Sunday, August 30, 2009

Giving this blog a shot of testosterone...

Some might say that blogging is only for the wifey, but I beg to differ. If I am man enough to wear a v-neck purple tee, I think that I can pull off a blog post.

Who else can't wait for football season?!?! Yesterday was the last Saturday that I will have to endure without the beauty that is college football. I am hoping that I am not a bad luck charm for UNLV Football like I am for Rebel Basketball--I come home from the mission and they stink up the joint. I am predicting a bowl game victory for this year's squad. Go Rebels.

So we had a great Saturday. We keep our house clean enough, but it is nice to know that it is REALLY clean after a deep Saturday cleaning job. Lauren and I love our place--especially when it is clean. We also bought a cool picture of the Vegas temple at Deseret Book and hung it up. We finally have ALL of our frames off the ground and onto the walls. The place really looks great.

After we cleaned up, we ran some errands. We had to get a few things taken care of before school starts swamping us this semester. I got Lauren's computer to work on the campus wireless network, we found her backpack we thought we'd lost, bought her a daily planner, and got all our textbooks together. By the way, if you are looking for a cheap textbook alternative, try CHEGG.COM. We rented some of our $100 books for like $10 or $15 each, and you just return them for free at the end of the semester.

We finished off the day eating some Costco potstickers with a side salad including yummy salt and pepper seasoned Texas Toast croutons. We were about to wind down our night watching "Flash of Genius" but before we could start the movie, we got a call from Tamara... She's getting married!!!! We are so excited for her and Remington. In case you don't know one or both of them, here is their engagement picture (I think it just... works)
OK, maybe this one is better...

We are so happy that Remington will finally be in the family.

That's all I got. It was a good weekend.


Friday, August 21, 2009

and now some beach...

mia loved throwing rocks in the ocean. she cleaned up that disgusting beach :)

this is cameron's sad face. it's pitiful and i love it. i'm pretty sure this picture was taken right after he threw sand on my leg cause he was "mad" at me.

in front of the condos. so beautiful there!

nothin like 7-11 sunglasses for under $5, right? they're ugly. i know.

rachel was a constant drive thru window for little tanner :)

it was an amazing time! we had a blast and it's about time i got to go. i've heard about "the beach" for years and years so it was fun to finally experience it. we loved it!!


lets try some pictures

here are some from our wedding...

just after the ceremony. that is genuine happiness on our faces :)

the cousins on my mom's fun to have them all there!

just coming out of the temple...i love cameron's face.

i couldn't believe how many of our friends could make it. it was just a huge reunion...what a fun day!

courtesy of our photographer, nate grant...he's amazing! we loved all of our photos!


we have internet!!!

ok i'm a little embarrassed to admit it...but we were getting really mad about our internet because we share with 2 other couples in our complex and it hasn't been working and cam's been trying to get someone from comcast to get out here because, "it has to be their fault cause it's not the router". long story short, we finally went to the router today to make sure a reset wouldn't fix it and low and behold, the freaking router wasn't plugged in!! okay, we kind of feel like idiots but at least we didn't threaten to not pay comcast this month. wow. this is a boring blog. i'll get better...i promise.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

we don't have internet...

and i could just SCREAM cause it's been like a month now that it hasn't worked. so annoying. i hate not being able to get on the computer whenever i want. cameron and i have to arrange time during our breaks at work to use the internet on campus...thus, no pictures or real updates. we'll figure it out more once i can do it in the comfort of our own home.


Saturday, August 15, 2009


so we haven't really figured out this whole blogging world but we wanted to give it a here we go!

cameron and i have had such a great summer so far.

1. we were married in may
2. honeymoon ( fun)
3. moving into our new place together in provo (very quaint and cute if we do say so ourselves)
4. working together (spending every minute of the day together...we love it)
5. lake powell houseboat trip...nice base tan
6. beach trip to carlsbad for a week...perfect end to the summer.

well, needless to say, we love being married and we're trying to really take advantage of family time before school starts up again in just a few weeks and we're tied to provo a bit more.

not bad for my first blog. good night.
