Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Just another day in paradise

Just a couple of quick photos and an update.
Here's Thomas putting the tile in our tiny little master bathroom shower. It's such slow going, but he works really long and hard hours on these re-model projects. I just want to be DONE!
Here's me yesterday. Now I think she was crooked in there because I felt extra large all of a sudden and my belly is sticking out so horizontally that she must have been doing some sort of contortion LOL. She is supposedly 13 inches long and 1.5 pounds. She also should have her hair by now too. I can't wait to see her!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ready? Set? AHHHHHH

So we only have 3 1/2 months left before we get to meet our daughter and we are feeling the pinch! Of course there's all the baby stuff to get ready, all the birthing, and breastfeeding, and late pregnancy classes to schedule. Also getting state disability and maternity leave all figured out, so that's all on my mind.

But.... now there's something else. It's always been hanging over our heads that we WANT to move outta the suburbs to the county. Well now it's looking like, WANT to or NOT we probably HAVE to move. It's all financial of course. Our mortgage is insane and since I will be a stay at home mom, we are going to be forced to make other living arrangments. Luckily my hubby is a VERY talented carpenter, so plan A is, we buy a couple of acres, put a modular or temp home on it and live there for a couple of years before we build our home. This is very feasible and looking like the best option we have. It's just a matter of getting the land to work out.
Thomas went out to look at some property last weekend and ran into the owner. Turns out he's also the owner of the last property we put an offer on (we withdrew the offer because it was contingent on a ground water test that wouldn't take place for many months, so we let it go, but still love that land). Anyway they had a great talk and this week we're going to make another, better-for-us offer. Hopefully it passes the ground water test.
All that to say please be praying for us as we have to come up with some sort of plan, since we can't stay here LOL. (Niether of us ever really wanted to anyway, it is slightly ghetto).

So a baby AND moving Woo hoo. HEHEHEH Anyway THomas is working this weekend on our shower and hopefully will have the bathroom done soon, so we can get on to getting carpets replaced.

Life's not boring that's for sure!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Feeling huge

So far this is definitely the best part of the pregnancy. Caelen moves all the time and about 5 other people have felt her or even seen her kicking around in her little home. She has a favorite position and a favorite place to kick me, it's so fun to feel like I'm getting to know her already. Feeling her moving everyday and respoding to our touches and voices makes everything (all the throwing up) way worth it.

Yesterday she was really going to town and she stuck her foot WAY out and I poked it and she sucked it back in. I felt like I actually touched her! It was very cool.

The third trimester is almost here and so of course I'm feeling pretty big. I know I'm no where near what I'm gonna be, but my stomach feels squished, my back hurts at the end of the day, and the belly just feels enormous. I wish I could take it off, set it on the couch next to me for a little bit and then put it back on when I was ready! LOL But overall I guess I can't complain much, I feel pretty good, alot of people are telling me I look good, and my hubby still tells me I'm beautiful everyday, so I'm pretty happy. :)

Our days pretty much consist of working, and then coming home eating dinner and watching 24 on DVD. My parents have been going through the seasons and they let us watch them when they're done. It sucks you in and you become obsessed with it, it's absolutely the best show ever. We never want to stop and go to bed, but we know we have to! On the weekends we're still working on the master bathroom and bedroom. But hopefully we'll have it done soon. I really want to start getting Caelen's room all ready. She already has a good collection of clothes, but the problem with little babies is they outgrown stuff so fast, you have to buy a few sizes in advance. So it looks like a lot but it's a collection of sizes to fit through the whole year.

Anyway I can't believe we only have about 3 1/2 months left to go. She's about a foot long and 1 1/2 lbs. Time sure flies!! Before you know it she'll be here and it'll be Christmas :)