Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Caelen Convo

Caelen came running in from the backyard with this excitment spread across her face and says, "Mom!! I don't have to go potty! Isn't it a miracle?!!"

As she was playing in the backyard, "Mom, how does bad bacteria get died by good bacteria?" All I could say, "No clue babe."

Driving in the car the other day:
Caelen: Mom, what are you going to ride in to get to the hospital when Tabitha's born?
Me: The car.
Caelen: But what will WE ride in?
Me: Well, Dad and I will take you to Grandma and Grandpa's and then....
Caelen: WHICH Grandma and Grandpa?
Me: Grandma Janet and.....
Caelen: But I wanna be WITH you when Tabitha's born!!
Me: Well, you'll come to the hospital as soon as she's born baby, Mommy has to....
Caelen: Oh that'll be good cause then we can ride in Grandpa's new truck!!!
(Our conversations are intense with emotion and exhausting for Mommy!! LOL)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All's Fair in Childbirth

A few days ago, before the endless rains decended upon Sonoma County, we took the girls to a local park that has lots of wonderful sand for digging, one of Addison's favorite activities. So I put some brown sandals on her feet. While I was strapping them on she looked at her feet and excitedly squealed, "I JESUS!" Shocked I asked, "Are you Jesus because you have the same shoes?" Yeah!" she answered. At which point Caelen piped up with, "Jesus had white sandals Addie." All I could say was, "Well maybe He had a couple pairs honey."

Last night one of my BFF's and current partner in pregnancy was admitted to the hospital due to bronchitis and pnuemonia which sucks for mama but is apparently potentially dangerous for baby. We're so thankful that the baby looks healthy and normal but in the meantime she's there getting oxygen, medicine and some much needed rest. So last night I started to tell Thomas, "Adria's in the hospital..." and Caelen yelled, "How come she got to go first!?!?!" Caelen was pretty indignant that Adria may have gotten her baby before Caelen got hers. :)

Monday, March 07, 2011

First Time on the Potty!

Permit me a TMI Mommy moment as I record a milestone. Today Addison went pee on the potty! The best part is, it's been her idea and she's been asking to. I don't push my kids to start potty training for a couple reasons:
1) I know my kids, they're stubborn by nature. Show them something they should be doing and they'll resist it longer than necessary.
2) I don't really want to deal with it. I have enough battles all day, I'm not picking another one.
3) I don't care whether I'm changing diapers or having to accompany them to the bathroom each time and teach them how to wipe well. Either way, it's all a pain.
So just in the past couple of days Addison would open the towel cupboard and kind of lean in / sit on one of the shelves and declare that she was going potty if I happened to be going potty (there's no privacy in my house, even the flippin cat joins in on the affair.) So one time I showed her her potty seat and how she could sit on it. She was a little scared of falling so I had to hold her tightly and then she was over it.
Well, today as we were starting our day she put the potty seat on the toilet and told me she had to go poopy so we gave it a shot. No dice, but she was patient and gave it her best shot before saying she was done, hopping down and announcing, "It's broken, my bum." as she left the room.
We tried again at Grandma's house, same routine. But tonight as I was headed to the bathroom she told me she had to go and she set her seat all up. I put her on it in her diaper, jammies, everything. She looked down and said, "Off with the diaper." So I got her stripped down, sat her back on and sure enough there was the tell-tale tinkle sound. She smiled her huge gap-toothed smile and said, "I did it!"
Daddy and Caelen came running in to congratulate her and give her some high-fives but after that she covered her face with her hands and we knew she was getting overwhelmed. So everyone left and I quietly assured her again of how proud I was as she flushed and said, "I did it!" just a few more times.
I'm so proud of my girl, and as her baby pictures are flashing across our home computer screen saver, I'm wondering where all the time went.

My Heart Might Melt Away

As I was vacuuming the other day, Caelen came running over shouting Mom Mom Mom! I knew nothing was really wrong, but when she reached me she turned the vacuum off and said, "Mom, (grin forming) it's just really hard to tell you I love you with this thing going."

Best investment ever was their little plastic slide. They'll fly off that thing one after another, over and over for a good 15 minutes at a time, maybe longer, and multiple times a day. They giggle and squeal, until of course it turns into shouting and whining because someone decided not to move their butt from the bottom of the slide and the next one wants a turn. Either way I'm thankful for that thing.
A couple nights ago they were at it again and begging Daddy to watch every slide down. Then Caelen thought she'd really show off and jump off the top, which is fine unless you have slidey hardwood floors underneath and the thing goes flying out from under you, which has happened before. Thomas spoke up before any damage was done and said, "Caelen, I'm too tired to go to the ER tonight, so sit down and don't hurt yourself." Caelen wanted some clarification, "The ER?" "Yes," he said, "If you fall and hurt yourself I'll just have to let you bleed cause I'm too tired tonight." Caelen is finally figuring out her Daddy's sense of humor but she still gets all rowdy at his "threats". "No Daddy! You wouldn't just let me bleed! You would get me a band aid and some medicine and you would HOOK ME UP!" I burst out laughing, "That's my girl!"

Addison's referring to herself in the third person is killing me. And she's always, "My Addie". She said to me yesterday, "I closed the door, my Addie." I suppose that meant, "I, Addie, closed the door." It's not so much what Addison says as how she says it. And she's such a charmer. When I picked her up from Sunday School yesterday she spotted me before I had barely poked my head in and began squealing at the top of her lungs and running for me. Her teachers were just laughing to themselves and remarking on how cute she is. I picked her up and she said, "Go find Daddy.... Go find SISSY!" I set her down and she ran squealing across the hall into her sister's class and they literally ran into each other's arms, like long lost friends in a movie (I could almost hear the music) and hugged each other tight. Sometimes I wonder how I am so blessed.

In other heart-melting news, I have been singing Jesus Loves Me to Addison every night before bed for probably a year. She's always content to just listen, head on my chest. Once she could talk she began pointing to the rocking chair saying, "Jesus, Bible", but would quietly listen once the song began. Two nights ago, for the first time ever, she sang along in her mosquito soprano. She knew every word and even completed some of the phrases. All this time she'd just been soaking it all in.