Sunday, November 1, 2015

Janie Lynne Taylor

Today is my due date.  And we are so grateful sweet baby Janie is already with us.  I wanted to write down her birth story before I forget.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 4 am with a very uncomfortable contraction.  This wasn't too unusual at night at the time.  Usually, after going to the bathroom, I could go right back to sleep and didn't have any more contractions.  Well, this was the second or third time that night this had happened and I was thinking this might actually be labor.  I tried to go back to sleep very briefly and quickly gave up on the idea.  I was already up when Will cried out in his sleep (he's been having nightmares lately), so I went in and comforted him until he fell back asleep.  Although I was getting more certain I was in labor, I didn't want to wake up Zach just yet.  He had felt sick the day before so I figured if we were really going to have a baby he needed all the sleep he could get. I also really didn't want him to cancel all his patients for the day unless I was certain this was it, and it wasn't going to stop. He noticed I was gone but thought I had just fallen asleep with Will.  I decided to get in the tub to help relax me and to time contractions.

By the time I got in the tub they were coming about 6 minutes apart and lasted about one minute.  I would read between contractions.  Before transition, the best way for me to manage labor pain has actually been to focus on what the contraction is doing, relax my body as much as possible, and breathe deep.  So, that's what I'd been doing.  The contractions were getting more intense and a little closer together.  I had two funny short ones between the others that was throwing the average on the phone so they were timing at about 4 minutes apart.  I had initially thought when I woke up that I would labor at home until we took the boys to school at 8:20 am and we would head straight to the hospital from there.  I realized things were moving a little faster this time around and I should call someone to watch the kids and we should go to the hospital as soon as Zach and I showered and got ready.

I woke up Zach at 6:10 am and told him.  Before I sat on the edge of the bed to tell him I thought about laying down for just a few more minutes, but had a big contraction and laying down sounded like the most uncomfortable thing ever.  "I think we're having the baby today!"  He gave me a hug and I told him I was going to get in the shower and then we should go.  We decided we'd call my friend and visiting teacher from church to get the boys off to school.  He originally was going to try and sleep for a little longer, but thankfully couldn't and got up and started eating breakfast and getting things ready to leave the boys. He came to check on me in the shower and asked if this was really it.  I told him yes, and as soon as we were ready we needed to leave to the hospital.  Things were picking up.  I had 4 more contractions in the shower.  I could no longer just breathe through them but had to start swaying my hips while I was contracting to get through them.  For some reason I was still thinking I would have time to dry my hair before we left.  I got out of the shower and called my visiting teacher and asked her to come stay with the boys.  She answered while I was on the tail end of a contraction.  I had Zach let me lean on him while I swayed my hips for a contraction.  I threw on a dress that still fit me (the fact I chose a dress made things a lot easier later on.)

I realized at that point we couldn't wait for her to get there we needed to just leave.  Zach told Joe, who was awake, that we were leaving and she would be there soon and to stay in his room until she got there.  I had another contraction and thought maybe I needed to use the bathroom.  When I sat on the toilet my water broke!  I stuck a towel in my underwear and started panicking a little.  I walked out and told Zach we weren't going to make it.  He was so calm and reassuring.  He told me everything would be fine and we would make it and ran out to start the truck.   He met me at the bottom of the stairs on his way back in.  I told him, "really, we are not going to make it.  You need to check me."  So he checked me and saw her head!  Being the wise man he is he did not tell me that.  He just calmly asked if I could make it back upstairs to our room.  He again told me everything would be fine, we had plenty of blankets and towels and he knew what to do.  Zach told Joe everything was fine, but we were having the baby at home and he needed to stay out of our room.  We made it to the side of the bed and Zach asked me if I could get on it.  I told him, "I can't move!"  I leaned forward and put my elbows on the bed and pushed (and yelled) through the next contraction.  Her head was out!  The next contraction I pushed (and yelled), again, and she was born!  Zach delivered our baby girl at our bedside!  She cried right away.

Zach looked up and Max was standing in the doorway and had watched the whole thing.  He then called Joe in and through him the phone and told him everything is fine, but call 911.  Joe was understandably a little flustered and said he couldn't.  By then I was on the bed and Zach placed baby girl on me and called 911 (at 6:42 am) himself.  He covered us in blankets while the dispatcher told him to tie the cord and check other basic things like that we were breathing.  He couldn't find a string to tie the cord, so he used a shoelace like the dispatcher suggested.  Later he realized he has hemostats he could have easily used, but our brains were in a little bit of a fog.  Joe woke up Will (who somehow had slept through the commotion) and all the boys came in and looked at the baby.  Will's first question was, "Is your belly small now?"  Haha.  Not yet, buddy.  The fire truck and ambulance showed up at our house shortly after we called 911.  They clamped the cord a little closer and had Zach cut it.  It felt a little ridiculous having them show up and taking the ambulance to the hospital, but we weren't properly equipped for an at home birth!  They carried me and Janie out on a stretcher and Zach followed behind the ambulance.  I was finally able to nurse Janie in the ambulance.  She latched on right away and nursed all the way there.

When we got to the hospital the NICU nurses were right there as we entered, but realized immediately that we didn't need there assistance (thankfully).  They wheeled us to labor and delivery.    I think Zach was already in the room when we arrived.  We were telling the Dr. about our crazy morning and tying the cord he said, "you know, they say you can just use a shoelace for that..." lifting up the blanket, "oh, you really did use a shoelace!"  I finally delivered the placenta and the Dr. stitched me up.

The hospital had an unusual number of babies born, so we got to go to a NICU family room for recovery.  The boys came to officially meet Janie when they got home from school.  They were immediately smitten (it helped that they didn't have a fire truck distracting them!)  My mom flew in late that night.  She had purchased her tickets months earlier.  She has a knack for buying them at just the right time.  The last three baby (when I have lived far away from her) she has been there the day after the baby was born.  I think she has a sixth sense.  Actually, I truly believe it is a tender mercy.  She and Zach both came and brought me and Janie home the next day.

I am amazed every time I have had a baby at the human body and what a miracle pregnancy and childbirth is.  We are soaking in every exhausted beautiful moment with our sweet baby Janie.  

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Well, we moved.  I may or may not ever get around to posting about that, but I wanted to document at least a few snippets that have happened since then.

We currently live in a duplex.  We have our own very small fenced yard.  A couple days after we first moved here Will said to Zach, "Dad, why did you order a small yard?"

Our neighbors have a little boys our boys love to play with.  Moving in was made much easier because they were entertained for much of the day while we unpacking by standing on the crossbeam of the fence and talking with and watching the neighbor boy.  This habit has continued.  Our boys set up a chair to reach the crossbeam so they can see over the fence.  Our neighbor has a ladder propped up on his side, so he can do the same.  They will go out in the morning and yell for the friend and make plans for the day.  It is mostly a blessing and occasionally can prove to be challenging because they want to be playing all the time and even Max feels comfortable leaving to go next do whenever he feels like it.  

One morning Will climbed over the fence to play with his friend who was playing in his backyard.  I went over and got him and we talked about how it wasn't ok to climb over the fence, and he always needed to ask before he went to play at the neighbors.  A while later the boys went over to see if they neighbors could play and no one was home.  They came home and Will headed to the backyard.  I reminded him that he could play in the backyard, but he was not allowed to climb over the fence.  Two minutes later he came walking in our front door, with the neighbors dog!  He had climbed over the fence, retrieved the neighbors dog, walked through their (empty) house, and brought the dog into ours.  We had a little talk about how it is not ok to go into someone else's house without their permission, especially when they are not home, and a little reminder that we don't climb over the fence.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Zach had to work Spring Break, but since Joe and Will were both home from school the whole week I decided we should at least do some things a little out of the ordinary.  We kicked off by roasting marshmallow Sunday night with Zach.  The boys loved the fire, but Max and Will both decided they prefer marshmallows plain rather than toasted.

Monday the boys and I headed to the Bean Museum.  Usually Will just runs wherever he wants, much to my frustration.  This day however, he was really good and staying with us and we only had about two instances where he went too far from us.  On one particular occasion he was especially patient when Joe and Max were interested in an exhibit that he wasn't and he waited patiently until they were done looking.  That boy really has grown up a lot.  Since we were in the neighborhood, I thought it would be fun to go to the creamery for lunch.  We have never been in all the time we've lived here.  We were not the only ones with that idea and it was quite busy.  The boys weren't too bothered by that though because they just got to eat their ice cream before their food because the wait at the grill was so long.

That night we picked Zach up from work and headed to the Park City outlets to shop a little for Joe and Zach.  We found some things for Joe for Summer and some dress pants for both him and Will, which they both needed.  Will and Max both had fun accessorizing while we shopped.

Tuesday we joined Ashley and Nicole and their kiddos in St. George.  It was fun to play with the cousins and just hang out.  I was a little nervous about driving there without Zach, but the boys did surprisingly well on the way there.  Wednesday was full of more play and a short trip to a nearby trail to let the kids ride bikes, scooters and wiggle bikes.  Will took quite a spill down a hill, but rebounded pretty quickly until we were back and Justin and Nicole's and he remembered how much he was hurting.  A little showed quickly cured him.  Nicole let me take a little snooze and after that we headed home.  It was a short trip but it sure was fun!  On the way home we stopped in Beaver at the Cache Valley Cheese Factory Outlet.  The boys got ice cream (it was good!) and I got some cheese curds too (original, yummy, salsa flavored, not so yummy).  The ride home wasn't quite as smooth, but we made it home without major incident.  We were so happy to see Zach when we got home!

Zach left super early Thursday morning for a trip to Billings.  So, we went to Grandma Jeans for lunch.  The boys always ask grandma for Yoplait yogurt when we're there, and she always has some for them.  I never buy it, so it's a special treat for them.  She made us homemade mac and cheese that was scrumptious and we had some fruit with it too.  It was fun to visit with Grandma.  We swung by my mom's on the way home and we ended up staying for dinner!  The boys played with the chickens and watched a movie with uncle James while I went across the street to Gram Betty and Grandpa Ivan's to visit with them and Paige who was in town for a visit.

I had plans Friday to go out and do something but we ended up having kind of a rough morning and the most exciting thing we did was have a backyard picnic to try and turn the day around.  Max refused to nap even though he was exhausted and the boys ended up just playing at home the rest of the day.  I didn't feel like cooking, so we had scrambled eggs, green beans and green smoothies for dinner!

Saturday morning the boys all crawled in bed will me and cuddle for a bit.  It was a pretty sweet moment.  I'm so lucky to be their mom.  Then a few hours later Zach got home!  He had driven all the way to Pocatello on Friday so he got home around 10am.  He took a nap and we spent the day at Costco and the park (which was my original plan for Friday).  Then Zach and I got a sitter so we could visit our friends Trevor and April who just had a baby without overwhelming them with our crazy kids!

Even though we didn't get to everything we planned, it ended up being a really fun week.  I think one thing I need to do better is always take advantage of the fun things there are to do around wherever it is we live at the time.  I think too often I think I need to have things perfect before I leave the house with the kids or need to have a certain amount of time wherever we're going to make it worth it.  Sometimes I just need to do it anyway!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cute Things Kids Say

I will forget if I don't write them down so...

The other day Joe says out of the blue, "Mom, when is Grandpa Ed going to come back to life?  I really miss him!"  So sweet.  I love that my boys got to know their Grandpa Ed while we lived with them.  Also, we explained that we don't know when exactly we'll be resurrected, so it might be a while.

I was cuddling with Max before his nap and got a stray eyelash off his cheek.  He wanted to look at it, so I showed him and he said, "Wow, that's beautiful!"

Tonight we were driving home from Costco, and it was dark.  The kids are a little fascinated with it getting darker earlier these days (I don't love it).  Will said, "I can't see anything.  I can't see horses... or Cinderella... or anything!"  Not sure where that came from.  Or when he ever sees Cinderella.

These boys sure have a laughing and smiling.  We love them.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

First Day of First Grade

We've really been enjoying Summer at our house.  Joe was ready for more structure though.  He missed the first day of school because we got to pick Stephanie up from the airport from her mission! Wahoo!  I gave him the choice to come with us to pick her up and miss his first day, or go to the first day of school and see her that night and he decided to miss the first day.

The night before and morning of school Joe was a little sad, and told me he was going to miss me.  And Max.  He was also concerned that school was going to be hard since he was going to first grade now.  I tried to alleviate his concerns, telling him that kindergarten helped prepare him for first grade and that we will still get to spend  a lot of time together as a family.

When he got home from his first day he told me it wasn't very good and "I really missed you, Mom." So we talked about his day and some of the things that happened.  It's a little hard to tell from his perspective, but I think the recess after lunch Joe missed the bell, and was out with another class and got  a little lost.  He got a little teary that fist day.  He was re-telling the story and dinner and said, "...I was sitting by the wall...just thinking about you, Mom, and how I really missed you..."  When he started crying at the dinner table Zach had him get out of his seat to give Zach a hug, and Joe said, "I don't know why water is falling out of my eyes?!"  Oh, it was so sweet and funny.  And I was a little flattered that he missed me so much.

So that night, Zach gave Joe and Will a blessing, and then Max sat on the chair and said, "my turn!"  So, Max got one too.  Every day since then Joe has said that it has gotten better.

And then there is this kid who is just too cool for school.
No, but seriously.  I took Will to sign up/meet preschool teachers this summer and it was a major flop.   He froze up and freaked out and two of the three preschool and the third one he was ok with, but I wasn't a huge fan.  Anyway the first day of Joe's school was rough for Will!  He missed him a lot.  I would love to get a little play-group together, but he doesn't have a lot of friends his age and two of them are pretty shy.  So I saw this sign driving home one day and I thought, "why not?"  So I took him to meet the teacher, and although he never made it inside the home, he didn't freak out and he even agreed he would go back to the open house next week, so we'll see what happens.