Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

he needs his mia...

Right from the beginning, Mia has been so good with Landon. She is so nurturing and loving towards him...it's really adorable how much she loves to care for him. Many times while at the beach when Landon would cry, Mia would remind us all that, "He needs his Mia". She is very intelligent and knows when "He needs his mommy" since "He's hungry" and "LoLo has milk". She's really been fun to watch. Her newest accomplishment is the fact that she can carry Landon all by herself for a few steps. Now I often hear, "LoLo, can I carry baby Landon to Papa?" And I must say that the way she says "Landon Mitchell Busby" is something Cam and I just can't get over. It's much more adorable coming from a 3 year old than from us.


always a rebel...

A few weeks ago we went to the BYU v UNLV game up here in Provo. We were decked out in red and wore it proudly as we sat in a sea of blue. BYU stomped on us but we still had a great time! Cameron was mostly excited to start these traditions with Landon. Landon was a very good boy throughout the game except for when BYU would do something great and the student section would go nuts. He would get the saddest frowny face you've ever seen and scream. It was sad. I guess he's just more die hard than we are.

halloween: part 2

I know I've been a slacker, but better late than never, right? Landon spent Sunday (actual Halloween) in his cute monkey costume from Grandma Cizmas. Everyone at church thought he was adorable. Yes, my child went to church in a costume. I figure he's still young enough to get away with something like that and just be considered cute. We even took him trick or treating to the next door neighbors that night. I know, we're sinners.

P.S. Landon's getting really good at "the incredible standing baby" thanks to daddy's determination.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

random babbling...

So there are no pictures on this post because my dad's computer kind of stinks and I can't get them on here from my camera. Crappy seeing as I have a few really cute ones of Landon from this past weekend. I'll post them soon, though.

So, we came down to Vegas this past weekend to go to the temple with Mitchell. It was awesome and we were glad we could experience it with him. We're so excited for Mitchell to go on his mission...he's going to do some awesome things in Honduras, I just know it.

Well, it came time for us to leave and instead Cameron left Landon and I here and headed back up to Provo on his lonesome. He has 5 huge research papers due soon along with the rest of his law school applications and just 18 English credits in general. So, we thought he could probably be most productive if we were out of his hair for the week and that way he can really buckle down and get some stuff done. It's amazing how a 4 month old child can really distract you...especially when he's as cute as Landon.

Anyways, so Landon and I are in Las Vegas right now just hanging out with the fam waiting for next week to roll around when Cameron will come back to us for Thanksgiving and take us back home to Provo. We really miss Cam. I swear Landon is just waiting every afternoon for his daddy to walk in the door and play with him and make him laugh. Landon really misses him. In fact, we skyped Cameron tonight and Landon was totally smiling at the computer screen with Cameron's face on it. He was even reaching out to him. I think he was so confused as to why he could see him and hear him yet Daddy wasn't holding him.

I'm lucky because I have really great family around me to help me out (both mine and Cam's). Yet, I am finding out what it's like to be a single parent...and it's hard! It's hard not being able to hand Landon off whenever I want. It's hard putting him to bed by myself. It's hard entertaining the little fella...especially when procrastinating a feeding or bedtime. All I can say is I am realizing more and more how much I appreciate Cameron. He is an amazing dad to Landon and the most perfect husband to me. I know this sounds cheesy but I don't care. I really miss you, Cam.

We're excited to be reunited with Cameron in a week. We miss and love him so much!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween: Part One

This is us at our ward Halloween party and "trick or treating" to the neighbors. Landon was a football tonight while Cameron was a football player and I was a fan cheering them on. Special thanks to Grandma Busby for the adorable football costume! Lets enjoy some pictures, shall we?

Happy Halloween from the Busbys!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

uncle mitchell...

...has been called to serve in the Honduras Tegucigalpa mission! He reports to the MTC on December 15th.
We are really going to miss Mitchell but we're so proud of him! He's going to be an amazing missionary!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's so dang cold

Last night, there were huge snowflakes falling, and we woke up this morning to a white blanket covering most of Provo. I am not ready for the cold yet.

However, that gave us the opportunity to put Landon in some cute warm clothes and take some pictures. He is so dang cute.

You'll also notice in the background our NEW (used) CAR! We are so excited about it. It's a 2009 Camry and I think we got a great price for it. If anyone is looking for a new ride, get in touch with Mike Hallewell at Mike's Auto Shack and he can get you what you need. Seriously, we are so happy with it. We feel like we finally fit in our car. Hopefully it will last us for many years to come.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


is a really great guy.

-he is always there for me.
-he lets me cry when i need to cry.
-he listens to me ramble on and on because he knows i haven't had any adult interaction all day.
-he makes me dinner.
-he showers landon every night.
-he does "the incredible standing baby" to cheer landon up.
-he is the best at swaddling landon.
-he has spared landon's life more than once in the middle of the night when i no longer can handle the crying.
-he runs up to storage at any hour to get more diapers and/or wipes.
-he runs the dirty diapers outside to the dumpster.
-he kills spiders for me.
-he hardly gets a good night's rest but never complains.
-he watches espn with landon and explains to him what's going on.
-he lets landon suck all over his hand because he knows it makes him happy.
-he sells his plasma to help pay the bills.
-he always puts his family first.
-he relieves me of my duty as a mom at just the right time every time so that i can keep my sanity.
-he almost always agrees with me.
-he always tells me i'm beautiful.
-he makes me laugh harder than anyone else ever has.
-he kisses me goodnight every night.
-he makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mom and i truly appreciate it.
i really like him a lot.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Food Blog

Many of you already know, but for those of you who don't, I have started a restaurant review blog for a class this semester. I need to get traffic, comments, and/or followers. Check it out when you have time. I update it pretty regularly, so keep checking back for the latest update. Here is the link:



Tuesday, September 21, 2010


landon is a real cry baby.

and i need to look back at cute pictures to remind myself that it's worth it.

he's worth it.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hospital Pictures

So we thought that we should post some pictures from the hospital. I realize that in doing so the order of blog posts will be way outta wack, but oh well. It is hard to believe that this was about 6 weeks ago. In some ways it seems like yesterday, but in others, it seems like we've had Landon around for ages.
Landon's first picture ever (not counting ultrasounds)

So this little tatto was a securtiy measure that the hospital takes to make sure you get your baby and not someone else's. Funny story: there was a little girl in the nursery whose last name was "Lame." You can imagine how funny her tattoo looked on her chest.
You can't tell me he isn't so dang cute. We love him.

Cutest Sunday Afternoon Ever

Come on... Napping in his white shirt after church!?!?! Does it get any cuter? No, it doesn't.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

landon mitchell

Okay, I know this post is so late but it isn't my fault. We don't have Internet right now. We're waiting for our neighbors upstairs to move in so we can get Internet together (it's much cheaper that way). Well, I decided to do a mini post at the library for those of you who have yet to see our adorable baby boy. Lets enjoy!

Landon Mitchell Busby arrived about a week early on July 19th at 4:22 pm weighing in at only 6 pounds 4 ounces. This made us a little unsure as of who the father was :) He came with a full head of dark hair and many people have told us he looks like my brother Mitchell so I guess the Cizmas genes are winning out as of now.

Well, I suppose some are awaiting the labor and delivery story. I will make it short for those that don't care. I thought I was going into labor on Sunday because during the first hour of church I kept feeling cramps. They weren't as bad as people normally describe them so I was unsure. As the day went on there was no denying labor pains...holy cow! After walking in circles at 3 in the morning in a Y parking lot near our house, I cried to Cameron to take me to the hospital. He did and I'm pretty sure I cried the entire ride from the pain. I was convinced they were going to tell me I wasn't dilated at all and that I needed to stop being such a wimp so when they told me I was 5 centimeters I was overjoyed! I got my epidural within the hour (yes, I was all about any and all pain medications...I'm no mountain woman). From then on was smooth sailing. Cameron and I napped until I woke up from my water breaking. I thought, "Either that's my water breaking or someone needs to get in here quick and fix this catheter". Landon came after maybe ten minutes of pushing. Cameron and I cried. It was a wonderful day.

It has been about 4 weeks now and life is great. Exhausting but great. I feel like I'm a walking zombie sometimes, but it's all worth it. On top of having Landon, I just graduated this past Friday so needless to say, it's been a really busy summer. But I'm finished with school and proud to be a stay-at-home mom. It's the greatest and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I know I know. They're not close ups but it's all I have right now on my email (remember I'm at the library) so it'll have to do for now. Photos courtesy of Rachel Busby...she's amazing! Thanks again, Rach! Well, we were fortunate enough to go to the beach this year since Landon couldn't take it any longer inside of my tummy. We had a wonderful time in Carlsbad and we are already looking forward to next year!

That's all for now, but stay tuned because I am determined to get better at this whole blogging thing. Well, we'll see, I guess.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Don't get your hopes up...

So I am in an American Folklore class and I am doing a project on the ways that parents choose their children's names and what this says about the American National Character. If any of you mothers (let's be honest, I know the fathers that roam blogspot are few and far between) out there would be willing to answer these few questions I would really appreciate it.

You could either leave me the responses in a comment or e-mail me at cbuz75@gmail.com, whichever is easiest for you.

Thanks for your help.


What is your child’s name? (or children’s names)

What resources, if any, did you use as you tried to decide on a name?

What were the factors that determined the value of the name? (for example: historical figures, family names, uniqueness, the sound of the name with the last name, etc.)

If not answered above, what was the factor which in the end made you choose the name?
Were there any outside influences besides you and your partner that affected the name given? (for example: family members vetoing a name, juniors, etc.)

Were there any compromises between you and your partner?

Do you feel like you are influencing the future for or character of your child by the name you give it?

With any future children, do you plan on following the same “rules” for their names?

Thank you so much for your help.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


i'm rooting for lee dewyze because he looks like jeff steed. so he seems like a nice guy.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

we're struggling...

give us baby name ideas.


we made this once...

at like midnight.

and it was delicious.


you should be because that's homemade cream cheese frosting.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

we're alive, i promise.

I never post. And people are getting mad at me. Some want pictures of my pregnant belly. Others do not (including myself). I think everyone that asks for pictures only does it because they want to feel better about themselves...and if you ask me, that's pretty crappy of them. Jerks.

So, I am finally huge. I really don't understand how I can get any bigger, but I suppose my body will find a way. Though, it confuses me because apparently my child is only like 3 pounds...so why have I gained so much more? Oh well. Cameron gets mad at me when I talk about it...so I will stop.

I read somewhere that we should register for baby stuff before I get too hugely uncomfortable. So, Cameron and I registered last weekend at Babies 'R' Us. It was terrible. They gave us the little scanner and told us to go crazy pretty much. Yeah...that meant nothing to us. We have no idea what we need. We have no idea what a baby needs! We've decided we're going to be pretty bad at this whole parenting thing. We really don't know what we're doing. Hopefully it'll just come naturally.

We visited Grandpa Ross today after church and we reminded him that I was having a boy. We asked him what we should name him and with the cutest 96 year old smirk he said, "Pete". It was really cute. I love him.

Carrie and Andrew made us lunch today and it was delish! And we even ate on their little balcony and got some sun- it was so nice!! I even have a little burn on my right arm to prove it. It was great :)

Tams and Rem had a house warming party Saturday night. It was really fun! They are real adults...with a real home. They even own a barbecue. That really makes them legit adults...the barbecue. Though, I wish Kim would have put two slices of cheese on my burger. Oh well, I guess you can't win 'em all.

Cameron made me breakfast in bed this morning- cowboy eggs. It was yummy. Apparently, I got special treatment for mother's day seeing as I've done my fair share of throwing up.

Now everyone get off my back about this blog. I'm trying. :)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

what to do? what to do?

i am bored because i have no homework and cameron is entranced by the unlv basketball game so he's not paying any attention to me. naturally, i stocked people's blogs and now i feel like copying one of bridget's blogs from back in the day. this may not be interesting at all so i'm sorry, but i'm super bored so i'm gonna go for it...

a list of eights:

8 tv shows i watch:
-survivor (think what you will...i'm still a loyal fan)
--community (so funny. if you haven't seen it yet, start. you won't regret it)
---30 rock
----the office (though i'm getting less and less interested as the weeks go on)
-----the soup (joel is so funny i've actually thought about naming my child after him)
------grey's anatomy (i know it's terrible because everyone sleeps with everyone and that hospital must be crawling with std's but it's a guilty pleasure)
-------the amazing race (we've just started watching it this season and it's pretty entertaining)
--------and pretty much anything on food network (aside from emeril because he bugs me and sandra lee because she's a drunk)

8 things that happened yesterday:
-cameron skipped his first class so naturally i skipped work so that we could both sleep in
--i met cameron on campus in between classes and distracted him from getting any reading done (and we wonder why cameron has to wait until i'm asleep to get any homework finished)
---i talked to tamara in between my classes (this is a daily occurrence)
----cameron met me on campus so we could go for a walk before dinner
-----i cleaned up the house while my personal chef made chicken milano for dinner (cameron's seriously a good cook)
------we had dinner with cathy, kylie, tams, and rem (a lot of laughter when cathy started talking about diapers exploding out the sides as tamara was mid bite. fun dinner)
-------we celebrated st. patrick's day at carrie's, eating tons of green stuff and homemade root beer. (again, much laughter occurred)
--------as cameron and i were getting ready for bed we decided we'd get up at 6:30 to go running. (yeah, that didn't happen)

8 favorite places to eat:
-macaroni grill
--at home (cameron will try new things and they always seem sceptical to me. once he gives me a bite, he looks at my face to see if he needs to make himself more since i won't be giving it back...which is usually the case)
---cafe rio
----baskin robbins (that counts, right?)
-----zuppas (though pretty overpriced, i think)
------5 guys burgers and fries (i think i like it more than in n out. cameron was disappointed in me when i first admitted this to him)
-------cheesecake factory
--------memphis bbq

8 things i'm looking forward to:
-cam's lsat to be done
--carrie's birthday (and that is it in July...nothing else will occupy my mind on her birthday)
----fall (no school!!! and beautiful provo weather)
-----finding out what we're doing before law school (i hate not having plans)
------gettin into rockin' shape after this child is born
-------going to the houseboat and beach next summer (melanoma, here i come!)
--------knowing what we're doing for law school

okay, i'm gonna go console my husband now because unlv just lost. he's so upset. oh geez.


Sunday, March 14, 2010


it's weird to me that cameron can't feel the baby move yet.
because i swear he's doing jumping jacks in my stomach at the moment.
maybe he's hungry? who knows. hopefully once he's actually here, those motherly instincts will come into play because right now, i don't know what i'm doing.

i'm a sucker...

for baby boat shoes.

i mean, seriously...cute. actually, i've been dying over almost every piece of baby boy clothing on ralph lauren's website. i would add the link but it's not letting me for some reason. check it out though. freaking cute. i'll leave you with one more adorable outfit from this site...

you're welcome.
