Friday, March 27, 2009

Preschool Perks

Landon just brought this cute picture home from school yesterday. I love it! I was looking at it and was amazed at how much he has grown since last August. Not only physically, but developmentally, socially, etc.

Preschool was a tough topic between Dave and me since we were starting our small family. I am pro preschool, Dave anti. Now, 8 months later, Dave is pro preschool! He loves how excited Landon is to show him his projects, tell Dave things he learns. Landon loves his preschool class, and adores his teacher, Miss Monique. I am so impressed with her! I've seriously never seen someone so good with kids! If you know Landon, he isn't into showing affection. He has no problem running into Miss Monique's arms for a giant hug. Landon loves her and knows she loves him. We will definitely be returning to Miss Monique's Parkside Preschool next year!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Madness!

March has been such a CRAZY month for us! It started with our 7th wedding anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun! We had a great time going out just the two of us for a night with no kids! (thanks mom!) After our anniversary we celebrated my birthday. 27. I am now closer to my thirties than my 20's. :( My favorite restaurant is and always has been Olive garden. My little Landon loves it just as much as I do, so I decided I wanted to celebrate with him and Dave there. You notice I didn't mention Dawson. I wanted to have a GOOD time, so we left him with Aunt Lori and Uncle Rory (thanks!) Dawson is at a really hard stage in his life where he is difficult to take ANYWHERE!!! The next night my mom called and offered to watch both of our kids so Dave and I could celebrate some more with dinner and a movie. We went and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. I liked it, Dave was a trooper.

I've taken lot's of pictures this month and have been meaning to post them, better late then never!

Grandma Ross and the boys. They love her!

This is the reaction Dave gets EVERY day when he comes home from work. Dawson gets so excited and just runs to his arms and hugs him with the biggest grin on his face.


We were throwing out some junk a couple weeks ago. Dave brought this mattress up from the basement to throw in the dump. Dawson and Landon thought they had died and gone to heaven. We decided to hold on to it for a little while longer, it kept them entertained for at least 2 days! If you have little ones you know what a treat that is!

(I also figured these would be good blackmail pictures for Landon in about 12 years.)


Every year on our birthday my Mom has a Birthday party for us on the Sunday near your birthday. You get to pick what you want her to make for your birthday dinner, everyone comes and it's a great time! Our family is getting so big!

Wouldn't this make you nervous? Dave said it was fine, I was holding my breath the whole time.


Ryan and Brooke were able to come visit from Indiana (For Dave's sis's wedding) We were excited to have them, Steph and Corey over to play games, just like old times. We played two games of Settlers and watched Ryan shove 20 something marshmellows into his mouth. Good times.


The night before Stephanie's wedding we were busy running errands and getting everything ready for the big day. We were pulling into walmart to get some last minute things when Dawson decided to throw up all over himself and his carseat. I wasn't sure if he gagged himself or if he was getting sick. Sure enough, he threw up twice more that night and was up the WHOLE NIGHT!!! It was horrible! But the show must go on. We still got up super early and took Dawson and Landon to my mom's, who agreed to watch them for the sealing and luncheon. (I swear, we took advantage of my mom this month...) Dawson was a walking zombie(along with me) who clearly didn't feel good. :( He only got about an hour nap the whole day. Needing much more after not sleeping the whole night before. So, by the time of the reception, he was not in a good mood, and let us know it the whole night. I have never been more exhausted as a parent as I was that night with Dawson. He was horrible, and that is an understatement.

Nonetheless, Steph and Corey had a BEAUTIFUL day! The sealing was awesome, the lunceon was yummy and relaxing (no kids). It was great to see so many of Dave's family we dont get to see often. Mainly the Canadians! :)

The Ross Family minus Shauna who just had Chemo the night before. We missed you Shauna! :(

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I was once sitting in Relief Society when a member of the presidency was telling us of an upcoming R.S. event. She said: The dress is Sunday best, so please.. no jean skirts." I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing a jean skirt, and immediately felt stupid. Ever since then I have been cautious of wearing them to church. Seriously, that comment was made probably a year ago, and I have probably only worn a jean skirt once or twice since then.
Today was one of those days where nothing fit, and I was having a horrible hair/outfit day. So I threw on the forbidden JEAN SKIRT. I felt kinda awkward all day.. should have I? I have a new calling in the Young Women's organization and want to set a good example. SO, QUESTION: What do YOU think about jean skirts being worn on Sunday? If you would share your opinions, please do so now. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Family Man

Last November Dave's job was in jeopardy at Marketstar. His client, Westcon, decided they could no longer afford to use Marketstar and pulled out. Dave's whole team had to find new jobs. Dave and I were really worried for a couple of months. Luckily, Marketstar was able to land a new client and Dave got to still have a job. (PHEW!!!!) During those 2 months Dave put his resume out at many places. One place was Browning. Since November he has had several interviews with them. Over 400 people put in for the job, and after about 6 interviews total, Dave was selected for the job!! Once Dave got to know a little more about the job, he wasn't so excited. While this job would be a significant pay increase, it required 100-150 travel days per year. What a HARD decision we had to make yesterday. We prayed about it, and seriously made ourselves sick about it. Ultimately, I wanted it to be his decision, and told him I would support him either way. He called me yesterday and said he couldn't do it. He didn't want to miss out on anything in our young children's lives. He told me that thinking about being gone from us that much would make him sick, and couldn't see himself being happy being away lots.
Seriously, how many guys out there would jump at that chance to work for a company they were passionate about (hunting, guns etc.. )?! I think lots of people were shocked he turned it down. Browning even asked Dave what they needed to do financially to get him to sign on with them. Dave is holding his guns, and he feels good about the decision he has made. I am so blessed to have him as my husband! I love my Family Man!