Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Belong!

I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I know who I am, I know God's plan.  I'll follow him in faith.  I believe in the Savior Jesus Christ, I'll honor his name.  I'll do what is right, I'll follow his light.  His truth I will proclaim.

Trevan was baptised on December 17, 2011 by his dad.  He was so excited and nervous at the same time.  We are all so proud of him and the example he is setting.  Trevan is an amazing young boy and we can't wait to watch him grow and flourish in the Gospel.  fyi the next day during Sacrament meeting he actually sang the hymns, all 3 of them!  so cute!

Sunday Best

All dressed up for the Primary Program.

Mowing the lawn

This past fall we decided it was time for Mason to learn how to mow the lawn.  He had fun, but I think that is because it was not a "chore"  We will see how he feels about it next summer when it becomes his job!  (I still can't believe we were wearing shorts in October!)


 Kennedy started Kindergarten this year.  She had been looking forward to this day for so long.
 Waiting in line to go into her classroom.  Of course all the parents are there too!
 Already getting to work!
Three down one to go! 

First day of School

August 31, 2011.  First day of school for 3 big kids!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cake anyone?

Rylan's birthday cake. I cheated and just bought one from Sams Club. He didn't seem to mind though.
He wanted me to wipe his fingers off at first.

He decided it would be a better idea to just pick up the whole piece and eat it that way. Maybe in his one year old mind he figured it would be less messy:)

Once the frosting was smeared all over he started throwing the cake everywhere. The frosting was a hit, cake maybe not so much. Not a big shock coming from the baby who doesn't like the texture of bread!

Happy Birthday Rylan

One short year ago Rylan came into our family.

This is Rylan at two weeks old. Here he is on his birthday!

So much has changed over the last year. I am happy to not be sleep deprived anymore! Rylan is such a good baby. We are so blessed to have him in our family. I look forward to watching him grow and follow his big brothers and sister around. He is already such a copy-cat to them. He really loves having them home this summer.