I hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed Easter enjoying family and overeating just like I did. I am on the diet and treadmill again...heehee!
I am excited to announce this morning that I have finally opened up an etsy store. I have been considering this for some time and have finally taken the plunge. Although there is only one item for sale at the present time, I am working hard to add more goodes to my inventory in an effort to give you a pleasant shopping experience.
I will still be posting updates on my blog as I add new items and will also continue to give advance notice to those who have signed up for my newsletter. The link to my etsy can be found on my right sidebar. All future sales will be made through my new shop. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to continue to contact me either through my blog or etsy.
I hope you are enjoying a sunny day. Here in Michigan we are overcast and snowing....yep....snow...ugh! Perhaps this is just a late "April Fools" joke.
hugs and smiles!