Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Shop!!!

Well today I decided that it was high time my user name on Etsy matched my shop name. I hated the fact that the two names weren't the same, and unfortunately Etsy doesn't allow you to change the user name once you've created it. I've spent literally all day moving all the work to the new store, but I am so happy I did. Check it out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Canvas Madness

I've been trying to decide for some time now if I should turn any of my notecard illustrations into prints. I printed a couple of them out on Canvas and I LOVED it. After some adjustments, I was finally able to get them posted in my shop. (More to come soon, so keep checking back)

I've also decided to offer my prints in a range of sizes, mostly personally love having the option to chose the size that best fits what I want to use the print for. So from now on the canvas prints are offered as such:
8x10" ($20.00)     5x7" ($12.00)     4x6" ($8.00)
I haven't decided yet if I will offer square animal prints in other sizes. If you have any thoughts feel free to leave a comment! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mushrooms and Sales

Well I knew it would happen but I was hoping it wouldn't be on the second card! I have started an "Eat Your Vegetables" series of notecards in which I had planned on featuring a different vegetable. I knew I'd probably end up doing a fruit or something down the line, but low and behold, the Second card features a mushroom! However I feel slightly justified because the USDA food pyramid does classify mushrooms in with veggies even though they are a fungus.
You can find the mushroom cards here along with an awesome card sale! All you have to do is purchase two notecard sets and you get one free! The specifics of all that jazz are on the main page of my Etsy shop. Thanks for stopping by, and happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Up For an Adventure?

One thing I've yet to address is the fact that I am addicted to traveling. In my 23 years I've made it to 9 different countries, and Alaska (it felt like a beautiful foreign country to me, as Pennsylvania is Nothing like it). I've never ever passed up the opportunity to travel to as many places as I can, even if it's just a drive out to Valley Forge to take in some scenery --you might be starting to guess that I love this place. Seriously, if you live anywhere near the park, go.
Anyway I've always admired Earmark's series of adventure cards on Etsy.-Earmark's Adventure Pack, which is what I purchased-

I finally decided to purchase them because I love to send out hand written mail. When I received them I just knew there was no way I was going to be able to convince myself to se
nd them away to other people. On the other hand, what was I going to do with a set of cards I refused to write on? That is what they're for right?! As luck would have it Ikea, god love 'em, had square frames that are 5.5x5.5" In Black! Seriously, go check the cards out. Traveler or not, how could you not love these? They look absolutely fabulous framed in a mini print sort of way, but they would also serve as an awesome piece of mail to send out to someone! -provided you could give them up, unlike me!

-2 of the 7 cards hanging next to my work desk!-

Monday, June 16, 2008

Not My Brightest Idea...

Well yesterday I decided that it would brilliant if I took my notecard sets outdoors to photograph. I reasoned with myself that they were nature inspired cards and they should be photographed in such an environment. And I think it could've been great had we decided to not bring two dogs, and take pictures on the windiest day Valley Forge Park has seen in 100 years!
-Lee doing his absolute best to help me out-

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating just the littlest bit about the wind, but it was still pretty tricky to quickly take a decent picture before everything blew over. All in all I did manage to take some pretty nice pictures, and I'm hoping to have all the cards in my shop updated by tomorrow.

Not too bad. . . not too bad folks.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Walking With A Friend

Well last night we returned from our mini vacation up north. It was a lot of fun, though a lot hotter than we had anticipated. The dogs did a lot more swimming than running around outside, but all in all we managed to fit in everything we had hoped to do during our visit.Since I have been surrounded by so many dogs this past couple days I thought it was high time I made another print in the animal series just for these four legged wonders!

All three color versions of my newest print can be found here

Friday, June 6, 2008

Up, Up, and Away!

Well I was hoping to accomplish a ton of work this weekend, but it looks like it is not going to happen. Lee (that would be my other half) has just landed a new job, so we are headed up state for a 5 day mini-vacation (to my family) before he starts. I am going to bring the laptop, but I highly doubt I will accomplish half of what I was envisioning..sigh. At least I know our babies our going to have fun! Lee when we first brought Piper home
(maybe she thinks she's a parrot?)
Nicholi and Piper playing with the same toy
They love visiting my family because they can run around in their yards without leashes and do doggie things. Luckily we live really close to Valley Forge National Park and the dogs still get plenty of outside time, however never leash free. ALSO, they are going to meet one of Piper's sisters when we go up! My grandparents fell in love with Piper when we got her, and ended up with one of their own:
And if you thought we weren't dog crazy yet, there will also be my parents dog, Juliette, all up in the mix! ( She is the biggest of the bunch)

Miss Juliette
Since this post has become less about me being unable to get any work done, and a whole lot about dogs, I'll take this time to tell you a little bit about our Nicholi. We rescued him when he was 3 from a Lhasa Rescue. His owner had surrendered him claiming he was too much of a 'guard dog.' The rescue believed that his owner had picked him up and threw him to try to get him to stop barking. He's needed A LOT of love and patience, but rescuing a dog is about the best thing in the world. -If you're ever considering rescuing, do it! Just be prepared for some work in the beginning..and know eventually the love and trust they give you will out way any negative behaviors they came with.
Nicholi and myself during his first leash free adventure outdoors
Well now you can see why I'll probably not accomplish half of what I intended to, but I am still going to try like mad to have everything ready for a shop update in the first half of next week!
Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Eat Your Vegetables

I've decided to start a new series for my cards, called 'Eat Your Vegetables' (and maybe some fruit too). I have a bunch of vegetables currently in the works, but today I finished the peapod. They'll be listed here by the end of the day!

I've also got a couple more floral cards in progress, and I'm hoping to get those finished by the beginning of next week. I've been really into making the cards lately. They are such fun to make, and I personally love giving and receiving handwritten cards in the mail! Email is fast and easy, but for me, nothing beats getting a pretty card in the mail! Have no fear though, I have an idea for my next print, and I've made a promise to myself to get it on to paper just as soon as I finish up all my cards!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I've Finally Done It...

After putting it off for far to long, I've finally done it. I've started a blog. Starting this has been on my ever growing list of things to do for a couple of months now, and I really can't give a good reason as to why I waited as long as I have. I constantly admire other blogs. I am constantly asking myself why I am not 'jumping on the band wagon' so to speak. Well, today is the day everyone! Here is my first post!


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