Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello Third Trimester!

Hello! Third Trimester!

I'm glad you're finally here. It only took you about 28 weeks to get here!

I hope you don't overstay you're welcome. 12 weeks will be PLENTY long enough. But please stay at least 10.

I hope you're not too uncomfortable. Because I sure am.

Please keep your horomones under control. Raging horomones will be asked to leave. I don't need any breakdowns, breakthroughs or mood swings.

Please use the stretch marks from your last visit. I don't need any new ones, promise.

And Baby,

Please try not to kick or otherwise inflict pain on any vital organs. I know you think your quarters are small, but soon enough you'll have a big wide world to play in. Please enjoy your stay.

See you in about 12 weeks!

Love, Mom

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Camp Out!

We decided that since we are taking our first camping trip this summer, and it's going to be a long one, that we better have a trial run in the backyard.

Landen loved the idea of a tent. It was outside, and inside at the same time-- Trust me he said this over and over. He got a sleeping bag for his birthday (ok, a little early, but he needed it early) and he really likes it. He also got to take all his blankets

For some reason, he thought the tent was a bounce house at first. But the floor isn't as soft.

Dad pretending to sleep. Dad slept out with Landen. Mom slept in her bed. Michael said he got less sleep than Landen. Once Landen settled down and went to sleep he was fine. Which is what I suspected would happen.

Landen also got to play with his favorite 'not-toy' the flashlight. Why this is so fascinating and makes him so excited, I do not know.

Here's to some more camping and let's hope it's an enjoyable experience!

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Building a Bed

On our pre-vacation check list of things to do, was to graduate Landen from a crib to a big-boy bed. We figured it would be easier to take a sleeping bag than a playpen. Michael kept thinking it was going to be a diaster and I was putting it off because I was afraid I was going to lose the afternoon nap.

Landen impressed us both with his new freedom and after being growled at a few times for getting out of bed, he has decided it is best to stay in his bed when he is put down for a nap or for the night. We really only had one bad night on the second night and I think it was more from a nightmare than it was the new bed. Luckily, I haven't completely lost the nap, it's just a little more subjective.

Anyway, Michael decided he wanted to build Landen a bed instead of buy one, mostly because it would be cheaper. (It really wasn't cheaper..) While it isn't finished, he has been sleeping on his crib matress on the floor. Which works, because about half the time he rolls off. So, here Michael is cutting the 4x4 down.

And sanding down the tops and bottoms so it's flat. Now we're up to date on the project. Haha. We decided to finish it when we get back from vacation.

Landen can't help it. It's in his blood to be attracted to power tools and building things. So, he got the only piece of scrap wood and the tape measure, because that's as close to a power tool as mom would let him touch. He had so much fun watching and trying to help dad. Hopefully this will continue to make him excited about being a big boy.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our little Ham!

This is what you get, when your nearly-two year old decided he has an opinion about dressing himself.

The socks on his hands-- which could have their own blog post, so here's the short story: grandpa showed him that it was funny to put his socks on his hands and now he has to have them on all the time. It's all okay, it doesn't hurt anything it's just odd and looks like a cast.

In two short years, he has stollen our whole world. He has been our biggest blessing and our biggest challenge. Our schedules seem to revolve around him. Our moods seem to revolve around each other. I constantly am trying harder to be a better mother-- contemplating, researching, praying and seeking guidance for things and ways I should be teaching him. I worry about everything from how much and what eats to how many words he knows to whether or not he socializes with kids his own age enough.

It's simply amazing. The whole 23 pounds of him could so profoundly affect me. I love his little quirks-- how he has to spread his cars out along the couch, and part of the couch will not due, it must be the entire couch. His obssession with cars, trucks, cows, pigs, and dad. How he can pick up the sound of a dodge truck coming down the road and ignore the rest of them. His little skippy run when he gets excited. His pauses for dancing when he hears music. How he won't drink water from a sippy but loves it from a water bottle. How he needs all 5 of his favorite blankets to go to sleep.

I love his recent affections. Sometimes, he just comes over and gives me a kiss or a hug. It makes my heart melt. I never regret that he's changed our lives. I'm grateful he's here and I get to hear his laughter and enjoy his triumphs and weep when he struggles. He's growing up so much lately. I can hardly believe he's nearly 2. I can hardly believe he was just a small little baby once too.

I'm so glad he's mine while he's here and that he'll be with us forever.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Saturday, we went out to Steadmans' in Raft River for a ward activity.

Landen's favorite activity was not the water-tube slides. It wasn't the candy cannon. It wasn't the swings or watching dad on the zip line. Nor the teather ball or giant sandbox or the eating the grilled hotdogs. It was the trampoline.

But it wasn't jumping on the trampoline. It was running on the trampoline.

Don't we all wish for the days when the trampoline was so much fun!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our Indepedence Day

First, we went to the Parade. It was a little chilly, but it warmed up. Landen even managed to get a few pieces of candy.

Then we went to the park and rode the carousel. It was fun until it started to move, then Landen didn't like it anymore.

We stopped and visited the fire truck. Landen thought this was pretty cool. It was warm by then and Landen refused to take off his jacket. He has been very opposed to getting undressed lately.

After lunch and a nap, Landen took a 4-wheeler ride around the yard with Grandma.

Then we went to the rodeo. Landen loved seeing the sheep, cows and horses. He made sure to point them out to everyone. He managed to stay cheerful enough that I didn't take him home before the fireworks. He thought these were ultra-cool and wouldn't stop looking for them the whole walk to the car.

Sunday night, we watched the Pocatello fireworks from our backyard. They were pretty good too.

God Bless America.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

So, we all decided to go to the store last night. On our way there, our car started acting funny. When Michael moved anything on the dash, it would honk! As Michael pulled over, we realized the Hazards would also blink. As Michael gets out to look at the fuses, it stops. But he continues to check them.

As he is sticking his hand down to disconnect the horn, I have a genius idea to turn the car off and as I'm doing so it crosses my mind that maybe it has something to do with the remote. As he's touching the horn, it's going off pretty frequently.

Landen started to talk to me and I turned around to talk back. Guess who had the second the remote?

I hollared at Michael and I told I knew what was wrong. He looked very annoyed, because I'm laughing so hard I can barely get it out that Landen has the remote and keeps hitting the lock button.

Little Stinker. Always causing trouble!