
Friday, November 1, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 2013

We've sure had a great summer this year. I can't believe its so close to coming to an end! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Leath's First Birthday

My little guy turned one on Saturday! He sure brings so much light, love and joy to us! It was a fun and exciting day. It started out with a visit from Grandpa Brooks, Grandma Kathy and Grandma Great and ended with the Cleland family having Dutch oven and cake of course! At about 9 with the boys still keyed up we decided to go for a drive to help them go to sleep. An hour later we were back home with two sleeping angels. I sure love my guys! And I can't believe that Leath's a year already. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our life

Oh I hate this blogger app! 
Our goings on.... 
Life has been good to us lately. Things have been tough in a lot of ways, but somehow it's all bringing about a better us. And really, that's what matters in the end. 
Anders: this kid has my heart... Always has, always will. 
Four is a different age. It's kind of hard to see him growing up so much. Enough that tonight after Cam told him he'd had enough of his arguing, he got in his Jammie's, brushed his teeth and went downstairs and locked himself in his bedroom. I have a lot of guilt at this point, him having to be the big brother who doesn't get as much attention as he used to. Or (I feel) needs to. But man, oh man is he a good kid! I've never seen a 4 year old who is so caring and compassionate in my life. He is the BEST big brother any kid could ask for. Leath is one lucky dude!

Leath: is busy, busy. On the go, constantly. Enough so that at the end of the day I am spent and fall right into bed. He's different than his big brother. No caution with this one. He's a climber, he'd rather play with rocks and mud than slides and swings. It's amazing how different 2 brothers can be. Yet they get along like I've never seen siblings get along before (its still early though.) I love these kids, and our family more than anything. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tooth Tunes

Someone loves his tooth tunes!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Computer still down...

But I am trying to be more regular and consistent.

Leatham had his six month pictures done a few weeks ago. I absolutely love how they turned out. Here are just a couple of my favorites. I can't believe he's 6 months old already. Time seems to fly even faster with the second child.

Leatham's getting so big, so quickly. At his six month appointment he was in the 86% for height and 87% for weight. Considering the fact that he was sick with bronchiolitis twice in the two months before, I would say he's growing pretty well. 

Leatham is such a sweet little soul. Just a happy go lucky kid.
He has his two bottom teeth which came in around 4 months. And right now he is trying to break the top two through. I can't believe how early he's getting his teeth in. I thought maybe because of that, teething would be easier for him then it was for Anders, but so far, I think it's just as painful for him. 

We've been excited to be able to start getting outside already. We've had a huge case of cabin fever. Coupled with the fact that we have pretty much been consistently sick since Christmas and can't even get out to visit people, we are very thankful that we can get out now. And I think that goes for all of us! Leatham and Anders LOVE being outside.

Anders is in preschool in our little town. He goes twice a week right now and seems to really enjoy it.
One of my favorites that he's brought home recently is this little gem. He's learning the importance of letter placement now :) I love it!

When Anders brought this booklet home from school I couldn't help but laugh. His face in this is priceless. It's so fun to see the things that he learns, and brings home. He's getting bigger every day and it blows my mind that he will be 4 next month. And will be starting kindergarten next year (2014). Aaaahh! Not looking forward to that.

I love these kids. They bring happiness and joy to my life every day!