 28, 2009

Landon and the Sunflower

Last May Landon brought home from preschool a paper cup with a little seed starting to grow. Landon wanted to plant it. Dave didn't know what it was, but went ahead and planted it in the front flower bed. Every single morning he would run excitedly to the front window to look out at his unknown plant grow. It started getting freakishly tall, my sister told me it was a sunflower. I wasn't excited about the thought of a huge sunflower right in the front of my house, but Landon has loved and cared for this baby for almost 4 months now! Yesterday it finally opened and showed it's pretty yellow petals. Landon was ecstatic! He seriously loves his sunflower, and how big it is! Next year we'll be sure to plant it somewhere a little less awkward:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mom's Birthday!

My mom throws a big party for every one of her six children and their spouses on their birthdays. Well, on the Sunday closest to their birthdays. Our whole family looks forward to these birthday dinners. You get to pick what you want for dinner, dessert, and what games are to be played. Everyone saves their birthday gifts to give on that Sunday.

My mom goes all out too. It's like a thanksgiving feast every time! The past few years we kids have tried to step it up on her birthday to make it just as special. She always gives us the easiest menu, and doesn't like us to fuss over her at all. This year I had the honor of hosting it at our house, which was really fun! My mom wouldn't let me get any pictures of her (she claimed she didn't look good enough) since it was her birthday, I didn't. Instead I posted a picture of her and me right after I was born. awwww....

Poster made by Cecily for Grandma

Landon and Rylund decorating Uncle Joseph's back. Weird.. but things like this are why they love him so much!

Grandpa and Cecily

Uncle Rob and Dawson

Wish I had gotten more pictures :(

Happy Birthday Mom, we love you!!

Farmington Towers

When we were riding the Frontrunner a few weeks back Landon noticed the farmington towers. He asked what they were. Dave told him and asked if he would want to drive up to them. Of course Landon was all over that idea. He asked probably every day. We finally did it last week.

I didn't know I had a fear of heights until driving up that dang mountain. I was so scared! I hated every minute of that drive! I didn't remember how scary it was! You're seriously scaling the mountain, on dirt roads, with NO side rails for safety. Don't look down, cuz all you'll see is sky! Not cool. I was seriously dry heaving I was so scared. I felt bad when we finally got to the top and Landon wouldn't get out of the car. I guess maybe my reaction to the whole thing scared him. Whoops. After much bribery and coercion we got Landon out, and he had a blast! They had the gate closed to get to the VERY top, but we got pretty close. (close enough for me.)

We had a nice picnic, with all the graqsshoppers, bees, and other flying insects that wouldn't leave us alone. The kids then played on some enormous gravel dirt hills and had a blast throwing rocks off the mountainside.

Will we go back soon? Probably not.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Odds n' Ends

I'm trying to be better at updating the blog. People tell me they are sick of looking at the same thing :) Here are a few pics of the last couple of weeks:

Landon LOVES to have pictures taken of himself doing "crazy things."He told me to grab the camera and get him running. Dawson, of course, had to join in.

He also loves to have me take pictures of the two of us, he'll dictate what kind of face we're gonna pull. It is actually hilarious to look at them when we're done.. he giggles SO hard!

If Dawson is outside, this is how you will find him. With his lawnmower and his helmet. He HAS to have it on at all times... and will bring Dave and Landon their helmets to wear as well, Dave is a good sport about it.

Landon got a new bike for his birthday 2 years ago. He biffed it on a corner in our neighborhood and now wont ride it. He reassures us, when he is 5.. he will. For now, he still likes his Big Wheels.


If I ask Landon to do simple tasks, he gets all bent out of shape. If I re-phrase it and ask him if he'd like to do chores, he gets super excited!


Silly Dawson


The boys takin' care of dinner, I could get used to this :)


Rodeo.. not recommended with an 18 month old.