Monday, November 26, 2007

the deal-breaker

How do you define the limits for a relationship?

How do you know when to let this particular oddity slide or decide you simply cannot tolerate it? I know some people who have a thing for religion - they have to share the same faith with their partners. Others can accept their spouses having an affair as long as the said spouse comes home every night, but refuse to live with the in-laws (or have the in-laws live with them).

Personally, I think it's just a matter of weighing what matters most to you. Do you go for fidelity above all else? (I know I do.) Can you live with the fact that you partner will never be as romantic as you want him to be? (Hmmmm...)

So, yes, I'm asking you - what's your deal-breaker?

Friday, November 9, 2007

do i know you?

Blame it on poor eyesight.

Yesterday, the girls and I trooped down to the nearby mall to have lunch. As I was enjoying my greasy pizza and listening to B, L, and M trash-talk the most renowned work hazard (okay, okay, so I did more than just the listening), this guy in light-blue sleeves walked past. Actually, I noticed the girl he was with first because she had on an interesting top (although it was a boring black in color) and somehow, my eyes swept over the girl's face and landed on his face. And as our eyes met, he kinda, sorta nodded at me.

As if we knew each other.

But the blank confusion on my face must have registered on him at once, because then he looked away as he and the girl both walked past.

Did I really know that guy? Or, cheeky assumption aside, was he just being "fresh" with me while his arm was around the girl's waist?

You decide. ;p
