Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Its been a few years.

I have been writing a talk for our church meeting.  And I went searching for a blog post a friend wrote years ago (like 6 years ago).  And its like connecting with an old friend.  I miss seeing pictures of my friends and their growing families. Feeling connected in more than 150 characters.

I have been working on myself lately.  I've been having a hard time with PPD this time around.  I think I'm through the worst of it, but I have bad days and weeks occasionally.  I have to really focus on getting enough sleep, eating healthy and getting some exercise.  And doing something else besides being a mom constantly. 

That something is the hard part. 

We have had a few years that have required so much.  Taking care of young kids, a young business, keeping house, doing everything for everybody and somehow I feel like I lost myself.

Someone asked me what I like to do when I don't have to "mom"  I honestly didn't know what to say.  There are things I use to like to do.  I don't do them anymore.  I don't know if I like to do them anymore.

Everything feels like a task.  Some days it is hard to enjoy getting through them.  If I don't get them done, I have a hard time getting to a point when I can unwind a little and focus on something I enjoy.

So I set myself a few goals. 
And the best way to be accountable to those goals is to send them out into the e-universe and pretend like someone is depending on me to do them.

I want to write more.  I use to love to write. About anything. Journaling, blogging, SEO, anything at all.  Just write.  To prove it, I bought my kids journals and we are journaling everyday for school. If they think they have to do it, then they will make me.

Also, Pictures.  I have a massive organize pictures and print photobooks project in my future.  We decluttered all the physical goods a person can possible afford to get rid of, its time to work on some digital clutter.   New computer, new habits for pictures, right? 

And that, my friends, rounds up today's blogging session.