Thursday, October 22, 2009
konnichiwa. it's been awhile. i can see growing dust particle in my blog. kidding :D anyway, back to when i can recall, it really seems just like yesterday when i just disrupted from serving national service, heading back to nerdy life. sad to say, this memorable and fruitful year is coming to an end. i cant show how much appreciative i am towards those who have impacted my life throughout the year but, deep in my heart i would really like to say a big "THANKS". nevertheless, this year have been short, but sweet.
it may not be the best, but at the very least, these memories will be kept. im really thankful for God blessing me with nice souls in my life. all the friends i've made during the year. alright, enough of thanksgiving session. regarding prelim2, the result was disappointing, ADES. even though i know i didnt put much effort, but still... but it really serves as a wake up call, for me to mug even harder for As. i know time is running out, but im the guy who makes impossible possible after all. :) and i really hope to achieve straight As this time round, making no regrets. results aside, i really sincerely wish that the whole of b2, can get into uni together. lets all put in our best and may God bless us. this is the crucial period but please hang on. for faithless is he who gives up when the road darkens. if this really happen, i'll gladly be there to guide you with a lamp and light up the path again, my friends.
on a lighter note, i went to beijing for 8 days right after prelim. it was sweeeet, though most of the people in the tour are of the older generations, but humors never seems to be lacking from them. and i seriously enjoyed during the trip, all the sightseeing, climbing of great wall, touring around the forbidden city and all. however i didn get to buy much stuff, not to mention getting gifts for my friends, which im guilty about. anyway, i got my posting for national service again. on 21th dec, posted back to sispec. sigh, but its inevitable right, aint it. God pray my right hand can recover before im enlisted, because it hurts like hell now. sigh, i dont want to down pes and be non-combat fit. shucks.
all in all. for now, im going mia to mug like theres no tomorrow. so so so, take care my friends and those taking As and Os, all the best. sayonara! :D smile.
TianShui was here =D
@8:46 AM