Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This cracks me up!

Rest assured I will be back. I've got nothing on my schedule until work tonight, so I'm going to do something blog worthy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

What the ? part 2

Don't look, the camera steals your soul!
Okay, look but make it quick, squint so that the camera can't get in your head.
Squint like this! And stick out your tongue when you smile, it drives mom crazy.
Okay, you look that way, I'll stick out my tongue and smile, then she can't blame just one of us for ruining the picture.(I so need new camera subjects and check out the grass, what's up with that two toned turf?)

The dogs are lice-free, hopefully forever. Sally got the full meal deal and Linus just got a good bath and possibly a trim, hard to tell. They smell divine! Good enough to eat. Both are totally pooped out, going for an all day spa treatment tires a dog out.

I've taken my allergy pill today and it's a 24 hour deal, but it's been in the system for about 7 hours and I feel worse than I did before I took it. Serves me right for leaving a window open last night. I sneezed all the way to the groomers, about 15 minute drive, then my eyes water and my nose runs. It's so pretty.

What the?

I, master of the verbal diarhea, have not blogged in days. Days!
I'm sure I had something to say, some insightful, mind altering conversation to share. But I can't remember.
I took an allergy pill, it weirded me out. But I can hardly function if I don't take one. I'm a teary eyed, scratching, snot nosed, sneezing pile of mucus without the pills.
I bought a shirt, but not 2 because my mom said I couldn't buy the same one she did. I bought some tinted Bert's Bees lip balm.
We went for a hike with Tara and Harley on Saturday.
We got our new rug for the living room. We hung the rest of pictures, at least the ones I could find.
I scrapbooked. That might have been on Friday.
We had dinner at my parents on Sunday.
We watched No Country for Old Men. That guy is strange and freaky and obviously traumatized by a bad hair cut.
I watched Desperate Housewives! Yay for new tv shows!
I went to the scrapbook store with Tara and didn't buy a single thing, and then to the other one with Kerry and I bought Sasafraslass Owl stamps, the Olivia ones.(Kimberly's fault!)
Both dogs are at the groomers today. I just got the bad news call, not the one where the groomer says "your dog had a heart attack because of the stress of being washed" which I'm so paranoid about getting, no, it was a different bad news, the one where she says "your dogs have lice". Apparently they can get it from touching other dogs, which Linus does regularily and they don't jump to humans. I'm so grossed out. They are getting the lice dip as I type this.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 3

The down-side to blogging so early is that I know I will have something to blog about later. And for an early blog post, it's a long one.

Last night, as we were going to bed, I say as I do almost every night, "Kerry, I didn't get my good night kiss." I have a bad memory and seriously can't always remember if I got one.
He says "Yes, you did. And as I've said before it hurts my feelings that you don't remember." Then he kissed me and I'm pretty sure I didn't get one before that because the creep licked me first before I screamed that he hadn't shaved and that I would have remembered the whisker burn.
He says that after more than 13 years he should know better and he should announce "I'm giving you your good night kiss now so remember it."
To which I replied something witty, but because of my bad memory I can't remember what I said, but trust me it was good.

Shaun brought home 240 or so frozen tart shells from Tim Horton's, not very long after I had made Emily's new favourtie tart, really, it's the only one she eats. I had made some cherry cheese tarts, pulled the recipe from the deep dark recesses of my brain that hold wonderful, award winning recipes.* (If you count having your family cry tears of joy because you baked as awards.)
Anyway, this morning, bright and early, I baked up a bunch of shells and made just cheese tarts, mostly for Emily, but I'm sure she'll share. They are really easy...2 packages of cream cheese, some almond extract, some icing sugar, mixed together till creamy and maybe fluffy, plop a spoonful in each tart. Refrigerate. If you like fruit, put some cherry pie filling on them. I think they are pretty close to being cream cheese icing tarts, but I stop adding icing sugar just before they get to that point.
I have a kid that could be my sous chef but instead I get my dog, my pooh chef. He likes the soound of small kitchen appliances, thinks food comes out of all of them like the hot air popper.
Does he look contrite? Sheepish? The least bit sorry?
No. I don't think so either.
This 'little' jerk planned his great escape yesterday. After Kerry removed the clematis that grows along the fence, and I cleaned up the debris of last years bumper crop of weeds we exposed a nice length of chain link fencing. But to Linus, it was an escape route. He's big, he's kind of chunky, he's clumsy. As I was eating my Holy Cow bar and standing about 3 feet from him, while asking him what he was doing (I thought he was getting in possition to dig) he got super flat and slid under the chain link fence. Just like that he was gone. I stood there for a few seconds thinking how the heck did he just do that and if I was more athletic I would jump this 2 1/2 foot fence but I'm not so I won't.
I had to run around to the neighbours yard and hope that he hadn't figured out how to run around their house to the road. He didn't. He was looking for a way to get behind their house to the other dog. When he heard me yelling, happy yells, not angry ones, boy, that was hard, he came running back to the fence, not to me, I think he figured I was too dumb to get around the fence. Then I had to shake my granola bar so that he thought it was a treat for him. I snagged him by his collar and dragged him home. I never once yelled at him or called him bad dog then. I only called him a bad dog when I pushed him in the house. And then he did the flat dog thing again and laid on the floor like he had been steam rolled.
So he makes our life interesting, that dog does. Things Sally never dreamed of doing, he does and then some. He can't go outside unattended. We have fancy fence board along the bottom of our chain link now, so Rutland-like.
Go figure that now a Golden Retriever can't fit under the fence but for the first time ever I have quails in my yard. I have had them in my garden, but it's fenced off from the yard and the dogs scare every thing away. Once upon a time, we were weeding our 2 acre garden, okay, it only feels that big when you have to weed it, it's really about .08 of an acre. I had this huge herb garden, okay, it was a huge sage plant and a huge thyme plant in the middle of my huge weed patch. It was huge. Kerry was weeding around it, the same Kerry that 'weeds' my pepper plants, he pulls out everything, EVERYTHING. I have to pretty much watch him. Anyway, this is a long one...he's weeding and I'm weeding and then I hear "OH, NO, What have I done?" When we started weeding a quail flew out of the weeds, we didn't think twice about it until now. Poor Kerry had weeded all the protection from around mama quails nest of eggs. He tried to replant the weeds but it was too late. She never came back. It was very sad. Everyone said it was for the best, that we didn't want quail in our garden, but I didn't mind. It would be nice if someone got to eat something out of that weed patch. I did find it ironic that the bird would pick to put her nest in the middle of poultry seasoning.

* I am the master of making late night treats with little or no supplies. This week alone we have had the following, made from findings in the pantry and freezer...

Sweet and Salty Pecans. Spread pecans on foil lined cookie sheet, push them close together, sprinkle with Scor bits, large, chunky sea salt(not lots) and choc. chips. Bake at 350-400 for 10 min. checking to make sure you don't burn your nuts. Cool. Eat. !00 pts. per cup.

Not-really-triffle. White cake, cut in half and iced lightly with vanilla icing(left over from most beautiful cupcakes). Vanilla pudding, canned mandarin oranges, baker's choc. shredded on top.

And some other stuff, but again, my memory is getting the best of me.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 2

I think Shaun's puffier than yesterday, I will sneak a picture so I can compare. I will probably not tell him that my blog readers think he's cute, chubby cheeks and all.

The socks are from Zellers. They had lots of different colour combos.

We spent hundreds of dollars more than our Costco limit last night. Kerry found a compressor with a coupon and like a kid in a toy store, he had to run(walk fast) to get a large cart so that he could buy his compressor. He got to pick up and tote all the 'manly' items, like dog food, pop, bottled water, I got hummus, rice pudding and tank tops for Emily. I tried to put the coffee beans on his cart but he said no, they weren't large enough to ride the cart. Now he can blow out our sprinklers faster, before he used to pass out every time and his cheeks hurt afterwards for days. He also said he could use it to inflate tires, this is good, because just last week I was thinking my life was incomplete because I couldn't inflate my own tires. I am worried, I did tell him to practice, because he is known to blow the parts off the sprinkler system because he has too much pressure and his new toy is much more powerful than the old one from work.

So much for getting my flash anytime soon. I also had to remind him that our rug should be in soon and someone has to pay for it. I think I was just overspent after the oral surgeon's bill, which was a good 3 times more than when I had my wisdom teeth pulled about 14 years ago. Inflation!

And to make things interesting, the microwave has been making a new noise, a loud vibrating and it scares me so I can't microwave. The kids haven't known a time when we couldn't just zap something hot in a few seconds. I barely remember, which is why when I went to eat I thought I would have to eat cold potatoes, zucchinis and mushrooms and was grossed out. Then I remember we have another appliance in the kitchen that is used to heat foods in a slower manner. So like my grandmother before me, I used the oven to heat leftovers! I would take doing this over having to wash laundry by hand any day!
Off to see if it's worth it to fix a microwave that probably cost under $150 3 years ago.

It is with a sad heart that I type this, Mike Rowave III went to a better place. At ll:20 am. Gord pronounced him beyond repair, it was his magnatron. He will be missed but mostly at meal and coffee time. No one will pop popcorn like he did. Mike was predeceased by his Grandfather and Father, Mike SR. and Mike JR. His employers will wait a decent amount of time before finding a replacement. Ya right, I'm off to buy a new mircrowave. Microwaves don't have feelings, or do they?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

chubby cheeks and new socks

Poor Shaun, I have to wake him every 2 hours for his drugs and I'm forcing him to eat his old man food and drink something.

These are what I get when I ask Kerry to help me pick socks to go with my orange shoes. Hope they look good, but then again what do I care? He's the one that has to be seen with me.

No Wisdom

Teeth that is, for Shaun. He had all 4 surgically removed this morning. This is no easy feat for the Boy-who-hates-needles. I'm sure I've discussed this...Shaun has a fear of needles like nothing I have ever seen before. And I know, just about everyone reading this is now saying, me too, I hate getting them. But there's the difference, you have gotten them, he cannot!
He had a bad experience in grade 6 and has not been able to get another needle unless he is totally sedated. Which brings us to other problem, he has metabolizes things like Ativan and other sedatives faster than Kerry can drive. His eyes get all glassy and he gets super sleepy but he can take enough to knock a grown man on his ass and it still doesn't phase him. He can't even make the car ride to the health unit. So it's classified as a phobia, a full blown, anxiety driven, leg shaking, unreasonable acting phobia.
But today, 4 Ativan in less than 12 hours and he's in like Flynn (sounds good), and out like a light. All 4 teeth successfully extracted. They said it should take about an hour. So Kerry, who in a very responsible parental manner, took the morning off and I ran some errands(I'm sure he took the time so that I wouldn't have to deal with phobia kid should he rear his head). We waited for the phone call, and waited, and waited. I fully expected the "come and get your kid he's totally freaked out" call, which is similar to the one we got from emerg. last year when he cut the tip off his finger and 'they' wouldn't believe him when he said no needles. 'They' said that we should talk him into it because none of their staff could. Anyway, we didn't get that call, we got the "come and get your kid, he's done, we gave him extra time to sleep it off" call. Holy crap...my kid couldn't keep his eyes open, hold his head up or talk. He was snoring, drooling and quite amusing. I totally wished for a video camera so that I could torture him later. He had to be wheeled out in a chair because he wouldn't stay awake.
I'm playing nursemaid, giving drugs every couple hours, he's getting the alternating Dilaudid and Ibuprophen 600 (horse pills) cocktail, chased down with cold soft foods, nothing warm or hot today. Yummy...yogurt with canned fruit, Boost drinks, jello, pudding, old toothless man food. Tomorrow he can look forward to refried beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, clam chowder, and if he's lucky, I'll share my scream of feet, I mean cream of wheat.
I will take some pictures in a bit, he's still drooling and there's some blood which I have issues with, so I'm not totally gung-ho about documenting that. The swelling is cute, kind of chipmunk-ish. But if you take in the drool, the droopy, glassy eyes, the moaning and the sluggish walk, he kind of looks like a zombie. So help him if he decides to get spunky and jump out of a closet to scare me.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Big Scare

Last night while I was regaling my class with stories of me, Emily was on the computer and she let out an ear piercing scream. It was a sound I had never heard before. I saw her holding her ears and hanging her head down, I thought OMG IT MUST BE A SPIDER and it bad mother fashion I ask "is it a spider?" I was assessing the situation, and thinking if it was I must evacuate the area, women, not children first. Then I sucked it up and moved in closer only to hear "It was a think on a website, I had to concentrate so hard and then a scary zombie thing popped up." Geez I hate who ever made those stupid things. She took a break from the computer and then seemed to be okay. We were worried she might have nightmares but she made it through the night.
I got an email of one of these things, it was a "needs sound, drag the dot through the maze using your mouse, go fast" kind of thing. Of course, while your brow is furrowed with concentration, and your eyes are bugging out because the maze is narrow, you crap your pants when the zombie pops up and screams at you and if you are like me and Emily, you cry. You can't stand to look at the computer for awhile and you are leery of all emails after that, except for the one that say "Enhance your sex life".

I made these cards today for my class tonight, nothing like leaving things to the last minute. The page I did yesterday using Tim Holtz crackle paint on the chip board letters.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Thank you so much for all your well wishes. It must have been something I ate, and not the samosas. I'm so happy about that.

Saw some different things this weekend...
1. a guy had a small dog, like maybe under 10 lbs. in a small car, yet he had removed the front passenger seat for the dog bed.
2. a lady was walking her rabbit on a leash in her front yard. It wasn't pulling or chasing cars, good rabbit.
3. there's a huge bald eagle at the dump, and it's got great eyes, as soon as I pulled my camera out, it disappeared.

4. pets get mobile spa service but do humans?Sally needs grooming now.

5. there's way too much metal at the dump. Can't someone do something with it?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Meaning

Kerry loves his samosas and wants me to make him a sticker saying "Leave no samosa behind." I don't ask questions, I just tell him to put it in the to do pile.
Last night we had samosas and pakoras for dinner. I also took an allergy pill and drank half a can of diet coke. Sounds like a good mix to me, but my stomach had issues with it and while watching SNL(which I couldn't keep my eyes open for because of the darn meds), everything was evacuated from my tummy through the top hatch. Indian food is so good going down, not so good coming up. I tasted things I didn't think I had eaten. Someone once told me that it didn't matter when you last ate carrots, you will always puke some up. I had my eyes slammed shut so I couldn't really say, but I had eaten some for lunch.
Kerry peeked in the bathroom after the last food particle had left my body forcefully and I was kind of teary eyed. I had to explain that I love my samosas and now they are all gone. I left no samosa behind. He might not want that sticker after all.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dog walkin' shoes, I gots them.

I love my Keens that I got before we went to Disneyland. They are the most comfortable shoes I have and I got them on sale. I've been looking for some good dog walking shoes, and with Kerry's almost never-ending giftcard for SportChek, I thought I had found some decent Merrils. I didn't, they have a weird bump in the tongue stitching on the right shoe that seems to be a manufacturing problem. I think this because I'm on my second pair and can't wear them around the house let alone on an epic dog walk (that was a joke).
The other day I noticed that Hollywood Shoes has a sale, and she's got some Keens. So today, while Motocross was on and the whole household(Kerry) had to stop working in the yard, I ran down with Emily to have a look. First off, I got my other Keens in Sept., maybe Aug. on sale, this store still has them at regular price, YIKES! I told her what I was looking for and tried on a pair of these...and might have to go back and get them.But these are the ones I got. I love the Mary Jane look, and the fact they are kind of meshy and will breath, and the fact they have no laces and can slip on and off with ease. The colour...I wanted something cute and to some they may not scream cute, but they do scream. Kerry loves the colour. It's mango. They are so comfy, I knew as soon as I tried them on that they had to be mine. And they were on sale.

When I put them on to model for Kerry, I made such a fuss about how perfect they fit that he said his next pair of shoes are going to be Keens.

Took dogs for a dip in the lake, then came home and did yard work while they dried off outside. I don't want no stinky damp dogs on my new flooring, it has enough problems as it it.
Kerry twisted my arm into getting samosas, naan and pakoras for dinner. We ate early, fresh air does that, and we have already made second dinner plans for around 7pm. for our next samosa. Gotta space them out.

Update: We did more yard work. My hands are killing me because I trimmed 5 Juniper bushes. I could only wear gloves on one hand, so I guess it was a glove on one hand. I couldn't use the trimmer and wear a glove on the same hand, the gloves are too fat, not my hands. Anyway, I was proclaiming it a good day, no allergy pill and then the sneezes started, along with the runny nose and now I have the full blown itchies. I took a pill but it makes me tired, so now I'm Itchy, Dopey, Sneezy, and Sleepy, but not Grumpy.
I am planning, but don't have high hopes, to watch SNL tonight. Christopher Walken used to give me the creeps, but now he's hilarious. Gotta get me some more cowbell.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday's stuff

Nothing new learned yet, it's still early.

Something has been bothering me...I saw on one of those "Sell My House" type shows that a person should get rid of 30% of their stuff before they list their house, we're not moving but it stuck with me. And then I watched that 'Hoarder' episode of Oprah last week and I think I heard someone say that you should get rid of 50% of your stuff.
So do the number, get rid of every third thing, or every other thing...to cut down on the clutter...I think it's a good plan. Crazy, but probably works. Can I do it? I'm trying, really trying. I have boxes and boxes of stuff I never use. Linens, cookbooks, movies, clothes. The kids have even got in on the action and have each gotten rid of at least a large box of unwanted things from their rooms. And as hard as it is to see some of those 'beloved' toys in the box, I know that if they are willing to part with them, then I should too.
And in a weird parellel universe thing...my mom just brought over my bronzed baby shoes because she's de-cluttering too.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thursday's PICTURES

I've been checking Rae's photos everyday, she's posting new photos everyday and I'm getting jealous of the colour in her yard. This afternoon I went looking for colour in my yard and was not disappointed. I found 1 yellow dandelion, 1 red dog, 1 black and brown dog, lots of brown things, and lots of grey things. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have had spring-like weather for 2 straight days, the minus 4 degrees at night aren't so nice, but we're working on it.
Linus played with baby Taya today, tired himself out so that I could go shopping with mom and not have to worry about him.

If you look closely, you can see Linus's nose under Taya.
Silly Girl.

Thursday's RANT

I'll try to keep it short.
Emily mentioned in passing that there are a group of 5 French Immersion boys that are bullying everyone at school. The other day, it was her turn, one says "Should I elbow her in the face?" Another says "Oh, that's the kids that cries all the time." (bullies aren't stupid, she does cry very easily, we were told it had something to do with her giftedness, hightened emotions). What gets me is my kid's response to this when she told me about it. I said that was terrible and something should be done, she said "Yes, something should be done, but I'm used to it, it's okay, they do it all the time, what bothers me is when the bug the little kids." I wanted to cry. I want to elbow those boys and their parents in the face. I truly believe you can't not know that your child is a bully. I think most of the time it's learned from home.
So without telling her I called the principal and told her what happended. She says she knows the gang (these are gr. 6 boys), and that they have issues with them and they don't seem to understand what is appropriate to say. She said it disappoints her that they maybe moving toward physical violence. Well, it disappoints me that she and the teachers know about this gang and haven't done something sooner. E. says that almost every day one of the boys is in the office getting talked to.
The principal says it's their policy to make the boys appoligize either in person or in writing, it depends on what the victim wants. I ask and Emily says "No thank you, it's my understanding that when the bully finds out who told, it gets worse." What the f#$% are they teaching these kids in their bully awareness program? I know what she means, but how sad is it that at 12 years old these boys have the run of the school?
I called the principal back, she didn't seem too bothered by this. She will have Emily go through the photo book to 'finger' the exact boys.
I'm pretty pissed off about the whole thing and am trying to decide if I should talk to the principal about how disappointed I am in their bully policy of no tolerance.
What would you do?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Help Me!

I don't know what I did wrong.
I behaved at puppy school, I saw the certificate, I know I passed. I didn't chase the ball, I tried my hardest to stay when mom told me to, even though I had made other plans, like sniffing poodle bums and scratching myself. But for some reason, my mom has been torturing me for the last 3 days. She puts on that torture device, she calls it a Halti, I call it a whisker puller. She makes me walk beside her and then she takes me to the longest set of stairs I have ever seen. Although I have to say, I'm not out much and have really only seen the stairs at our house, I have a feeling these stairs are the longest, I heard her count today and I think she said 106 and then she passed out.
Sally doesn't come with us, I think she's wise to mom's shinanigans. I think I saw her snicker at me when mom put on the whisker puller.
I have to say in mom's defence, I have been full of piss and vinegar in the morning, at least that's what she tells dad. I'm trying something new, I saw it on tv. Some dogs bring slippers to their humans, I thought I'd try it. But I really like having the slipper in my mouth, it soaks up the slobber. Instead I give the girl a scratch on her leg. It makes her howl, I figure that means she likes it.
So maybe this is why mom drags me down the stairs, walks to nowhere in particular and then drags me back up and then, as if she has forgotten what's she's doing, she drags me back down and then, she must remember that we already did that and she runs back up. Silly mom.
I think I heard her mumble something about me being strong enough to drag her home should she pass out at the top. Whatever! If she lets go of that leash, I'm out there! I've got bums to sniff and pinecones to eat.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Time on my hands

I get a kick out of these.

Drum Roll Please...

Introducing the new and improved Linus.
Today was the last of our Canine Good Citizen class. We passed, but have yet to take the actual Canine Good Citizen test which will take place in the fall. Linus's shining moment today was when handlers had to leave their dogs in a row and stand more than 8 feet away from them, in a row, making an 'alley'. The instructor then threw a ball down the alley. Linus didn't bat an eye, I almost cried. Then she did it again and gave me permission to cry because as Liz said "not many Goldens will stay when a ball is thrown" but my Baby Li Li did.
I am thinking that major excercise before class is a good thing, except for the fact that it makes Linus super lazy and sleepy.

Spring, here today, gone tomorrow.

Check this out, not for the faint of heart.
confessions of a pioneer woman

What's that about?
When we go for a walk/hike/stroll, I'm always bringing up the rear. Always. So this makes for lots of Kerry's backside pictures. He knows this. On Sunday, as soon as we hit the trail, he says "Do you want some butt shots?" and starts posing, and I don't have any proof because, really, who wants to see him shaking his booty. Now if he was dresses in chaps, as Ree's Marlboro Man, I could make some money!

It snowed yesterday, snowed and snowed. But today, you wouldn't know it. For all that snowing, none of it stayed on the ground. Maybe the ground knows it's supposed to be spring but the sky doesn't...hmmm...there's a thought.

Kerry and I have decided to incorporated the 'evil stairs' into our daily dog walk. This is a two fold thing, tires the dogs, gets us moving muscles we forgot we had.
I used to do the stairs every day, every single day, 5 times. That's up 500 stairs, down 500 stairs. I hated every single minute of it, especially the up part. But I loved the aftermath, the 'exercise high', the tighter everything except my clothing. And then my walking partner got bit by a rabid dog or something like that and turned into a person I don't associate with. I think it was around this time that I got chicken pox, which, take it from me, if you haven't had them and you're a grown up, get immunized now. If you have kids that are over 8, get them immunized too. If you have kid younger than that, rub them on the next kid with chicken pox. I have never ever been that uncomfortable or sick in my life. It took a good 6months to get back to normal. Anyway...I stopped moving around that time.
Kerry and I did the stairs once last night. I did them 1 1/5 this morning. You can't just go whole hog and do them 5 times the first time, you will die. My plan is to work my way back up to 5 times gradually. For all that huffing and puffing, I only earned 1 freakin' point!!! 1 point! I broke a sweat for 1 point.

I may not have mentioned this, I love my ipod but I dislike all 3 of the transmitters we have had for the van, one died, one just doesn't work(the expensive one) and the other stopped working last month for no apparent reason. We just started researching stereos with the built in ability to play my ipod. The other day, I was shaking the transmitter(because everyone knows that if you shake something that is broken, it may get fixed) and it didn't miraculously work. After discussing at great length why it won't work, I was convinced it needed batteries but a wiser person(kerry) explained how it works and I now realize there aren't any batteries in it. But back to the shaking...I noticed in my crossed-eyed shaking frenzy that there are some words on a couple buttons...specifically PRESS ON. So I pressed the two buttons together and be darned if a miracle didn't happen...I heard angels singing, okay, it was Amy Winehouse and she's no angel but you get the drift. The broken transmitter was just turned off, for about a month. Who knew? Oh, happy day, I can sing while I drive again, much to the Emily's dismay. I just realized that this may be the reason Linus doesn't like car rides.

Monday, March 31, 2008


So I was just typing my epic blog post and then it disappeared. How frustrating.

Long blog post short...
Pictures are from our late day hike in the middle of town. Great view of the whole city. The last picture is me, eyes closed, so I can't see the werewolves, and Sally making fun of me. She such a ham. (used my 50mm f1.8 for all shots, didn't even take my long lens, but I should have, even though I love that it was getting dark and I could still take these pics with my fav. lens)
I had posted about my werewolf story but now I'm too tired to retype it. Maybe later.
It was spring yesterday, today it's winter again.

Where do things go when they are lost in cyberspace?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday's new thing

#1 on the list today is that I discovered I don't like it when people text message while they are supposed to be working. I'm of the 'you're paid to be here to do a job and I'm pretty sure it's not to use your phone' group. I'm also too nice to say "Well, do you think that huge mistake you just made is because you were giving your phone more attention than your job?"

#2 is my arms are still sore from baby hogging. I'd like to say they are sore from putting up moldings and trim or even scrapbooking but it's most likely dog handling and baby carrying. Sad but true.

#3 I didn't NEED the Crop-a-dile Big Bite when I thought I did, I haven't even taken it out of it's package and I've had it for over a month. Sad.

#4 No matter how much 'junk' I remove from our house, more seems to appear, I think it's multiplying like rabbits when I close the door or turn off the light.

#5 Another reason we can see all the scratches on the hardwood...the glossy finish. Kerry said that in the morning without the sun shining on it, he hardly notices the scratches, I replied that it's the same at night, with all the lights off!