Wednesday, February 2, 2011

D-Dawg is 3!

(Birthday card and money from great grandma and grandpa Haycock)

I have never seen a kid more excited for their birthday! For about 3 weeks he would ask for his birthday, we would say it wasn't time yet and he would yell "HEY! Why you take my birthday away?!" He knew it was something big, and something to be excited for, but didn't quite understand :)

About 2 weeks before his birthday Dawson saw Spiderman for the first time with Dave. I wasn't home at the time, but when I got home that night, all I heard/hear about from that time forward is Spiderman, and the green goblin. And like I've said before, Dawson does NOT take his obsessions lightly.

Landon likes to stay up late the night before Dawson's birthday to help decorate. This is a fun tradition my kids love. They love waking up to see their surprise decorations. This years theme for Dawson, Spiderman!

He was super excited. He had a goofy grin on his face all day. :)

Landon picked out a Spiderman and Green Goblin combo pack for Dawson.

Ryan (Dave's brother) and his wife, Brooke, sent Dawson this book in the mail. He was excited to get his own package and super excited that there was a skull on the back!

Dawson's choice of activity for his big day was going to McDonalds and eating ticken tuggets, and play at the play station. Which, but the way... I'll never understand his fascination with play places, he gets to the top screams out of terror and who has to go rescue him? Yours truly. Nasty.

Next up on his magical day of fun was to go bowling at Boondocks. His favorite place in the world. Bowling is also a major love in Dawson's life. The Sayama's came with us. It was fun.. but super crowded. Don't ever go on a Saturday!

He carried this ball with him, even if it wasn't his turn. He didn't want anyone to use it. Dawson doesn't share.

Later that night we had my side of the family over for his Spiderman party. He was so excited! He was literally bouncing off the walls.

The one item Dawson wanted more than anything was a talking Spiderman. However, not just anyone could get it for him. It had to be Gma and Pa. My mom has a tradition of taking the kids out to lunch, and then the toy store to get a gift of their choice. Well, Dawson didn't understand this. He wanted to know why my mom didn't bring his talking Spiderman to his party. He wouldn't let it go. So.. what would any nice grandpa do? That's right, Dawson left his party with grandpa to get his coveted Spiderman. This has since been his favorite thing. My mom did still take Dawson out for lunch and let him pick another small gift. He picked birthday candles. Weirdo!

Sunday, the actual day of his birthday we went to church, where they sang Happy Birthday to him in nursery, which he loved. We then went to Dave's parents house for another party, a Bowling party! My battery died, so I wasn't able to get too many pictures. :(

Dawson at age 3:

Still loves sports of any kind.

Has a great love of bowling and Spiderman.

Loves his Aunt Lori (he loves all of his aunts, but seriously whenever he sees Lori, he just hugs her and snuggles up to her and tell her how much he loves her.) He will tell me often that he is my baby, and Lori's. Which is fine, because some days I would like to give him to her :)

He has turned into a movie buff. He loves to watch movies and act out certain scenes. Sometimes you will be looking at him and wonder what the heck he is doing, then soon realize that he is acting . So cute.

He loves the number 4.

His favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese, chocolate milk and candy canes.

Favorite song is I Love to See the Temple.

He loves to do anything Landon is doing.

He still loves his "star blankie" and sleeps with it every night.

Loves Lagoon and has no fear of any ride.

Loves going to sporting events with his dad.

Loves going to Walmart and wants to go there every day.

He is a very active little boy, and seriously is only calm when he is sleeping. He keeps us all on our toes!

We love you Dawson, you are such a fun person and we are thankful every day that you are a part of our family!

The Christmas Post

Christmas this year was spectacular! Both my kids got into the spirit of not only the fun, gift giving part of it, but the Spiritual part as well. The whole month of December was just fantastic! Having young kids at Christmas is where it's at!

Santa sent both boys a personalized Christmas greeting email. I thought this was such a cute idea. But, you know, after the 50th time of watching it, I kind of got mad at Santa for sending it. Not really, but if you know Dawson, he gets a little obsessive.

Don't look too close, or you might be jealous of the most beautiful gingerbread house ever made.

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Pa Bruderer's

This is our makeshift Nativity that we did. My kids loved this. Best part? The fist fight Landon and Dawson got into in the middle of it. Glad I got that on camera. Having boys is delightful. :)

Grandma and Grandpa Bruderer got all of the kids matching jammies and pillow pets for Christmas. Landon has been wanting one for about a year now. He was ecstatic! Dawson looks like he is on drugs, which could very likely be the case, since he was sick over Christmas.

Christmas Morning

Landon really wanted a Nintendo DSI and a Science library.

Dawson was a little obsessed with candy canes the whole month of December. He would have been happy if this is all he got!

Dawson really wanted Stinky the garbage truck for Christmas, Dave was adamant that he would not buy this. Good thing Santa came through for the kid.

This stomper track Santa got at the state fair. Dawson played with this for two hours straight. Then broke one of the cars. Still had one car, for a day. Until he broke that one, too. There is a reason Dave's dad calls him "Conan the Barbarian." We still love him though. :)

Dave's dad always knows what my kids will love. If it's related to hunting, or has any sort of weapon, their excited. Landon loves this gift. If your wondering what in the world Dave's dad is wearing, I will tell you. .. I have no idea. It has kitties and fruit on it. Wow.

Annual Christmas bread. Delish!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let's PLay Catch Up!

Below is my attempt at getting caught up! There are several new posts. :)

Big Boy Bed!

Dawson has done a fabulous job of transitioning to his big boy bed! What a difference from Landon! (who got out at least 50 times a night) He still never gets out of his bed. Even when he wakes up, he just yells for us to come get him. which is great, because I think it's kinda freaky when they get out on their own and stare at you while you are sleeping. :)

We decided to keep the boys separate for now. We have no need for an extra room right now. We did however get Dawson a sports themed bed set (same as Landon) so it would be easy to put them together when we do want to.

Picture Post

Lots of random pictures!

Landon and Dawson had a sticker chart. Once they earned 10 stickers for being "happy, loving brothers" they got to pick an activity of their choice. This worked like a charm. They chose boondocks. What a great time we had! Bowling was Dawson's favorite, and Laser Tag was Landon's.

Be glad they were here, and not there!

Studying a hunting magazine. Serious stuff.

I was in charge of the combined youth activity this month. We played "Minute to Win it." Dave was our host. I think it turned out great!

Dave's sis had her baby. Landry Thomas Muir. What a doll!

Landon is doing so well in school. We just had his parent teacher conferences. His teacher told us he has the nicest handwriting of any kindergarten boy she has seen.


This year we went with Dave's family for Thanksgiving. His brother's family hosted. It did not disappoint. The food was delish, and the kids had a BLAST!

They had these cute vests and headbands for the kids to make while waiting for dinner. Dawson was too busy playing 'Better Batter Baseball' downstairs to join in this photo. Landon still has his vest and band safely hidden in his room, and wears it when he wants to antagonize Dawson (who destroyed his soon after making it).

The table was beautifully set. Landon, Dawson and I had a fun time making those turkeys. I was however wishing I had waited until Dawson's nap to make them. Anyone ever had to clean up feathers that your son decided to cut up and spread around the house? It was so fun and took longer than actually making the dang birds.

Also, notice the rocks? My sis in law had washed these and put them in a bowl and had everyone write things they were thankful for and put them as a centerpiece for the table. Dawson was thankful for skeletons. Landon for pheasants and hunting. Looks like we have some work to do.


These aren't really Thanksgiving related, but forgot to add them to my last post, so here they are. :)