but it was ALL on sale!!!
A local photography shop is closing it's retail doors and having a huge inventory clearance, so I had to check it out. I called Yolanda and Tara because you have to let people know about these things...Tara was working so I was her personal shopper, Yolanda and the girls met me there. And shop we did...
Everything was pretty much 50% off. How could you go wrong? I didn't buy frivolous things, although now I'm thinking a wide angle lens would have been nice to check out, I bought practical things...ink, a battery, a reflector, a CF card, a filter and the icing on the cake...a Wacom Bamboo tablet for a certain young lady. Emily has been using a borrowed rather tiny tablet for a few years now and this new baby comes with PS Elements 5, a Corel program and some other program, a mouse, and is much larger. PSE is $100 on it's own, I got this whole package for $100! Tara is the proud owner of a tripod, and a few other goodies, Yo got a printer at a steal.
Then I went to Costco with the girls and now I need a nap. I am still sticking to my believe that 2 kids = peace and quiet, 3 kids for some reason always seems like chaos to me. I don't know how people do it. Yay Yo!
My peonies made it through the path of destruction known as Linus. Last year, he tore off every single one of the flowers before they fully bloomed. This year, he was sniffing them, they are sooooo fragrant. I'll let him live another day.