Saturday, August 30, 2003


Johnny Depp (left) as Captain Jack Sparrow and Orlando Bloom (remember Legolas?) as Will Turner in Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Juz cam back from watching Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - Long title, eh? >=) - Well, the show is better than I expected. There are a few flaws, of course, espeacially some really lame jokes, bad script, over-exaggeration, and long running time (2 hours 15 minutes!!!). But watching Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow is worth the ticket price already! >=) I don't have a sufficient command in vocabulary to describe his acting, but heck, he's great!!! Somehow, Jack Sparrow's image reminds me of the desert pirate character in Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon played by Zhang Zhen. And let's not forget the great digital effects and action scenes!!! I gave the movie 3.5 stars out of 5!!

Went to the airport this morning to receive my cousin who's studying at Manipal College, India. He came out after an hours wait, and my, has he thinned!!! Well, I'm not very surprised actually, for the standard of living there is very very low... But guess what? He lost 10 kg!!! Wow... I can't believe my own eyes then when I saw him walking out... Oh ya, met Samantha from my Physics class in the airport too. She was there to receive her sister/ cousin (I dunno) who was coming back from Manipal College too. The funny thing is, I've this intuitive feeling that I'll meet someone from CPU in the airport even b4 I enter the airport... Freaky, eh?

Ok now, bout yesterday... I've walk to Subang Jaya Medical Centre after my classes are over. It's farther than I expected... The hospital always appeared close to the college when I'm in the bus... My bro was there for a EEG test, and both my parents were there. We talk to the neurological consultant after the EEG is done. My first impression on the consultant is not a good one... Well, she's good in her job, but a bit... erm... blunt lo... I always pictured doctors as friendly and concern on the patients... But she's very serious and a no-joke lady. Well, seems from the EEG, she told us that my bro's brain did engage in abnormal activities, and recommend medication to my bro for 2 years, at least!!! Well, I prefer him not taking it, for it's not good to be dependant on drugs for so long... Furthermore, these drugs have side effects... But in the end my bro n parents made the decision to go for the medication. So yesterday is the 1st day my bro start his medication of at least 2 years, n if all things goes well, he'll meet the consultant again in 1 month time. The bill is... RM 550+!!! Whoa... $$$... Well, that's but the BEGINNING... I wonder how much will the total cost be... *Shivers*

Friday, August 29, 2003


"Stir not the bitterness in the cup that I mixed for myself," said Denethor. "Have I not tasted it now many nights upon my tongue, foreboding that worse lay yet in the dregs?"

So it has come to this... Bitterness... I've forgone my wisdom on struggling in this vain pursuit, but should I continued? Should I go on like this, driven by my desire, hurting myself so much along the way? Should I drink this bitterness in the cup I've mixed for myself, and take the leapt of doom? YES... I will... I've given up on this wretched world... From now onwards, I shall be not be dependant of this meaningless world. Let God lead the way, and I, I ALONE, walk this path I've chose. So long, wretched people! I'll show u what I can achieve WITHOUT your puny interference. I've acknowledge all u guys, why, oh WHY, dun I deserve some myself?

Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)

I've done my part of the Golden Rule... I've done to others what I hope they would have do to me... Then what it ends this way? Is the world really so cold and cruel? Is the world really so selfish? Is there no justice in this world? I've found the anwsers long long ago. NO, NO, and NO!!! I'm sick, SICK of this ROTTEN world I leave in. How long I've yearn to find one I can trust completely, one whom I can share my problems with... I've found one b4, n he has abandoned me. The ones that are left to comfort me are the Almighty himself... and my books, whom so many despices... So be it, if that's all I have.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philipians 1:21)

And therefore I will FIGHT, n I will do this alone, if all my concern and assistance to others have not earn me any friendship. I will fight the fight. I will persevere, until my time comes. I will, n u'll see...


Guess wat? I took a "nap" around 7pm, hoping that I will wake up at 8... In the end, I woke up at 10pm, juz in time for the Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin anime!!! Gosh... All the hours... lost!!! The anime is a bit disappointing too... I was expecting the movie to be primarily focusing on Kenshin's past as Battousai the Slasher... but it ain't so.... Still, I do love one quote from Himura Kenshin... "Must bloodshed be the foundation of a new society?" ...Hmmm... Worth a thought...

My bro is back home now... No big problems with him la... Juz has a fit then, I guess...

Bought The Two Towers VCD after I returned from college... I've watched the first disc already... N only now I know juz how inferior is the movie from the book... Espeacially the script and the plot continuity... While the dialogues written by Tolkien are interesting n beautiful, the ones in the movie vary from plain stooopid (all lines from Gimli, espeacially) to mediocre, except the few lines they took straight from the book. The plot continuity is also very messed up. In the book, Tolkien finish off one side of the tale first, then start with another. In the movie, the focus keeps on switching between 3 sides... Very disjointed n confusing... Sigh... After RoTK is out, I believe TTT will be my least favourite LoTR movie.

Got my worst shock ever since the SPM results was out during my Physics period earlier... 73% so far? MY FOOT!!! I've been in top form so far except for that one stooopid mistake I've made... I didn't do that one homework he checked... n I lose 25% for that?! WHERE IS JUSTICE?! I should be withing the 85-92 range!!!! Not some stoooopid lower-Level 3 range!!! It's so insulting!!! Mr. Gillick said that I shouldn't be too worry since that mark is a rough cut, n it's not even weighted yet. But I'm restless the whole day... my mind juz stuck on that... Ppl has surrounded Mr. Gillick, eager to see who's the top students... I should be among them... I'm not boasting at all! I should be like them... Ppl shoud at the very least know that I have the ability to do juz that... But no... According to THAT mark, I'm juz an average student... I'M GONNA BURST!!!

All these longings I have for all these years... it's killing me!!! The only one that comes closest to understand my deserved acknowledgement is Lance... That's all... Can u believe it? After 1 semester of study, that's all?! There r others who overestimate me, but many many more dun even noticed me!!! I dun really want everyone to know me, but I do appreciate some acknowledgement of my hardwork for the marks. I'm very tired of seeing ppl get recognised for getting straight A's in goverment school but not me, since I took one extra subject n only get a B3... I'm becoming more n more bitter now... I dunno how long can I last this way... I KNOW it's better for me not to go on with this pursuit. My mind tells me that, but my desire is too much to be quanched. I'll get wat I want now, for juz once, ONCE in my life, n I'll let go... JUZ ONCE... Once...

Thursday, August 28, 2003


Gollum plush doll... Looks more like Chucky from Child's Play to me... It's so hideous and disturbing, I find it irresistably cute!!! >=)

Wednesday, August 27, 2003


I post my blog entry earlier today cos I'm not sure whether will I have the chance to do so at night... I received a call juz b4 my Physics class started juz now... From my mum... My bro fainted!!! He's in hospital!!! N he actually was X-rayed n such... Wow... I wonder how serious it is... Well, I'll visit him later once I return to Klang... We'll see then...

When I stepped into my econs class today, Mr. Kuah was not there yet. So I quickly walk out of the class to wait for him, since I wanna told him about the cheating thing (refer to previous blog entry). Well, since I know he'll be entering to our class from the left side (right side if u're outside the class... dun get it? never mind), I walk towards there... n met him on da way... All I say to him was, "Sir, next time, in our tests, can u call us to move our tables, so that we sit further apart?" He nod his head n got what I mean straight away... Hahahaha... Sometimes we're so alike... Heehee... So hopefully that ends my "dilemma"!!! >=)

I can't stand it anymore... The guy beside me in my econs class keep peeking at my paper during tests!!! I'll ignore him if it's once or twice, but he did that in every test!!! N he do it rather stupidly too... It is so obvious that he's cheating without me having to look sideways at him!!! He didn't juz peek once during each exam... It's as if he peeks once every 5-10 minutes!!! I'm so disgusted... This is juz so dishonorable!!! N I can't help but feeling dishonored too... I should have confronted him or told Mr Kuah about it... But I dowan to doom him!!! N I dowan him to be humiliated too!!! But this juz can't go on... He keeps sleeping in class, blur all the time, n not doing his homework!!! Not even when Mr Kuah ask us to do in class!!! Heck, y come to college n pay RM 12000+ then?! Sheesh... I dunno how to help him oso... Any advice, guys?

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


I'm swelled with pride the entire day... Unnatural strong urge to trash everyone with my results, n the constant comtempt on ppl around me, n the feeling like I'm surrounded by inferiors... WOW WOW WOW!!! Wat's happening to me?! This is so... so... unnatural!!! This desire to win, to be recognised, to be look up to... This... longing n yearning I have for all these years... have finally accumulated to a climax now... I have to break it!!! Crush it, destroy it!!! No... I doubt I can do that... The best I can do is juz contain it... supress it... But it's always there... My earthly desire... My lust for self-glorification... Sigh...

Is this a trial... or a temptation? It certainly comes fast... I've juz make my dedication last Friday!!! Well, wateva it is, I'm engaged in a full scale war against it now... Juz hopefully there's no other war that will distract me for the time being... Here I come, Pride!! On ur belly, snake!!

Monday, August 25, 2003


Well, that's it... The end of The Amazing Race 4... My heart was pumping like mad, my hands were cold and clammy, my legs shaky, n I'm so excited that I couldn't stay seated but keep on walking around while staring at the screen... Who will win the race? Since a few episodes ago, I'm almost 100% sure that David and Jeff will be the team that win the race, bcos they hardly bickering at one another (unlike Kelly n Jon) and they are very competent... But I'm very disappointed even durong the beginning of the finale... They jumped into a flight too fast without considering the consequences... In the end, they were so far behind the other team that I know they goners.

I was excited all over the finale... N guess who win in the end? Reichen n Chip... The gay married couple... Well, I dunno wat I should feel about that... I'm not homophobic, but it's wrong to have homosexual union... That's y I can nv support them throughout the race, eventhough they r a competent team... Kelly n Jon lose out by juz a few minutes... The poor engaged couple... Well, so it ends...

Everytime when I read a trilogy/series or watched any TV series, I will always feel a mild sadness n regret when it's over... The Lord of the Rings, The Death Gate Cycle, n now The Amazing Race are the few examples... I kinda regret I didn't start watching the race until around episode 6 or 7... Well, I never was the kind of person who follow an entire TV series, since my parents will roar at me if I did that... But I kinda hooked on the Amazing Race 4 after I get to know the teams...

And when the series ends, I feel kinda like saying goodbye to all the teams... Never to see them again... I'm like traveling with them the second half of the race, going through tough times n happy moments... N now it's The End... Sigh... At least it's not as sad as when I finisehed reading The Lord of the Rings for the 1st time... I even regretted I've read so hurriedly (I finished the whole story - almost 1000 pages - in a month!!)... It's kinda like saying goodbye to all the amazing characters that I get to know so well throughout their Quest... That's y I keep on "revisiting" Middle Earth with them now by rereading the book... As I've said b4, I'm currently in my 4th reading now... But sadly, the emotional impact on me is not that strong anymore... Sigh... <=(

Hopefully there's an Amazing Race 5 or replays of the earlier Amazing Races!!!