Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sarah's Harry Potter Birthday Party

I must admit that when Sarah told me she wanted to do a Harry Potter Birthday Party I was so excited! I quickly went to work to prepare. We had a lot of fun putting it all together. We made these fun invitations.

They even had a cool wax seal.

We delivered (most of) them by owl. She even got one reply by owl. It was pretty awesome!

I made these fun treats.......

........for treat bags for her to hand out to her party guests.

I spent almost two days making these wands. It was really fun, but more time consuming than I had anticipated. I love how they turned out though.

Sarah was pretty excited the party day was finally here.

Ollivander's Shop......all ready to go.

And platform 9 3/4.....check. Time to party!

When the guests arrived, they went to see Mr.Ollivander (aka Aaron) and he helped them choose a wand.

John David was so excited about his wand.

Here's everyone with their wands.

After everyone had their wand, it was time to be sorted into houses.

After the sorting ceremony, we played some games. For the first game, each house was given a Book of Spells. They had 5 minutes to study, and then we had a contest to see which house could tell the correct name of a spell they would need for a specific situation. Slytherin won 30 points for this game.

The second game was a quiz about potions.

Each house was given the same five potions and had to correctly identify what each one is used for.

Slytherin also won this game, and added 30 more points to their score.

The next game was "Find the Golden Snitch". Sarah found the first snitch and won 50 points for Ravenclaw.

Her friend, Leah, found the second golden snitch, and won 50 points for Griffindor.

The last game was a Horcrux Hunt.

I found the idea and clues for this game online and it was awesome. The kids loved looking for all seven horcruxes and points were awarded for each horcrux that was found.

Emma scored double points for her house because she found and destroyed a horcrux all at the same time. Well done Emma! Well done.

John David found the last horcrux.......Voldemort's snake, Nagini. When all the points were tallied, Ravenclaw had the most points and won the House Cup. Way to go Ravenclaw!

After all the hunting, the kids were ready for some food.

Luckily, Hagrid made a birthday cake especially for Sarah.

And some Butterbeer Cupcakes, which were amazingly delicious, by the way.

We sang to the birthday girl!

And she made a wish.

And then we had a (mini) Hogwarts Feast.

It was a lot of work, but it turned out great.

And the birthday girl said, "It was the best birthday ever!"

Friday, February 14, 2014

Sarah's First Valetine

Sarah got her first "real" valentine from a boy today. She was completely surprised by it, and a little embarrassed too, I think. But she loved it. He gave her chocolate and jewelry....two of her favorite things. Payton says he is marrying Sarah one day. I guess we shall see. Only time will tell. But right now, we definitely aren't ready for boys and Valentine's day gifts from them.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Celebrating John David

Last night we gave John David a couple of his birthday presents. Since he is in love with the movie Planes, I got him these planes from the movie. He LOVES them!

And because he loves to "smell like a man", Aaron got him some Brut.

He was pretty excited to have his own.

Then after his party this afternoon, we let him open his last gift from us.

Since he is always wanting to use my or Sarah's kindle, we got him his very own kindle.

He was pretty say the least.

Now maybe my battery won't be dead every time I want to use my kindle.

This evening we went out to dinner with Kent and Johnice for Sarah and John David's birthdays. We had a great time hanging out and enjoying each other's company. A great way to end our fun day!