Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Feeling Good

Life in Oakley is pretty fantastic. The sky is blue, the mountains are grand, and the air is thin but clean. It's a beautiful place on earth and I'm glad this is the place we call home. The kids have settled into their routines, I'm settling into a groove and all we need now is for Matthew to make his way across the country to make our family life complete. I don't know what the future holds for us but every day I get another confirmation that this was the right decision. This makes me hopeful and happy for whatever lies ahead.
Good Times

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Mighty Change

A mighty change is happening two months from now for our family.  We are heading West to Utah.  Pause, breathe, take another breath, exhale, and now pick your jaw up off the floor.  I know, I know we said we'd NEVER move there. Well in the immortal words of Justin Beiber, "NEVER SAY NEVER!" 
This past summer Matthew and I both had a strong feeling that we should seriously consider this option.  The option came fast and furious but we weren't ready so we dropped the thought and remained faithful New Englanders. However the option soon felt like a command; from above. From the beginning of this journey I have listened to God.  He is guiding this ship and we're just along for the ride.  I told Him I would do what he wanted me to do.  I have listened to His promptings from what Realtor to use, to how we should help the kids with this transition.  He has blessed us for listening.  I know we're not there yet and many things could go wrong and they just might but I tell you, I have NEVER truly worried about any of this.  I gave the whole situation over and He hasn't let me down yet. 
I will be sad to leave my home of the past 20 years but I'm excited for whatever is ahead of us.  Change can be good.  Change is growth.  I will be leaving some amazing people.  People that have blessed my life beyond measure.  That's the hardest part of leaving. I HATE saying goodbye.  Being the youngest of eight kids, siblings were constantly leaving me behind.  As a child, I had nightmares about being left behind. Now I'm doing the leaving and its not any easier.  I'm leaving twenty years of my life.  This is where I met Matthew, this is where I have raised my kids, this is where I have had life changing experiences, this is my home.  What are we doing???
We're moving on, we're moving forward, we're going to have twenty more years of life changing experiences, and we're going to continue raising our kids-just somewhere else. That's what we're doing!!!  I'm excited to be closer to my extended family.  My parents, brothers, sisters, cousins.  My ENTIRE family lives out West.  I miss them.  I want to have relationships with them and I want them to know me and my family. 
I have A LOT to do in the next two months.  Not only do I need to pack up our home of ten years but I have to spend time with precious friends, see places I have not yet seen, bottle up the beach (I will now be land locked), hug my beloved White Mountains, prepare and pass on my home to a dear dear friend, say goodbye to Matthew's family, eat lobster, I'd love to see a Red Sox game, eat a canolli or two, hit O'Town, ride a Duck Boat, canoe on the Exeter River, etc etc.  Now I am crying but I have a smile on my face.  So many wonderful memories I will take with me.  Thank you New England!  You've been a good good friend.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well hellooooo!  It's been awhile.  I've been hibernating but I'm waking up and opening my eyes and stretching out the kinks!  I want to talk about the power of walking for just a moment.

"Marriage in a rut? Job stressing you out? Kids whining all the time?  Well, have I got the cure for you! It's called the POWER WALK!  Grab your spouse or a friend and go! In just 30 minutes a day or even every other day, it can give you that much needed time to talk.  It can give that much needed fresh air to clear your brain and it can get you away from those whiny cranky kids! After your POWER WALK you'll return ready to take on any challenge! You'll not only feel better, you'll look better too!"

Matthew and I take walks all of the time. It's quick, non strenuous and gives us just enough time to talk uninterrupted about our day. Try it!  I promise you won't be disappointed!

Other random things:
Hannah is turning 13 on Sunday-heaven help us all!
Our home is still on the market-I'm not stressing at all. Really!
Caleb is driving and I love it except for the gas and insurance we pay.
I gave up all drinks (Diet Coke) except water for lent. It's going well. I haven't beaten anyone to death.
I've gained a few pounds-trying to remember why I gave up Diet Coke.
Matthew has the norovirus. It sucks when he's sick. I've been spraying Lysol on everything.
The other day Solomon said, "Did you know Jim Carey draws cartoons?" "He does?" We asked.  "Yes, it says on the back of the Bruce Almighty DVD case that Jim Carey is a comic genius!" I love Solomon!

Well, I hope to be back to my bloggy more frequently.  Sorry for the long pause but like I said, I've been asleep for a few months.  HAPPY SPRING!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thank You Meals on Wheels...

Two and a half years ago I walked into my local Meals on Wheels and offered to volunteer.  My kids were in school all day so why not? I wasn't sure what volunteering would entail. 
I just knew I had some time and I wanted to do something in my community.    
 Just one month after starting my service, my brother in law Jared
decided he didn't want to live anymore. He took his life.
My supervisor Kim told me to take as much time as I needed and I did.
I didn't stay away for very long though. I have been taught that when
something bad happens in your life, go out and do something for someone else and so I did.  

Pretty soon I became a volunteer backup driver when someone was out sick. 
Not long after that I became an employee. A part time driver delivering meals to the home bound. 

I grew to love these people.  Like "Stinky Bob" (named by my kids), Irene, Bev and Lyn.
Several have passed away like Ella, Beverly, Terry and even Stinky Bob.
Losing a client and friend was never easy-sometimes it brought back painful feelings of losing Jared.

However, I will forever be grateful for my time there. 
I learned so many wonderful life lessons and gained many
good friends.  Remember, if you don't know what to do with yourself,
go out and do something good for someone else. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Marathon Man

It was a cold and rainy Fall day...
Do I have too?

Mile 14

Sooo thirsty

On the road again...

Mile 20

Sexy calves!

Mile 23

Will he make it?

YES!  Home stretch...

Finish line in sight!


"I'm NEVER doing that again!"


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Options Are Good

Moving to Utah has never been an option...until now.  Matthew and I have always said, "it's great to visit but it's not where we would ever live".  Something changed and since Utah isn't much different, I guess the change was in us.  Having just spent three weeks of my summer there and actually unpacking instead of living out of my suitcase like I usually do, I experienced a bit of what it might be like if I really lived there.  I liked it!  My entire extended family lives out West-why wouldn't I want to be closer to them!  They are amazing! We are not moving to Utah by the way...yet- but I'm happy that at least it's an option.  There are still things we need to do here in New Hampshire-a business to run, a book to write, relationships to mend.  So until then we are here in our beautiful New England. Utah...keep the light on for us, we'll be there soon!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Little Bit of This and That

It's June.  It's busy.  It's fun....

Field Day-"Rock Stars"
We made and served 500+ shaved ice cups.

Garden before...

Garden after...

New storm door- I LOVE IT!!!  (It's the little things)
Hannah's last game-look at the determination!

A fantastic family trip to the White Mountains-our home away from home!

Hope you're having a busy fun June too!!!